Jeffrey Dean Morgan Apology

I'm not entirely sure why he apologized.

His character on Walking Dead will be popular no matter what. In fact, that might add to the "hate" factor, although, I do love his character on Walking Dead!

Should he have?
That would depend on whether he's genuinely sorry for having said it in the first place.

Should he have deleted it merely because it may to him obtain the rancor and/or disapprobation of others? No.
  • Did he honest not at the time sincerely mean what he said? I suspect not.
  • Is what he wrote not fully expositive regarding what he thought at the time? Perhaps not, but he should have shown the prudence and taken the time to fully express himself, in all contexts, so that his meaning might could not be misconstrued.
  • Has he changed his mind about what he thinks? I don't know. If he has, integrity calls for him to own the original statement, declare that he's changed his mind, and issue a new statement, that is assuming it's something on which he should opine or that he feels he must so do.
At this point, the damage, if there was any, is done.
I'm surprised he put it up at all.

One wrong word or phrase or post or tweet can fucking ruin you.

America, 2017.
One wrong word or phrase or post or tweet can fucking ruin you.

Well, now....Isn't the problem that few if any complicated matters are well addressed in the space of a tweet. On-hundred forty characters is, in most instances and for people whose scope of thoughts and emotions transcend those of simpleton, too short; thus, if tweeting is one's only way of widely disseminating one's thoughts, saying nothing is the wiser course of action.
I'm not entirely sure why he apologized.

His character on Walking Dead will be popular no matter what. In fact, that might add to the "hate" factor, although, I do love his character on Walking Dead!

Didn't know who the guy was/is. Now I know why.
Should Jeffrey Dean Morgan have apologized?

Jeffrey Dean Morgan deletes post defending Blue Lives Matter

Here is his quote:

"Dear a-holes," said the actor in his since-deleted social media post. "Blue lives do matter. Can't believe I need to explain to you this fact. All lives matter. All of em."

He did apologize and removed this quote.

Should he have?

Nope because most of those complaining are assholes the left things everyone is offending them personally they are mentally clipped. I wouldn't have said shit to the pussy bastards assholes.
I find it terribly dismaying that anyone felt he said anything wrong to begin with.
We now find ourselves in times where someone actually feels they must apologize for daring to say cops lives matter. All lives matter. What a sick society.
He probably apologized because black mobs threatened to shut down filming. They film in Georgia, not on some soundstage.
Crying liberals need to apologize for trying to ruin anyone who disagrees with their stupid ass.
I'm not entirely sure why he apologized.

His character on Walking Dead will be popular no matter what. In fact, that might add to the "hate" factor, although, I do love his character on Walking Dead!

Didn't know who the guy was/is. Now I know why.
He's been in other things too. Both tv and movies
I'm not entirely sure why he apologized.

His character on Walking Dead will be popular no matter what. In fact, that might add to the "hate" factor, although, I do love his character on Walking Dead!

I fantasize about putting a few rounds through his skull, lol.
I'm not entirely sure why he apologized.

His character on Walking Dead will be popular no matter what. In fact, that might add to the "hate" factor, although, I do love his character on Walking Dead!

Didn't know who the guy was/is. Now I know why.

I love the walking dead.

And if I were a lil younger and a bunch not married, I'd ride that fella like a rodeo champion.

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