Zone1 Jared Taylor, On Orientals

If I lived next to a crazy person who wanted to kill me because the voices in his head told him to, I WOULD MOVE. That would be the smart thing to do.
If I could prove that he wanted to kill me I could call the police. That, in essence is what the Israelis have don with the United states. I would also learn to defend myself, The Israelis have don that too.
Yeah, when you say something like that to an Asian woman, the first thing that goes through her mind is "Oh, shit. I've got another freak with a Yellow Fever fetish."
What do you call the oriental girls that are with them?
If I could prove that he wanted to kill me I could call the police. That, in essence is what the Israelis have don with the United states. I would also learn to defend myself, The Israelis have don that too.

Wow, talk about your bad analogy. The police would probably tell you to move. They wouldn't arrest them for wanting to kill you.

Yes, the Zionists are defending themselves against all those babies they are slaughtering. Good work. That will make the world love you.

What do you call the oriental girls that are with them?

Well, I wouldn't call them "Oriental", to start with.
Wow, talk about your bad analogy. The police would probably tell you to move. They wouldn't arrest them for wanting to kill you.

Yes, the Zionists are defending themselves against all those babies they are slaughtering. Good work. That will make the world love you.

Well, I wouldn't call them "Oriental", to start with.
Ok, what do you call the asian girls that are with the yellow fever-ridden white guy?
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. ....
NO he isn't. A "freedom fighter" doesn't attack, specifically and exclusively, civilians without warning, raping and slaughtering women, children, and babies, taking the few survivors as hostages. That's what a TERRORIST does. What a shameless, immoral, fucking scumbag bigot does is play the apologist for such TERRORISTS because they happen to adhere to a religion you hate.
I doubt it was thousands. Ten to twenty would be a more reasonable number.

I have never known an Oriental I did not like. When I told an Oriental woman I was dating, "I prefer Oriental women," she did not get angry at me.

She smiled and said, "You think we rare much more wonderful."

I first learned that Oriental girls existed when I was six or seven. I remember thinking, "Some white girls are pretty. Some are not. All Oriental girls are pretty."

Professor J. Philippe Rushton explained why Oriental women are so delightful in his essay, "Race Evolution, and Behavior." They have less testosterone than white women, who have much less than black women.

Professor Rushton explains that in my review of his essay and book by the same name.

Dont tell JoeB131 because he seems to think he cornered the market on sexy oriental women, but I had yellow fever before anyone ever heard the word

And I wouldnt have it any other way

However its not a ride for the faint hearted
Wow, talk about your bad analogy. The police would probably tell you to move. They wouldn't arrest them for wanting to kill you.
If the police told me to move because my next door neighbor has threatened to kill me, the police are not doing their job.


1. Threatening to kill or seriously injure someone else

You cannot threaten to kill or inflict “great bodily harm” on someone else...

3. The recipient is placed in a state of reasonably sustained fear for their safety

In order to prove this element of the crime, the prosecutor will have to show:

  1. The recipient was actually fearful,
  2. The fear was reasonable,
  3. The fear was sustained.

4. The threat is “unequivocal, unconditional, immediate and specific.”

The fourth element of 422 PC specifies that the threat has to be “so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution.”...

Penalties for making criminal threats

Criminal threats are treated as a “wobbler,” meaning that they can be prosecuted either as a misdemeanor or felony, based on the facts of the case and the criminal history of the defendant.

As a misdemeanor, it’s punishable by:

  • Up to one year in county jail
  • $1,000 in fines
As a felony, the penalties increase substantially:

  • Up to three years in California state prison
  • $10,000 in fines in court.-,Penalties for making criminal threats,one year in county jail



Because a Hamas Leader said this publicly, I would say it is a very good analogy.

I would say further that the Israelis should not move. The Palestinians should move, or be moved.
NO he isn't. A "freedom fighter" doesn't attack, specifically and exclusively, civilians without warning, raping and slaughtering women, children, and babies, taking the few survivors as hostages. That's what a TERRORIST does. What a shameless, immoral, fucking scumbag bigot does is play the apologist for such TERRORISTS because they happen to adhere to a religion you hate.

Again, you stupid, stupid man, you are making my point.

We bombed the shit out of German and Japanese civilians during WWII. OR Vietnam. Or Iraq. We inflicted far more misery on our enemies than the 10-7 terrorists ever did.

There's a great movie called "The Battle of Algiers", where at one point, the French have captured a rebel leader and they ask him why they put bombs in women's baskets, and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We would happily trade our baskets for your planes."

The Zionists have slaughtered at least 13,000 children since their pointless war on Gaza began. Does that make them terrorists?

If the police told me to move because my next door neighbor has threatened to kill me, the police are not doing their job.

Yeah, but don't expect them to do that much. The police are under no obligation to protect your life.

Because a Hamas Leader said this publicly, I would say it is a very good analogy.

I would say further that the Israelis should not move. The Palestinians should move, or be moved.

Sounds like it's a pretty stupid reason to live there, then. But then again, the Jews piss people off no matter where they go, that's the point. Why are they in Israel now? They had no interest in returning there until Hitler did his thing.

So they go in, steal someone else's land, kill their loved ones and they are wondering why they want to kill them? Really?

I'd be more surprised if they didn't.

