Jesus and football


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
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Hating Hatters
At the end of yesterday's game (Gators vs. Bama) Tim Tebow thanked his lord and savior Jesus Christ. I'm really happy the Gators won but I thought him saying that was pretty silly. Does Jesus really care about football? And is Jesus really responsible for anything good that happens to us...if so, does that mean it is His fault when anything bad happens to us?

At the end of yesterday's game (Gators vs. Bama) Tim Tebow thanked his lord and savior Jesus Christ. I'm really happy the Gators won but I thought him saying that was pretty silly. Does Jesus really care about football?
I doubt Jesus/Yahushua could care less about the footbal game itself. That does not say He does not care about those individuals who are willing to praise and thank Him in all things.

And is Jesus really responsible for anything good that happens to us...if so, does that mean it is His fault when anything bad happens to us?


That is a question each and everyone will have to discern for themselves on a personal level. I can testify that for me personally god has answered all my prayers. They might not all be answered to the timing that my flesh being would like to see it but that is not up to me, it is up to God.

As far as bad things go. We each have certain obligations period. We can suffer from personal choices or we can learn from the situations presented to us and press forward.
At the end of yesterday's game (Gators vs. Bama) Tim Tebow thanked his lord and savior Jesus Christ. I'm really happy the Gators won but I thought him saying that was pretty silly. Does Jesus really care about football? And is Jesus really responsible for anything good that happens to us...if so, does that mean it is His fault when anything bad happens to us?


if jesus cared about football, alabama would have won.

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