It's Very Ironic that Liberals Frequently Compare Conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis

He'll take it back, like a fucking eight year old.

Still nothing but insults from the asshole.

Is it even possible for a thing like you to be insulted?

Not by a piece of crap like you.

It's doubtful you even realize when you're being insulted.

How long to you plan on keeping up this endless stream of insults, until you get put on ignore?
He'll take it back, like a fucking eight year old.

Still nothing but insults from the asshole.

Is it even possible for a thing like you to be insulted?

Not by a piece of crap like you.

It's doubtful you even realize when you're being insulted.

How long to you plan on keeping up this endless stream of insults, until you get put on ignore?

That would be a blessing.
Still nothing but insults from the asshole.

Is it even possible for a thing like you to be insulted?

Not by a piece of crap like you.

It's doubtful you even realize when you're being insulted.

How long to you plan on keeping up this endless stream of insults, until you get put on ignore?

That would be a blessing.

You just proved you're a moron because you keep doing something that causes you pain. There's a reason smart people don't hit themselves with hammers.
Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis.

That's interesting, because posters like Lakhota frequently accuse conservatives of being Nazis or like Nazis.

Conservative references to liberals as Nazis are valid for many reasons, some of which are outlined in the OP.

Now that is some rationalization.

Anyone with even a slight reading of history would know that the Nazi's really were not what we would consider either liberal or conservative- and would recognize that EVERY attempt to label Americans as Nazi's is done for partisan ideological reasons(other than the actual American Nazi's).

You are no different from the liberals that label you a Nazi because they don't agree with you.

You are as ignorant and as blind as they are.
Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis.

That's interesting, because posters like Lakhota frequently accuse conservatives of being Nazis or like Nazis.

Conservative references to liberals as Nazis are valid for many reasons, some of which are outlined in the OP.

Now that is some rationalization.

Anyone with even a slight reading of history would know that the Nazi's really were not what we would consider either liberal or conservative- and would recognize that EVERY attempt to label Americans as Nazi's is done for partisan ideological reasons(other than the actual American Nazi's).

You are no different from the liberals that label you a Nazi because they don't agree with you.

You are as ignorant and as blind as they are.

That's the dumbass understanding of propaganda that liberals call "history." Liberals are virtually indistinguishable from Nazis, even down to their hatred of Jews.
Is it even possible for a thing like you to be insulted?

Not by a piece of crap like you.

It's doubtful you even realize when you're being insulted.

How long to you plan on keeping up this endless stream of insults, until you get put on ignore?

That would be a blessing.

You just proved you're a moron because you keep doing something that causes you pain. There's a reason smart people don't hit themselves with hammers.

I'm making a real effort to understand your point of view, so I've decided the best way to do this is to beat myself repeatedly over the head with a hammer until you begin to make sense.
Not by a piece of crap like you.

It's doubtful you even realize when you're being insulted.

How long to you plan on keeping up this endless stream of insults, until you get put on ignore?

That would be a blessing.

You just proved you're a moron because you keep doing something that causes you pain. There's a reason smart people don't hit themselves with hammers.

I'm making a real effort to understand your point of view, so I've decided the best way to do this is to beat myself repeatedly over the head with a hammer until you begin to make sense.

You're just an asshole who's got nothing better to do than insult people who criticize your imbecile opinions.
Yes. All of these people strike me as being left wing...


We have come to demand gay wedding cakes!


Honk if you love Obama!




Save the whales!


We are not leaving until there is a state holiday for Martin Luther King!
It's doubtful you even realize when you're being insulted.

How long to you plan on keeping up this endless stream of insults, until you get put on ignore?

That would be a blessing.

You just proved you're a moron because you keep doing something that causes you pain. There's a reason smart people don't hit themselves with hammers.

I'm making a real effort to understand your point of view, so I've decided the best way to do this is to beat myself repeatedly over the head with a hammer until you begin to make sense.

You're just an asshole who's got nothing better to do than insult people who criticize your imbecile opinions.

I guess I'll just have to beat myself harder.
How long to you plan on keeping up this endless stream of insults, until you get put on ignore?

That would be a blessing.

You just proved you're a moron because you keep doing something that causes you pain. There's a reason smart people don't hit themselves with hammers.

I'm making a real effort to understand your point of view, so I've decided the best way to do this is to beat myself repeatedly over the head with a hammer until you begin to make sense.

You're just an asshole who's got nothing better to do than insult people who criticize your imbecile opinions.

I guess I'll just have to beat myself harder.

Please do.
Yes. All of these people strike me as being left wing...


We have come to demand gay wedding cakes!


Honk if you love Obama!




Save the whales!


We are not leaving until there is a state holiday for Martin Luther King!

You strike me as being an idiot.

Your buddy Odium is a self admitted racist who is also a big time socialist.
Yes. All of these people strike me as being left wing...


We have come to demand gay wedding cakes!


Honk if you love Obama!




Save the whales!


We are not leaving until there is a state holiday for Martin Luther King!

