Japan warns of cardiac health risks from COVID vaccines

Because a manufactured virus is different from a natural one. Pmus, if it is manufactured you can create a vaccine much easier without resorting to experimental genetic modifying ones.
It is true a manufactured virus is different than one that has has evolved due to natural selections. The SAR-Cov-2 virus is a product of natural selection and simple could not be produced in a Lab. Scientist have focused on the spike protein which evolved and was not produced in a lab. There is no scientific evidence that supports the claim that SAR-Cov-2 was manufactured in a lab, yet the myth survives.

It is true a manufactured virus is different than one that has has evolved due to natural selections. The SAR-Cov-2 virus is a product of natural selection and simple could not be produced in a Lab. Scientist have focused on the spike protein which evolved and was not produced in a lab. There is no scientific evidence that supports the claim that SAR-Cov-2 was manufactured in a lab, yet the myth survives.

It defies logic, common sense, and a denial of the KNOWN facts to think it is not.
So, if it did escape from a lab in China, how is this going effect treatments? The same thing could have happen in a US virology lab. Granted the Chinese lie but so does the US and all countries. The attack on China was started by Trump to get Americans to focus on China instead of America's lack of preparedness which lead to worst epidemic in American history. Then he attacked the WHO, hopping to blame them. When he failed, he concentrated on the elections, leaving America to wait for a vaccine which many of his loyal supporters rejected because of Biden efforts to get the country vaccinated.

My God. Please seek psychiatric help before it s too late!
Don't trust some fake news source.

Ask your doctor. You're doctor only makes money off you if you're alive so he's going to steer you in the right direction.

or he could be getting his palms greased.

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