Jobs, The Economy or "What's Wrong With These Robots?"

Let me repeat that: People who are unemployed don't buy stuff. Mull that over like a fine wine.

On the one hand they actually do buy a hell of a lot of stuff because of the generous handouts they get from Democrats anxious to keep them jobless on de plantation.

On the other, they to tend to buy less stuff because they get handed so much free (to them but not to the taxpayer) stuff.
You are arguing with a Luddite didn't your mommy warn you about that?
Dude, where on earth do you think those "handouts" come from?? TAXES from SALES of STUFF. If that supply [sales of stuff] runs out, what exactly do you think will happen to the handouts now artificially propping up your sales?

Prepare. For it is coming...

Wow, on your planet they don't have any INCOME TAX; only sales taxes?
VAT and inability to fire employees. In his continent of discourse, Europe, the argument makes sense in the shortrun.
Every nation is soon going to be using robots for the crappy positions. China will, India will, Most of Europe, etc.

Like I said earlier why not rethink something instead of trying to bow down to china. We didn't have this during the 20th century to take the human equation out of food production.
Every nation is soon going to be using robots for the crappy positions. China will, India will, Most of Europe, etc.

Like I said earlier why not rethink something instead of trying to bow down to china. We didn't have this during the 20th century to take the human equation out of food production.

Not just the crappy positions friend. The entire assembly line of auto manufacturing that used to be excellent paying skilled labor is now devoid of human beings. Check the OP photos for details..

I'll say it again, if people don't have jobs, they can't buy the stuff you make with your robots and want to sell.

Preschoolers could grasp that concept quicker...

However, there is a possible solution at least to freeing up part of the economic disaster, even if it isn't initially about replacing labor with robots:
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Every nation is soon going to be using robots for the crappy positions. China will, India will, Most of Europe, etc.

Like I said earlier why not rethink something instead of trying to bow down to china. We didn't have this during the 20th century to take the human equation out of food production.

Not just the crappy positions friend. The entire assembly line of auto manufacturing that used to be excellent paying skilled labor are now devoid of human beings.

I'll say it again, if people don't have jobs, they can't buy the stuff you make with your robots and want to sell.

Preschoolers could grasp that concept quicker...

However, there is a possible solution at least to freeing up part of the economic disaster, even if it isn't initially about replacing labor with robots:

Yes,no human beings are involved in making cars anymore.
I don't know whether to be more impressed by your lack of knowledge, your poor reasoning skills, or your inability to defend any statement you've ever made here.
We didn't have this during the 20th century to take the human equation out of food production.
Didn't have what? Efficiency? It is better to have 100x more people working to produce the same amount of food?

The United States had full employment as recently as 2007, are you thinking all these increases in productivity that took the human out of the equation happened over the last six years?
The entire assembly line of auto manufacturing that used to be excellent paying skilled labor is now devoid of human beings. Check the OP photos for details..
You just can't resist making ridiculous statements that are easily proven false, it seriously collapses your entire post when you do it.

A picture that shows only robots working in part of an auto manufacturing process isn't proof there are no human beings in the process, anymore than posting a picture of an empty street in Omaha means there are no humans in Omaha.

The picture you showed was from GWB's auto plant that opened in 2011 in Tianjin. While it is highly automated they do employ thousands in the manufacturing process, most of whom live in dormitories on-site.
The entire assembly line of auto manufacturing that used to be excellent paying skilled labor is now devoid of human beings. Check the OP photos for details..
You just can't resist making ridiculous statements that are easily proven false, it seriously collapses your entire post when you do it.

A picture that shows only robots working in part of an auto manufacturing process isn't proof there are no human beings in the process, anymore than posting a picture of an empty street in Omaha means there are no humans in Omaha.

The picture you showed was from GWB's auto plant that opened in 2011 in Tianjin. While it is highly automated they do employ thousands in the manufacturing process, most of whom live in dormitories on-site.

All those processes used to be done by humans, hundreds of them. Now there are zero.

When people don't have work they don't have money. When they don't have money, they can't buy the cars that were made by the robots that replaced their jobs.

Like I said, preschoolers could grasp the concept you are pretending to not understand...
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We didn't have this during the 20th century to take the human equation out of food production.
Didn't have what? Efficiency? It is better to have 100x more people working to produce the same amount of food?

