Ivanka Trump Next?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
They have a lot of evidence against her. Will she flip on daddy?


...the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has sent a message that (1) Weisselberg should really, really consider flipping and cooperating against the Trumps, and (2) Cyrus Vance Jr. is just getting started. “Prosecutors went to an amazing amount of effort to show Weisselberg ‘we have everything we need,’ and they’re really not only pressuring him to flip, but the amount of detail in this indictment tells me that they’re trying to tell other people you have got to flip, because ‘we have everything; we have the double books. We know what you told your tax accountants was a lie. We know that we’re gonna be able to prove these cases,’” Alksne told Menendez.

“So I think...first it’s Weisselberg and [then] there are a lot of other people mentioned, ‘individual number one’ or ‘person X signed’ or ‘person Y signed.’ Those people who are mentioned in the indictment, I would expect they’re next and then it builds.” Asked how she would proceed if she were prosecuting the case and “had access to the years of hidden records kept by the Trump Organization,” Alksne said, “I would focus [the investigation] on the kids. Apparently they’ve had some testimony by the comptroller; in the state of New York that means they’ve essentially given him immunity. So I would focus on the kids. My guess is [COO Matthew] Calamari is kind of easy picking and that there are similar ways to give money for the kids. We’ve heard a lot of this reporting about Ivanka Trump getting consulting fees, ‘consulting fees’ for things that she may or may not have done. That looks to me like the next place, but we’ll just have to see.”

Also predicting that Princess Purses could be in legal trouble was Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio, who told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Sunday, “The other person who I think is in peril is Ivanka Trump. One of the things that Allen Weisselberg is in trouble for is [allegedly] taking money as a contractor and then claiming self-employed status so that he can get some of the retirement benefits that the tax code allows for self-employed people. Well, we know that Ivanka Trump got quite significant sums paid to her as non-employee compensation. That freed the Trump Organization from paying part of her taxes, and it put her in a status that I think the IRS would have lots of questions about. So these folks don’t know how to play the game straight. I think everything they do is crooked.”

You people truly are pathetic. So twisted with hate that you are salivating over even the CHANCE that Trump or his family will be ravaged by an out-of-control DA. I've never hated anyone that much, even if they had harmed me personally.
No matter how this issue is settled, you won't benefit from it. You'll cheer and sneer for awhile but when it's all said and done, you will still be YOU and a life like that sucks. Enjoy.
Trump in the mornin'
Trump in the evenin'
Trump at suppertime....
Synthaholics got TDS bad
And it’s with 'em all the time!
Yes, Germans stopped talking about Hitler 6 months after he was gone, too.
They have a lot of evidence against her. Will she flip on daddy?


...the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has sent a message that (1) Weisselberg should really, really consider flipping and cooperating against the Trumps, and (2) Cyrus Vance Jr. is just getting started. “Prosecutors went to an amazing amount of effort to show Weisselberg ‘we have everything we need,’ and they’re really not only pressuring him to flip, but the amount of detail in this indictment tells me that they’re trying to tell other people you have got to flip, because ‘we have everything; we have the double books. We know what you told your tax accountants was a lie. We know that we’re gonna be able to prove these cases,’” Alksne told Menendez.

“So I think...first it’s Weisselberg and [then] there are a lot of other people mentioned, ‘individual number one’ or ‘person X signed’ or ‘person Y signed.’ Those people who are mentioned in the indictment, I would expect they’re next and then it builds.” Asked how she would proceed if she were prosecuting the case and “had access to the years of hidden records kept by the Trump Organization,” Alksne said, “I would focus [the investigation] on the kids. Apparently they’ve had some testimony by the comptroller; in the state of New York that means they’ve essentially given him immunity. So I would focus on the kids. My guess is [COO Matthew] Calamari is kind of easy picking and that there are similar ways to give money for the kids. We’ve heard a lot of this reporting about Ivanka Trump getting consulting fees, ‘consulting fees’ for things that she may or may not have done. That looks to me like the next place, but we’ll just have to see.”

Also predicting that Princess Purses could be in legal trouble was Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio, who told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Sunday, “The other person who I think is in peril is Ivanka Trump. One of the things that Allen Weisselberg is in trouble for is [allegedly] taking money as a contractor and then claiming self-employed status so that he can get some of the retirement benefits that the tax code allows for self-employed people. Well, we know that Ivanka Trump got quite significant sums paid to her as non-employee compensation. That freed the Trump Organization from paying part of her taxes, and it put her in a status that I think the IRS would have lots of questions about. So these folks don’t know how to play the game straight. I think everything they do is crooked.”

