Job too big for the feds alone.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Immigration enforcement is a job too big for the federal gov’t alone and 20 million illegals in this country is proof and that the federal gov’t need the help of State and Local Officials to assist them and is recognized by the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act when it was signed into law giving state and local officials the authority to arrest suspected Illegal Aliens, turn them over to ICE for detainment and deportation yet there are way too few ICE agents to process Illegal Aliens for deportation so they are advised by the federal gov’t to release those that are have not been convicted of violent crimes. Resulting in 20 million still here and a broken immigration system which need to be fixed by more ICE agents and not amnesty or a path to citizenship which we cannot afford. We cannot afford not to enforce our immigration laws with more ICE agents and the assistance of state and local officials. The U.S. Government owes it to the American people to enforce all our laws and immigration laws as a priority. Lack of enforcement is a slap in the face of Americans and our Government must be held accountable. Dereliction of duty. Deliberate neglect of duty or obligations. Lack of enforcement have led to militia groups taking immigration enforcement in their own hands.

Arizona, Alabama immigration laws are not anti-immigrant or anti-Latino but anti-illegal immigration and it just a fact that 99% of Illegal Aliens in Arizona are Latino. Arizona has been a war zone for decades and the feds have done absolutely nothing. Drug cartels are setting up camp in Arizona. Those that passed this laws do not hate Latinos but love their country and Americans. If we did not have illegal immigration we would not have any Illegal Alien crime…… We cannot have one without the other. Try separating hard working Illegal Aliens and criminal Illegal Aliens and it is impossible to do because they are a family unit and criminals take cover under their law abiding families. “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel.”

If jobs are the most important thing to Americans then immigration enforcement must be a priority because it would release millions of jobs for unemployment Americans. When Alabama immigration law went in to effect and illegals left and unemployment dropped. Even though some businesses chose to close instead of replacing their work force with Americans. Their lost and they are not welcome anyway if they cannot hire Americans.

Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)
I'm all for getting the states involved but actually the feds could end illegal immigration very easily if they would just remove the incentives for these parasites to invade america.

1. End birthright citizenship

2.. Deny all govt benefits to illegals especially free health care at
ERs and free school for illegal kids

3. Mandate e-verify for all jobs.

Do those three things and most of these parasites will self-deport.
I'm all for getting the states involved but actually the feds could end illegal immigration very easily if they would just remove the incentives for these parasites to invade america.

1. End birthright citizenship

2.. Deny all govt benefits to illegals especially free health care at
ERs and free school for illegal kids

3. Mandate e-verify for all jobs.

Do those three things and most of these parasites will self-deport.

Besides the fact that there is no such thing as "illegal immigration." your ideas are more socialist pandering over a race issue.

1) There are only two ways to end "birthright citizenship:"
Amend the Constitution
Pass a Guest Worker program with no path to automatic citizenship

Since you couldn't even keep a foreign born rabble rouser out of the White House, you're not likely to get the requisite votes it takes to amend the Constitution

2) Undocumented foreigners have not been eligible for entitlements since 1996. Wake the hell up and get caught up with us in the 21st century. Waging wars against children is about the most pathetic thing I've ever heard

3) Screw you and E Verify. I'm not a National Socialist and I worked hard against your Hitler inspired National ID on steroids.

You keep calling people parasites and you know I wonder if there is a word in the English dictionary that fits people that are as unintelligent as you. Wake the hell up. NOBODY died and made you God. Some Americans invite the foreigner here. You might not like it and you may not agree with it, but they have just as many Rights as anyone out there. What's more, they use avenues of redress that you just might need one day should the government try and deny you your unalienable Rights.

Virtually every study, whether government or private concludes that undocumented workers do not end up costing us money. They pay as much in taxes as they take in services. Furthermore, they create jobs.

Finally, jobs belong to the employer that creates them. The jobs aren't "our" jobs. The jobs belong to the employer that creates them. Nobody can take or "steal" the jobs. This is NOT Nazi Germany and you guys need to wake up and understand that.

