Jacksonville.....The Last Place In The NFL You'd Want To Work


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Jacksonville's owner is a real piece of work. This guy turned a decent team into a perennial cellar-dweller in a few short years.

This year he got one of the most coveted new head coaches in the NFL.....he got the number one pick in the NFL Draft........but now he's attacking his head coach in public about a video that went viral of Urban Myer sitting on a bar-stool while some woman moves to the music in front of him. He looks like he's just trying to hold onto his stool and she keeps bumping back on him. He said that he should have gotten out of there when it happened but just can't have a private life in this country anymore.

My guess the owner does worse when he's at home considering the fact that he himself is Muslim and can have more than one wife....and most likely does have more than one in another country.

I think the NFL has gone so politically-correct that owners who shouldn't be owners in the NFL get opportunities purely out of a desire to promote diversity. Well....if you want to tear down your team....this is the best way I know to do it. Start criticizing your coach in public. Especially since Urban Meyer has been one of the best coaches in College Football....and they're not winning, which is to be expected.

I saw part of the video....and it's a bit difficult to see what happened....if anything at all....because they blurred out most of it.

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Jacksonville's owner is a real piece of work. This guy turned a decent team into a perennial cellar-dweller in a few short years.

This year he got one of the most coveted new head coaches in the NFL.....he got the number one pick in the NFL Draft........but now he's attacking his head coach in public about a video that went viral of Urban Myer sitting on a bar-stool while some woman moves to the music in front of him. He looks like he's just trying to hold onto his stool and she keeps bumping back on him. He said that he should have gotten out of there when it happened but just can't have a private life in this country anymore.

My guess the owner does worse when he's at home considering the fact that he himself is Muslim and can have more than one wife....and most likely does have more than one in another country.

I think the NFL has gone so politically-correct that owners who shouldn't be owners in the NFL get opportunities purely out of a desire to promote diversity. Well....if you want to tear down your team....this is the best way I know to do it. Start criticizing your coach in public. Especially since Urban Meyer has been one of the best coaches in College Football....and they're not winning, which is to be expected.

I saw part of the video....and it's a bit difficult to see what happened....if anything at all....because they blurred out most of it.

Do like I did and quit watching it. Let all of these commie owners and prima donna athletes go out and work real jobs. Kill the golden goose.
but now he's attacking his head coach in public about a video that went viral of Urban Myer sitting on a bar-stool while some woman moves to the music in front of him. He looks like he's just trying to hold onto his stool and she keeps bumping back on him.
He wasn’t getting a lap dance like was inferred
Today, women do that in bars all the time….it is how they dance
He wasn’t getting a lap dance like was inferred
Today, women do that in bars all the time….it is how they dance

He wasn't getting a lap dance? Maybe.

But Urban was not just sitting there while the girl danced up against him.

His hand was up in the crack of her ass. Urban Meyer is finished. The only question is whether or not he makes it to the end of the season.

And there is no going back to college ball after this. Sounds like retirement! So he can spend all his time at home with his wife. I bet that will be fun.
He wasn't getting a lap dance? Maybe.

But Urban was not just sitting there while the girl danced up against him.

His hand was up in the crack of her ass. Urban Meyer is finished. The only question is whether or not he makes it to the end of the season.

And there is no going back to college ball after this. Sounds like retirement! So he can spend all his time at home with his wife. I bet that will be fun.

Looks like Meyer is practicing with the wrong tight end.

Poor judgement on his part, a public embarrassment to his wife.

Sadly, some team will still hire him because wins are worth more than character.
Like it or not, when you're so readily identified as an employee of a company, your conduct reflects on that company. Meyer himself felt the need to apologize, so it's not like there's no substance here. Meyer fucked up and he's acknowledged it. WhIle there's some blur in the video, Stevie Wonder would be able to see what was going on it that video.

As for Khan, his purchase of the team was announced in January of 2012. Since the turn of the century, the Jags had only had a winning season four times, so it's sort of ignorant to blame him for turning "a decent team" into anything. They suck. They've pretty much always sucked. Their overall record since their first season is 177-243-0 (W-L-T). The deepest they've ever

And you personal attacks against Khan are just stupid. He's lived in the United States when he was 16 and he's remained here ever since. When you say "My guess the owner does worse when he's at home..." you should really consider the fact that his "home" is in Naples, Florida.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to defend Khan. As a Jaguars fan who's sick and tired of always being on the losing end of a game I, like countless others, have very real problems with how he runs the team. But your comments are just stupid. They absolve Meyer for his conduct and they contain lies about Khan...
Looks like Meyer is practicing with the wrong tight end.

Poor judgement on his part, a public embarrassment to his wife.

Sadly, some team will still hire him because wins are worth more than character.
Funny how he apologized to his players

They get more action than that every time they go to a nightclub
He wasn't getting a lap dance? Maybe.

But Urban was not just sitting there while the girl danced up against him.

His hand was up in the crack of her ass. Urban Meyer is finished. The only question is whether or not he makes it to the end of the season.

And there is no going back to college ball after this. Sounds like retirement! So he can spend all his time at home with his wife. I bet that will be fun.

Personally....how someone conducts themselves on their own time is nobody's business.
This's what's wrong with this country.
The president's kid can snort coke....smoke crack....party with Obama's daughters....sell us out to the Chinese.....but if a coach cops a feel on some woman who obviously doesn't mind..... his job is history. Biden himself jammed is fingers up his secretary's snatch while he was a Senator and nobody gives a darn about it.
Like it or not, when you're so readily identified as an employee of a company, your conduct reflects on that company. Meyer himself felt the need to apologize, so it's not like there's no substance here. Meyer fucked up and he's acknowledged it. WhIle there's some blur in the video, Stevie Wonder would be able to see what was going on it that video.

