Jesus was a liberal? & Thou Shalt Not Kill

Originally posted by Jackass
So would you eat Jim's meat???

I hopped on the board and read updates at 5:30 before having my coffee. In such a lethargic state I still managed to laugh my ass of when I read this!

What if I said it's more like a vegetable? I'm thinking large cucumber!
Your nasty guys! heheheh! but, if a plant, you can think of it as a Jade, the Jade is supposed to bring good luck, so eat lots of it then.
hahahah, thanks eric, you might like that, but I am sure Spirit won't! :)
Spirit_soul..instead of attacking my intellect, how about just answering the question. Do you eat fish, cheese, eggs, yogurt, ice cream or butter?
Originally posted by Jackass
Spirit_soul..instead of attacking my intellect, how about just answering the question. Do you eat fish, cheese, eggs, yogurt, ice cream or butter?

No, I do not usually eat them or try to eat them. I only eat them when I have to eat them, which would be going to a religious institution and carrying out my religious duties.

hy do you keep asking me this? I said even though I like them, I try not to eat them.
Originally posted by eric
It's funny how you feel so strongly towards animals yet in our discussions about abortion you did not show the same compassion for the unborn...

Sorry about the lecturing thats my fault.

Abortion is completely a different issue altogether and there are many factors involved, abortion is wrong, but sometimes it is necessary.

lol, I need to get up from this computer and leave... bye!
I said even though I like them, I try not to eat them.

TRY not to eat them? As if only doing it occasionally will make it right? Where do you think butter, cheese, yogurt & ice cream get their major ingredients from?

This is like other vegetarians I know who actually protest meat eating while wearing their fur coats and leather belts!
Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
Oh please do not say it is a lifestyle choice, that is totally incorrect. A person never chooses to be gay, He/she is made gay.

It is common sense that no one chooses to be an object of harrassment and discrimination. To say that one does so would be completely idiotic.

I've been reading thru this thread, trying my best not to bring back past sub-topics within this thread, but I absolutley could not let this slide w/o throwing in my $.02...I'm self-control went out the window and it just felt good to reply to this. THus, I abandoned all instance of care and responsibility, instead choosing to give over to my desires.

That's why people are gay. ;)

There exists NO scientific evidence, or biological evidence which supports your claims about homosexuality being 'born' into somebody. None. But since there IS none, you choose to say "I have to believe these ppl are BORN this way, because NOBODY would CHOOSE it". That is really poor logic. Crack Whores CHOOSE to be crack whores because of their addiction to Crack. They start to desire, love Crack more than anything, and it consumes them. They Love 'Crack'.

I know why men choose to be Gay: They love 'Cock'.

Women choose to be gay: The average Man is an ass. :)

Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
? I said even though I like them, I try not to eat them.

Somebody once said:

"I'm not a vegitarian because I love animals, it's because I REALLY hate vegitables."

Originally posted by dmp
I've been reading thru this thread, trying my best not to bring back past sub-topics within this thread, but I absolutley could not let this slide w/o throwing in my $.02...I'm self-control went out the window and it just felt good to reply to this. THus, I abandoned all instance of care and responsibility, instead choosing to give over to my desires.

That's why people are gay. ;)

There exists NO scientific evidence, or biological evidence which supports your claims about homosexuality being 'born' into somebody. None. But since there IS none, you choose to say "I have to believe these ppl are BORN this way, because NOBODY would CHOOSE it". That is really poor logic. Crack Whores CHOOSE to be crack whores because of their addiction to Crack. They start to desire, love Crack more than anything, and it consumes them. They Love 'Crack'.

I know why men choose to be Gay: They love 'Cock'.

Women choose to be gay: The average Man is an ass. :)


TRY not to eat them? As if only doing it occasionally will make it right? Where do you think butter, cheese, yogurt & ice cream get their major ingredients from?

This is like other vegetarians I know who actually protest meat eating while wearing their fur coats and leather belts!

When I say try, I mean 99.9 percent of the time, I don't eat such products.

I normally chose not to eat them, but when I go to a temple and if something that was placed before God was given to me, then I would.

There is a difference...
Originally posted by dmp
Somebody once said:

"I'm not a vegitarian because I love animals, it's because I REALLY hate vegitables."


I guess you find humor in it, but the images that run through the mind as you say it really sick by my view.

The orientation of the mind in that case revolves only around the person only. There is no caring for what happens to other beings.
Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
I guess you find humor in it, but the images that run through the mind as you say it really sick by my view.

The orientation of the mind in that case revolves only around the person only. There is no caring for what happens to other beings.

The images of people Consuming vegitables because they hate them?
Originally posted by Spirit_Soul
When I say try, I mean 99.9 percent of the time, I don't eat such products.

I normally chose not to eat them, but when I go to a temple and if something that was placed before God was given to me, then I would.

There is a difference...

Whats the difference?? This is ridiculous!! Its ok to eat an animal if it is placed before God?? Arent we ALL (including animals) placed before God?? Does them getting placed before God help ease their suffering when they are kept in cages and not able to move?? Does it ease their suffering when the slaughter house slits their throat? If it "ok" to eat them in front of God...then isnt it alright to eat them all the time??

I dont see any difference at all!!

I keep asking this question because I wanted to see if you were a hypocrit, like most vegans...and I see you are.
Originally posted by Jackass
Whats the difference?? This is ridiculous!! Its ok to eat an animal if it is placed before God?? Arent we ALL (including animals) placed before God?? Does them getting placed before God help ease their suffering when they are kept in cages and not able to move?? Does it ease their suffering when the slaughter house slits their throat? If it "ok" to eat them in front of God...then isnt it alright to eat them all the time??

I dont see any difference at all!!

I keep asking this question because I wanted to see if you were a hypocrit, like most vegans...and I see you are.

Dear Jackass, there is a big difference. They never serve an animal to God in any temple (especially a krishna temple) I am sure they don't serve an animal in Church either, doing so in a temple is an offense and saying that they serve too is an offense.

I was talking about why I eat butter/milk/any other dairy product mixed "prasadam" of God when I go to the temple.

I do not have to explain why to you, but if you want me to, I will.
I am not a hypocrite, it is actually funny when you say that.

I was not going to tell you the reason but I have some free time on my schedule so why not.

In hindu philosophy, especially hare krishna philosophy, I am a servant of God and I do whatever pleases him.

Symbolically, it pleases God if I eat his prasadham. So, I eat his prasadham.

You may celebrate about how you found hypocrisy in my arguements but thats not possible and I can say it with total confidence.
So if it pleases God that you eat his prasadham, then eating animals cant be all that immoral is it?? Cause if it was..God wouldnt have that as his prasadham would he?? Case closed I say!
Originally posted by Jackass
So if it pleases God that you eat his prasadham, then eating animals cant be all that immoral is it?? Cause if it was..God wouldnt have that as his prasadham would he?? Case closed I say!


Please read my post properly, so that you can see that prasadham does not "contain any meat" . Prasadham usually does not contain dairy products either, but once in a while if they cook some type of rice cake for God which includes adding milk, then I eat it, because it is spiritual and eating it will please him and it is said that the milk that comes from the animal will make the animal get salvation.

How did you conclude that a cow , goat or something else dies when you milk it? if that were so , then no one would give birth to a child or breast feed their child because they will die if they do!
How about you reread MY post and find out where I said it contains meat???
Your whole argument about eating animals...and drinking "slave milk"...oh said it..was that the animals are tortured and is immoral. If God thought it was immoral to drink or eat "slave milk" then why would he allow it in his prasadham??

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