Jerry Nadler Runs Defense for Google Without Disclosing Company Was His Top Campaign Donor


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Jerry Nadler Runs Defense for Google Without Disclosing Company Was His Top Campaign Donor
House Judiciary Committee ranking member Jerry Nadler (D-NY) delivered a sharp rebuke of Republican accusations of Google’s political bias affecting its search engines on Tuesday; although, according to the Open Secrets donor database, Nadler’s top donor was Google.... Rep. Nadler delivered a scathing rebuke of Republicans who have alleged Google has biased its search engine against conservative and alternative voices during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Monday with Google CEO Sundar Pichai…. “I must first dispense with a completely illegitimate issue, which is the fantasy, dreamed up by some conservatives, that Google and other online platforms have an anti-conservative bias,” Nadler said in his opening remarks on Monday.

Hmm....., a Democrat that's less than honest about something? Wow, who saw that coming?
Google is a private company and they can be as biased as they want. But given their near monopolistic market position, the government should require full disclosure of the search bias. This guy is obviously not telling the full truth.
See Marsh v. Alabama-1946. If Google and the rest of the biased Social Media are not the modern version of Company Town, then I don't know what is? If the courts can find Birth Right Citizenship in the 14th Amendment, they should be able to find First Amendment protections on Social Media too. Therefore, Google may be analogized to a company town, similar trappings of "Robber Baron" monopoly power. With Netscape, Explorer, CompuServe (?) out of the way, can Yahoo's exit be far off? Treat Google as government enterprise, subject to Freedom of Information acts? Or, treat like public utility, subject to "public service commission"- type oversight? Why not?
ITMT, perhaps Jerry needs to be investigated for campaign donation violations. Just like he wants to do to trump.​

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