You can engage in all the mental masturbation you like, but reality says you cannot prohibit immigration. In order to "fix" immigration, you've got to figure out what the actual issue is. The biggest issue is the National Socialists among us, attempting to deny to their fellow man their unalienable Rights. Create a proper path, close the books on the issue and get that POLICE STATE out of your heads.
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I'm sitting back watching this country be destroyed by all the bleeding heary liberals. I will look forward to the day when they cry tears of blood for having done their job well. Will look forward also to see the hollywoodites do the same. Obama and his hoods will have done the job well. Have a great life.
I'm sitting back watching this country be destroyed by all the bleeding heary liberals. I will look forward to the day when they cry tears of blood for having done their job well. Will look forward also to see the hollywoodites do the same. Obama and his hoods will have done the job well. Have a great life.

I came here, hoping to find some kind of intelligent dialogue. What we find on this particular forum are a few misfits, such as yourself, that blow smoke and attribute your failures to "liberals."

Let me make this point abundantly clear. I don't vote for Democrats. The last person whose campaign I worked for was a conservative Congressman whose platform is exactly like Ron Paul's. He is Rep. Paul Broun from Georgia.

Not even on the issue of immigration can you label me a "liberal." George W. Bush not only granted an immigration amnesty, but promoted a Guest Worker program. Ronald Reagan granted an immigration amnesty. Mitt Romney is already talking Dream Act.

Most business leaders are telling the anti - immigrant lobby / National Socialists what they want to hear because they realize that most of you have no economic sense. Immigration and the use of Guest Workers is not a liberal v. conservative issue. It's an issue of RIGHT VERSUS WRONG.

The Declaration of Independence states (in part):

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

The Declaration of Independence is a part of our law; it is at the head of the United States Code; it's been cited as authority in the courts (including the United States Supreme Court) over a hundred times

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Is the Declaration of Independence "Law?"

Rights are bestowed upon us by our Creator (our God, whomever that may be.) Rights are unalienable. Unalienable Rights cannot be bought, sold, given by mortal man nor taken away - except upon a conviction for an actual crime. Exercising your liberty cannot be converted into a crime. Liberty is the " state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life."

Who an employer chooses to hire is their business. Who you and I choose to do business with is our own personal business. Government is free to regulate immigration; however, they cannot prohibit it.

What's being discussed here is people wanting to criminalize liberty and turn America into a socialist sh!+hole with the same laws found in dictatorships. And you have the audacity to call others a liberal??? Adding insult to injury, your side talks out both sides of their mouths.

You're all for this "legal" immigration line, but the only way into the United States for the people you have an obsession over don't want to become citizens. They want to be Guest Workers. You would force people to become citizens? That kind of negates your own by-line in your posts, don't it? You call me the liberal?

Forcing people that you have made false accusations against to become citizens isn't exactly the most conservative thing I can think of. Imagine the retribution those people would exact if they had the requisite votes!

I'm not advocating citizenship. I'm advocating people retain their Liberties and work / travel / do business as regulated Guest Workers. I know that don't set well with you because you genuinely feel that business owes you a job. Well, when the government controls labor and production (guaranteeing you a job at the expense of the employer's rights) that is a liberal position. It's textbook socialism.

If it makes you feel good to call people names, you have a right to be wrong. Calling people that exercise guaranteed Liberties the L word is inaccurate and dishonest.
1) There are only two ways to end "birthright citizenship:"
Amend the Constitution
Pass a Guest Worker program with no path to automatic citizenship

Wrong. There are many other ways. Oboozo could end birthright citizenship all by himself if he announced that all illegal women who give birth in america will be immediately deported.
1) There are only two ways to end "birthright citizenship:"
Amend the Constitution
Pass a Guest Worker program with no path to automatic citizenship

Wrong. There are many other ways. Oboozo could end birthright citizenship all by himself if he announced that all illegal women who give birth in america will be immediately deported.

Let me guess: you failed civics in school?

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