Jayne Bond In 'No Time To Dysphoria'


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The West has gone totally mad.

Richard Moore serves as chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). And it turns out that his codename “C” stands for “cis.” Because Moore, though not transgender himself, has decided that MI6 must—for England to survive—devote itself to the tranny cause. Last week Moore hoisted the “transgender flag” (the “Union Jacqueline”) over MI6 headquarters. As reported in The Sunday Times:
Faced with evolving threats from China, Russia and Iran, Moore stressed that a diverse pool of talent strengthened the security services. “We’re proud of our trans and non-binary colleagues and committed to providing an inclusive workplace where you can be your true self,” Moore, 57, said. “Diversity makes us more effective, inclusion makes us stronger.”
Yes, “faced with evolving threats” from two superpowers where the leaders firmly understand that men are not women, “C” has decided that the best counter-maneuver is to chock his intelligence agency full of mentally unstable man-woman-things who wage war not against enemies of the Crown, but enemies of men in a gown.
That’ll show the foes of democracy! Nothing defeats a Novichok-wielding Russian assassin more effectively than shouting “CALL ME MA’AM!” (after all, Novichok is a “binary” chemical weapon. So by definition it can be defeated by those who reject all that is binary).
On the other hand, to be fair, it might not hurt MI6 to encourage the recruitment of androgynous males to counter the Chinese, who, being just barely dimorphic themselves, have an obvious edge in the gender-bender arms race.
The good people of England can sleep soundly tonight, knowing that their freedoms are being protected by people who, when not engaging in espionage, are lopping off various body parts and injecting chemicals to create artificial hormonal changes.
The new James Bonds take their martinis neither shaken nor stirred, but transduced.

Richard Moore serves as chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). And it turns out that his codename “C” stands for “cis.” Because Moore, though not transgender himself, has decided that MI6 must—for England to survive—devote itself to the tranny cause. Last week Moore hoisted the “transgender flag” (the “Union Jacqueline”) over MI6 headquarters. As reported in The Sunday Times:

didnt they start a few years ago having him say a beer instead of a martini

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