The only way the Israelis could "move" the Palestinians would be to ethnically cleanse them, and even the US wouldn't defend them after that.
Sounds like it's a pretty stupid reason to live there, then. But then again, the Jews piss people off no matter where they go, that's the point. Why are they in Israel now? They had no interest in returning there until Hitler did his thing.
Zionism (/ˈzaɪəˌnɪzəm/; Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsīyyonūt, [tsijoˈnut]; derived from Zion) is a nationalist[fn 1] movement that emerged in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine,[3][4][5][6][7] a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition.[8][9][10][11] Following the establishment of the modern state of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports the development and protection of the State of Israel as a Jewish state.[12][13]

Zionism initially emerged in Central and Eastern Europe as a national revival movement in the late 19th century, both in reaction to newer waves of antisemitism and as a consequence of Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment.[14][15][16] Soon after this, most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired homeland in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman Empire.[17][18][19] This process was seen by the Zionist Movement as an "ingathering of exiles" (kibbutz galuyot), an effort to put a stop to the exoduses and persecutions that have marked Jewish history by bringing the Jewish people back to their historic homeland.[20]

From 1897 to 1948, the primary goal of the Zionist Movement was to establish the basis for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and thereafter to consolidate it. In a unique variation of the principle of self-determination,[21] the Lovers of Zion united in 1884 and in 1897 the first Zionist congress was organized. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a large number of Jews immigrated to first Ottoman and later Mandatory Palestine, and at the same time, diplomatic attempts were made to gain worldwide recognition and support. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism has continued primarily to advocate on behalf of Israel and to address threats to its continued existence and security.


JoeB131, you claim to be a history major. You should know that the Zionist movement existed long before the Nazi movement.

Jews are disliked by those who cannot compete with them.
Zionism (/ˈzaɪəˌnɪzəm/; Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsīyyonūt, [tsijoˈnut]; derived from Zion) is a nationalist[fn 1] movement that emerged in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine,[3][4][5][6][7] a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition.[8][9][10][11] Following the establishment of the modern state of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports the development and protection of the State of Israel as a Jewish state.[12][13]

Zionism initially emerged in Central and Eastern Europe as a national revival movement in the late 19th century, both in reaction to newer waves of antisemitism and as a consequence of Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment.[14][15][16] Soon after this, most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired homeland in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman Empire.[17][18][19] This process was seen by the Zionist Movement as an "ingathering of exiles" (kibbutz galuyot), an effort to put a stop to the exoduses and persecutions that have marked Jewish history by bringing the Jewish people back to their historic homeland.[20]

From 1897 to 1948, the primary goal of the Zionist Movement was to establish the basis for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and thereafter to consolidate it. In a unique variation of the principle of self-determination,[21] the Lovers of Zion united in 1884 and in 1897 the first Zionist congress was organized. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a large number of Jews immigrated to first Ottoman and later Mandatory Palestine, and at the same time, diplomatic attempts were made to gain worldwide recognition and support. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism has continued primarily to advocate on behalf of Israel and to address threats to its continued existence and security.


JoeB131, you claim to be a history major. You should know that the Zionist movement existed long before the Nazi movement.

Jews are disliked by those who cannot compete with them.
There is no reasoning with a hateful bigot.
Again, you stupid, stupid man, you are making my point.

We bombed the shit out of German and Japanese civilians during WWII. OR Vietnam. Or Iraq. We inflicted far more misery on our enemies than the 10-7 terrorists ever did.

There's a great movie called "The Battle of Algiers", where at one point, the French have captured a rebel leader and they ask him why they put bombs in women's baskets, and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We would happily trade our baskets for your planes."

The Zionists have slaughtered at least 13,000 children since their pointless war on Gaza began. Does that make them terrorists?

Yeah, but don't expect them to do that much. The police are under no obligation to protect your life.

Sounds like it's a pretty stupid reason to live there, then. But then again, the Jews piss people off no matter where they go, that's the point. Why are they in Israel now? They had no interest in returning there until Hitler did his thing.

So they go in, steal someone else's land, kill their loved ones and they are wondering why they want to kill them? Really?

I'd be more surprised if they didn't.

The only way the Israelis could "move" the Palestinians would be to ethnically cleanse them, and even the US wouldn't defend them after that.
The Germans and Japanese started the bombing of civilians years before the U.S. entered the war. Both deliberately targeted civilians in defenseless cities with the sole objective of causing terror.
JoeB131, you claim to be a history major. You should know that the Zionist movement existed long before the Nazi movement.

Jews are disliked by those who cannot compete with them.

Uh, but here's the thing. The Jews of Europe had no real interest in going there. Zionism is was a fringe movement until 1945. By the time the British stole Palestine from the Ottomans (after lying to the Arabs about giving them their own countries) Only 94,000 Jews had moved there. By 1931, after a decade of the British encouraging resettlement (Colonization by proxy), only 175,000 Jews had relocated there (compared to 760,000 Muslims). The rest of the Jews of Europe were happy to live in Europe, cheating the goyim at every opportunity. Until Hitler did his thing, anyway.

The ironic thing was Hitler's first go to was to send all Europe's Jews to Palestine. The British refused because they were starting to realize that Zionism was a terrible idea.

Even in 1947, when the war broke out, Jews were STILL a minority in Palestine, with 630,000 Jews compared to 1,181,000 Muslims.

Okinawa is part of Japan, idiot.
Only since 1879. before that they had their own government and their own culture.

I agree, but Okinawans are not ethnic Japanese.
Shhh.. Dripping Poop knows everything. (Just for fun, Google his screen name. Don't click on the image search.)

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