The United States had full employment as recently as 2007, are you thinking all these increases in productivity that took the human out of the equation happened over the last six years?
Matthew is referring to the stoop labor that is being replaced by robots in labs so far here in the US. I think he is underweighting the non-robotic Agricultural automation hotspot in Denmark but your assumption has inverted his argument.
The entire assembly line of auto manufacturing that used to be excellent paying skilled labor is now devoid of human beings. Check the OP photos for details..
You just can't resist making ridiculous statements that are easily proven false, it seriously collapses your entire post when you do it.

A picture that shows only robots working in part of an auto manufacturing process isn't proof there are no human beings in the process, anymore than posting a picture of an empty street in Omaha means there are no humans in Omaha.

The picture you showed was from GWB's auto plant that opened in 2011 in Tianjin. While it is highly automated they do employ thousands in the manufacturing process, most of whom live in dormitories on-site.

All those processes used to be done by humans, hundreds of them. Now there are zero.

When people don't have work they don't have money. When they don't have money, they can't buy the cars that were made by the robots that replaced their jobs.

Like I said, preschoolers could grasp the concept you are pretending to not understand...
You understand you have not defended your position, right?
What happened to all those linotype operators? I guess they all starved to death.
You arent the most ignorant poster on here only because the bar is really really low.
All those processes used to be done by humans, hundreds of them. Now there are zero.
You said the entire auto manufacturing assembly line is devoid of humans. That is false, as there are thousands of manufacturing employees at the GWM Tianjin auto plant in your picture.

Is this how you go thru life, just making shit up and stating whatever pops into your head as fact?

Like I said, preschoolers could grasp the concept
Preschoolers can grasp the concept of make-believe, why don't you catch up?
Well, then why are your sales down?

You guys are such economic geniuses. Spin that fuzzy math. Tell me why sales are dropping if not from underemployment?
When people don't have work they don't have money. When they don't have money, they can't buy the cars that were made by the robots that replaced their jobs.
Yawn... 2013 was a huge year for auto sales in the US.

Someone needs to tell all the people automated out of existence that some internet poster says they can't afford to buy cars.
Well, then why are your sales down?

You guys are such economic geniuses. Spin that fuzzy math. Tell me why sales are dropping if not from underemployment?

That chart you supplied probably reflects the artificial money pumped into the economy that is going to end soon.

I'm telling you that when it does, your chart is going to have those lines going in the other direction. Maybe quite drastically. People who no longer get unemployment checks or government handouts from, ultimately, taxing your business to death are not going to be able to buy stuff from your business [that's being taxed to death to artificially inflate the economy].

That chart you supplied probably reflects the artificial money pumped into the economy that is going to end soon.

I'm telling you that when it does, your chart is going to have those lines going in the other direction. Maybe quite drastically. People who no longer get unemployment checks or government handouts from, ultimately, taxing your business to death are not going to be able to buy stuff from your business [that's being taxed to death to artificially inflate the economy].


Grasping at straws, I see? How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you spout stuff that is simply not true and easily disproved? They can't. No one could.
That chart you supplied probably reflects the artificial money pumped into the economy that is going to end soon.

Translation: reality doesn't match your arguments but your new position is it will someday therefore your speculative argument is validated. Nope.
That chart you supplied probably reflects the artificial money pumped into the economy that is going to end soon.

I'm telling you that when it does, your chart is going to have those lines going in the other direction. Maybe quite drastically. People who no longer get unemployment checks or government handouts from, ultimately, taxing your business to death are not going to be able to buy stuff from your business [that's being taxed to death to artificially inflate the economy].


Grasping at straws, I see? How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you spout stuff that is simply not true and easily disproved? They can't. No one could.

I see you haven't disproved it though. How convenient to your debating style. Try elementary school mathematics maybe.

"If Johnny has no money, how many apples can Johnny buy from Susie's apple business she harvested with automated harvesters?"

And later..

"If the government taxes Susie's apple business to pay for handouts for Johnny, and there are millions more Johnnys joining his ranks every year, how much longer can this artificial economy last"?
Well, then why are your sales down?

You guys are such economic geniuses. Spin that fuzzy math. Tell me why sales are dropping if not from underemployment?


In terms of cars, almost everyone in my community leases their vehicles.
However, Auto Insurance is through the roof.

The takeover of NJPSEG from LIPA has lowered my monthly Electric Bill from $290.00 to $190.00; yeah, we were being ripped off by LIPA.

For the most part, we are going to slowly but surely go through a game of chicken with Product prices until they start to lower.

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