jake has a growth on his gum...graphic images


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
okay ....i am freaking out a wee bit so i am gonna do a thread following jake and this growth.....hubby and i are sitting up in the pasture...under the apple tree when jake grins and we both go...wtf?


i mean its sticking out....so we call the vet...come in at 4...we got time..we get on the net....wrong ...so wrong....90% chance of cancer...jake is like 12 ish now....so we go to the vet...who looks at it and says....i dont think its cancer but its got to come off .....we nod in simple thanks and hope....she continues...the post opt will be a mess...i will stitch it..he will tear them out...it is a hard place to stitch...i inquire about valium....she says fine to the valium....i inquire about bluebirds (10 mlg) she realizes it is not for jake and laughs...seems vets only do yellow ones..she gives jake an antiinflammtory to see if the growth would go down.....we have an appt for monday if the growth doesnt go down any...if it does she will put it off till friday....she is going out of town for a few days but i want to get it done and get it the pathologist

i will update yall on the progress with graphic post opt pics.....i might get jen to take opt pics but damn that will be gross...
okay lets not be worry warts here....i have an excellent vet....she says its most likely not cancer but we need to find out....i havent discussed with hubby what to do if its cancer....i will not put jake thru having his bottom jaw removed...but i dont think it will come to that at all...

thanks yall but lets be as positive as we can.....please...i am trying hard to be that way...when really al i want to do is cry
he has been grumpy of late.....snapping at the others regardless of what they are doing..waking up and kinda snapping.....

the meds would have brought it down if it were an abscess...for his age he has great teeth

so tomorrow he goes in....to have it removed
i have to get his space ready tomorrow while he is at the vet....he needs a quiet area to recover ..and a lot of dog towels to put under his jaw....she kept mentioning a lot of blood..
vet has called... a 'boney' growth.....they are sending it off....not sure what it is...perhaps i should not have suggested a parasitic twin....it got me a look that would kill from hubby....we pick up jake at 4:30. he will be given an ample amount of pain killers...i have a quiet place for him....
dogs take people valium sillie....you dont have like doggie v's...but they only give out 5 mlgrams...no bluebirds..we went thru the pain killers with jake...he would try to get up and fall right over...i think jake will be lazier ...i hope.
I always used ACE. Duke got nailed by a fer de lance a while back and it was the only way he would leave the wound alone..................shit. I need to try one !
she motioned toward the chair by her desk and told me to sit down..we needed to talk....its some kinda of bone tumor that grows out of the jaw....it could come back...she tryed to get it all..and its most likely benign...the problem is if it comes back..they will need to remove part of his jaw or just let the tumor grow...she cant do the surgery and is not sure she would recommend it...jake is 12 ish....
its just an iffy prognosis....husband is taking it a lot harder than i expected....i told him not to worry...jake will bounce right back....as evidence by his nagging till i gave him food...and i made him a real comfie bed in the bedroom where he could sleep and not be in the noise....well he refuses to go down the hall....he is under the kitchen table...he is sleepy now...i figured the food and he would crash for a while...she removed a couple of skin tags....he has on a t shirt to stop him from opening the skin tags...they just have one stitch each.....thor and buddy are outside and want in to see him but he needs to rest...the cats are coming over and laughing at him
What about those thunder hugs or whatever they're called. Do those work to calm them down?
well the gum thing is not bleeding....if only we could say that for the two damn skin tags everyone just had to remove.....vet tossed in free skin tag removal since he was under...hubby wanted them gone....hell jake has long hair....doesnt bother him...

i put a small t shirt on him and he was fine last night....but this am....without thinking....i let them all out..he comes back sans t shirt and bleeding where he has ripped open both skin tag stitches ...

hydrogen peroxide and neosporin....they already glued one of the back together.....

jake has always been the devil child and seems he still is

i should not have given him that pain killer.....simple as that...now he is immune to ripping this stuff out...
well the gum thing is not bleeding....if only we could say that for the two damn skin tags everyone just had to remove.....vet tossed in free skin tag removal since he was under...hubby wanted them gone....hell jake has long hair....doesnt bother him...

i put a small t shirt on him and he was fine last night....but this am....without thinking....i let them all out..he comes back sans t shirt and bleeding where he has ripped open both skin tag stitches ...

hydrogen peroxide and neosporin....they already glued one of the back together.....

jake has always been the devil child and seems he still is

i should not have given him that pain killer.....simple as that...now he is immune to ripping this stuff out...

try putting another T shirt on him and then his halter.

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