As for Khan, his purchase of the team was announced in January of 2012. Since the turn of the century, the Jags had only had a winning season four times, so it's sort of ignorant to blame him for turning "a decent team" into anything. They suck. They've pretty much always sucked. Their overall record since their first season is 177-243-0 (W-L-T). The deepest they've ever

And you personal attacks against Khan are just stupid. He's lived in the United States when he was 16 and he's remained here ever since. When you say "My guess the owner does worse when he's at home..." you should really consider the fact that his "home" is in Naples, Florida.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to defend Khan. As a Jaguars fan who's sick and tired of always being on the losing end of a game I, like countless others, have very real problems with how he runs the team. But your comments are just stupid. They absolve Meyer for his conduct and they contain lies about Khan...
So you have problems with the way he runs his team....but you defend him because he's a Muslim....and has absolutely no room to talk about anyone else's morality.
Duly noted.
Never mind that Biden is guilty of much..much worse.
Personally....how someone conducts themselves on their own time is nobody's business.
This's what's wrong with this country.
The president's kid can snort coke....smoke crack....party with Obama's daughters....sell us out to the Chinese.....but if a coach cops a feel on some woman who obviously doesn't mind..... his job is history. Biden himself jammed is fingers up his secretary's snatch while he was a Senator and nobody gives a darn about it.

If Meyer were single, I would cheer him for it. But being a married man, this speaks to his integrity.
If Meyer were single, I would cheer him for it. But being a married man, this speaks to his integrity.
Sorry....but marriage is a piece of paper. One man and one woman traditions created by Pilgrims.
His job shouldn't depend on a no touching policy......and I hate to beat this into the ground....our president has done much worse....and nobody seems to care. He's going around putting his hands on women and children....swims in his pool in the nude in front of females Secret Service agents....and jammed his hand up some woman's pussy....who I might add went to the press and they perposely ignored it.
Sorry....but marriage is a piece of paper. One man and one woman traditions created by Pilgrims.
His job shouldn't depend on a no touching policy......and I hate to beat this into the ground....our president has done much worse....and nobody seems to care. He's going around putting his hands on women and children....swims in his pool in the nude in front of females Secret Service agents....and jammed his hand up some woman's pussy....who I might add went to the press and they perposely ignored it.
This event should not concern anyone other than the man, the gropee, and the man's wife. Anyone else is a busybody who deserves to have his nose flattened.
Sorry....but marriage is a piece of paper. One man and one woman traditions created by Pilgrims.
His job shouldn't depend on a no touching policy......and I hate to beat this into the ground....our president has done much worse....and nobody seems to care. He's going around putting his hands on women and children....swims in his pool in the nude in front of females Secret Service agents....and jammed his hand up some woman's pussy....who I might add went to the press and they perposely ignored it.

Is it right that Meyer will be unemployed over this? Probably not. But it is the way it works. And he knows that.

As for marriage just being a piece of paper, I disagree strongly. It is the vows that matter. And breaking those vows speaks to his integrity.
So you have problems with the way he runs his team....but you defend him because he's a Muslim....and has absolutely no room to talk about anyone else's morality.

What an ignorant fucking thing to say. Then again, when you're as ignorant as you, such comments are to be expected.

I don't defend him because he's Muslim. Where the fuck did you get that idiot idea?Feel free to provide proof that Khan has more wives. Because, without that, all you are is a fuckin' jackass whiner.

Duly noted.
You're mentally retarded, aren't you?

Never mind that Biden is guilty of much..much worse.


Another monumentally stupid thing to say.

We're not talking about Biden, dummy. We're not even talking politics. We're talking about some guy who went to a bar, exercised what I'm sure his wife believes some rather dubious judgement, and he got outed for it. Being a person of some note, the video of this woman grinding her ass against his dick probably garnered a bit more negative response than when you post videos of you grinding your ass against some random dude's dick.

Either way, nothing that Khan or Biden (and I still don't know why we're talking about him) have done negates what Meyer has done. Believing it has, or that it should, it fucking stupid...
Sorry....but marriage is a piece of paper. One man and one woman traditions created by Pilgrims.
His job shouldn't depend on a no touching policy......and I hate to beat this into the ground....our president has done much worse....and nobody seems to care. He's going around putting his hands on women and children....swims in his pool in the nude in front of females Secret Service agents....and jammed his hand up some woman's pussy....who I might add went to the press and they perposely ignored it.

So, the purpose thread is to attack Biden?

You really are a fuckin' retard, aren't you?
Is it right that Meyer will be unemployed over this? Probably not. But it is the way it works. And he knows that.

As for marriage just being a piece of paper, I disagree strongly. It is the vows that matter. And breaking those vows speaks to his integrity.
Mudwhistle has no integrity and no strength of character. Things that matter to decent people don't matter to him...
Is it right that Meyer will be unemployed over this? Probably not. But it is the way it works. And he knows that.

As for marriage just being a piece of paper, I disagree strongly. It is the vows that matter. And breaking those vows speaks to his integrity.
Sorry if some people don't believe in what you believe in.
I think we should stop acting like we all hold some sort of moral high ground when we're constantly seeing more relevant evil going on every day in the news....more relevant than coach copping a feel.
Coach Meyer's vows aren't anyone's problem other than his own.

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