Since when does a local D.A. act on behalf of the IRS? They have their own, and DoJ lawyers too.
One thing for sure no damn outsider is ever going to run for the Presidency of the United States again. Anybody considering that will see what happened to Trump, his associates and his family and shake in their boots.

The Swamp can’t allow outsiders to mess up the gravy train. Fortunate those who run the DOJ and FBI are just as corrupt as the politicians in Congress and the President himself.

The United States we live in today is definitely no shining city on a hill. It’s a ghetto in a stinking swamp run by an old corrupt career politician suffering in the early stages of dementia.

We are screwed.

The former governor of NY is responsible for more deaths than some Nazis we hanged after WW2 but prosecutors are targeting the former president's wife. WTF?
The former Governor of New York is a democrat.

Ivanka is the daughter of an outsider who became the President of the United States and threatened to ”drain the swamp.”

Wealthy outsiders can no longer be tolerated as POTUS because they are too hard to control. Every effort must be made to convince any rich outsider that running for the Presidency will result in his entire life, the entire lives of his family and that of his close associates will be throughly investigated to find any and all crimes they can be prosecuted for. Crimes may even be made up. Defense lawyers are expensive.

The Swamp and its wonderfully profitable corruption MUST be preserved and protected. And you can bet it will be by both parties.
Since when does a local D.A. act on behalf of the IRS? They have their own, and DoJ lawyers too.

Cyrus Vance Jr. is the Federal District Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Hardly “some local DA”.

Leticia James, the AG for the State of New York is also working her own state charges.
Hunted's laptop shows him raping and torturing 10-year Chinese girls. People who have seen the videos say, if you have a soul, their screams will haunt you. Obviously you'll have to take my word for it.

You better hope Dominion continues to steal elections for next 50 years.

Trump's gang are crackpots and criminals. Haven't you noticed.. Poor Trump thinks everyone is like him.. and you, you even think Dominion is crooked.
The former Governor of New York is a democrat.

Ivanka is the daughter of an outsider who became the President of the United States and threatened to ”drain the swamp.”

Wealthy outsiders can no longer be tolerated as POTUS because they are too hard to control. Every effort must be made to convince any rich outsider that running for the Presidency will result in his entire life, the entire lives of his family and that of his close associates will be throughly investigated to find any and all crimes they can be prosecuted for. Crimes may even be made up. Defense lawyers are expensive.

The Swamp and its wonderfully profitable corruption MUST be preserved and protected. And you can bet it will be by both parties.

Trump has always been a crook.. He has a long history.. You should have known before he ever ran for office. He's always been a liar and a cheat. Remember his poem? You knew I was a snake when you took me in.
Cyrus Vance Jr. is the Federal District Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Hardly “some local DA”.

Leticia James, the AG for the State of New York is also working her own state charges.
Vance is there because he's the latest in a long line of criminal politicians named Vance. He'll no doubt have a son who carries on the families swamp tradition too. James isn't too smart so she must have some hidden swamp qualities as well.
Trump has always been a crook.. He has a long history.. You should have known before he ever ran for office. He's always been a liar and a cheat. Remember his poem? You knew I was a snake when you took me in.
Next you will tell me that’d Joe Biden is a future Catholic saint who has only the best interests of our nation at heart. Plus just like George Washington, Joe Biden will never lie to us. Then you will insist that Hunter Biden is a talented artist and his paintings are worth up to half a million each.

Most Americans are well aware that a high percentage of elected politicians are dishonest and corrupt. That is why Washington D.C. is nicknamed “The Swamp.” Politics is a dirty game. In order to go anywhere in politics you have to be at least a little corrupt otherwise other politicians will fear you will eventually rat them out. The Swamp was afraid of Trump as they didn’t own him and he was threatening to drain the Swamp.

If Trump was a big a crook as you suggest he would be in prison by now. He has been investigated more throughly than any other individual in this country. Eventually his enemies may find something to charge him with but after four and a half years he remains uncharged. Now I am not saying he is a saint by any means or squeaky clean but he is obviously not as much of a criminal as you suggest. Does Trump lie? Of course, all politicians lie. It’s part of the game.

Ivanka has been subpoenaed along with her ne'er do well brother Don, Jr.

They have announced that they will not comply.

They will be arrested. This isn't a Congressional subpoena. This is the Attorney General of New York. She has the power of arrest. And a lot more power, considering all the property and assets they own in NY.

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