You strike me as being an idiot.

Your buddy Odium is a self admitted racist who is also a big time socialist.

Something should strike you. Try the hammer, it works good for me.
bripat is merely anarchist, which in every language means fool. Portectionist does not take his meds and becomes a real buren to everyone, much like koshergrl. PC believes she is the 4th member of the Godhead.

And many liberals are socialist and many conservatives are fascist, not understanding the definition of Progressivism.
That would be a blessing.

You just proved you're a moron because you keep doing something that causes you pain. There's a reason smart people don't hit themselves with hammers.

I'm making a real effort to understand your point of view, so I've decided the best way to do this is to beat myself repeatedly over the head with a hammer until you begin to make sense.

You're just an asshole who's got nothing better to do than insult people who criticize your imbecile opinions.

I guess I'll just have to beat myself harder.

Please do.

If you had any pride or respect for yourself you'd be ashamed to be a lying coward.
* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)
There were many Nazi Party members who subscribed to various forms of Christianity, and even a few Jewish members running around. They even tried to create a Nazi-friendly Christian denomination which recast Jesus as a Germanic warrior priest.

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.
While it's true that the discovery of evolution was a major factor in popularizing the eugenics ideas which ultimately led to the Holocaust, it's still a basic biological fact that must be accepted as part of a well rounded education. Not to accept evolution as factual would be like denying germ theory.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.
Yes. Every totalitarian group has attempted to control education. US liberals have had our educational system locked down since the 60s. They're not the only group interested in this though. They were simply the successful one. The Young Earth Creationists would love nothing more than to usurp them. I should point out that, regarding the replacement and appointment of priests, fighting the Catholic Church for the right of secular investiture is kind of a long standing German tradition. It didn't start with the Nazis.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.
Again, this is more to do with Nazi ideology's totalitarian nature than its exact beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.
Yuhuh. Communists did this too. So did the Fascists, and Franco's far right Spanish regime.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)
Conspiracy theory much? I think we're safer taking the word of former party members and records from when the party was still in power than those of a partisan crank on the internet.

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.
Say it with me: So-shul-ist. They were a totalitarian socialist party. Of course they believe the workers control production through the state.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.
Actually, there is some real truth here. It's not what you think it is, but I'll leave you to read up on the real conflict between the Nazis and old aristocracy.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.
This was a product of their eugenics ideals, which were almost universal among educated Westerners at the time. Hell, Sweden didn't stop aborting the unclean minority babies until the 70s.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.
We don't have universal gun rights here either. You have to have a license if your jurisdiction requires it. You can't carry it around wherever you'd like. You lose the right to own one if you've ever been convicted of a felony. I could go on.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.
The actual history, structure, demographics, and politics of Nazi Germany makes for very interesting reading. I won't spoil it for you, but I will highly encourage you to read what it was really like instead of pulling shit out of your ass and setting it up as a strawman.
You just proved you're a moron because you keep doing something that causes you pain. There's a reason smart people don't hit themselves with hammers.

I'm making a real effort to understand your point of view, so I've decided the best way to do this is to beat myself repeatedly over the head with a hammer until you begin to make sense.

You're just an asshole who's got nothing better to do than insult people who criticize your imbecile opinions.

I guess I'll just have to beat myself harder.

Please do.

If you had any pride or respect for yourself you'd be ashamed to be a lying coward.

I don't lie, and what evidence do you have that I'm a coward?

Apparently I'm going to have to put a restraining order on you. It's spooky how you follow me around. I'm beginning to think you're some kind of queer stalker.
BTW, I have never characterized service people as "bootlickers." That was you who attempted to put those words in my mouth. Talk about sleazy and despicable tactics.
You did say it, bripat.
Has he always been a pathological liar?
Have you always been an asshole? IS that what got your goat?

I'll take it back. I did say it. And I will stand by it.

Conformity is a highly prized trait in the military. They don't promote people who think outside the box. The top brass in the military got there by kissing ass. That's the case in all hierarchical organizations, but especially so in the military.

How do you take back a lie?
Have you always been an asshole? IS that what got your goat?

I'll take it back. I did say it. And I will stand by it.

Conformity is a highly prized trait in the military. They don't promote people who think outside the box. The top brass in the military got there by kissing ass. That's the case in all hierarchical organizations, but especially so in the military.
Hey, so here's the AFI on promotion for enlisted and officers and the enlisted force structure:
Please show me where it mandates that military personnel kiss ass and refuse to think creativity to qualify for promotion. I'll wait.
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It is silly in the extreme to compare Bush's invasion of Iraq to Hitler's invasion of Europe, and I can't believe anyone would dare make such an absurd comparison in public.

Whether Bush was justified or misguided in invading Iraq, he invaded in order to try to bring democracy to Iraq. Once we toppled Saddam, we arranged for the Iraqi people to elect their own leaders, and that election inspired other Arab peoples to want to choose their own leaders as well. And when Iraq's leaders insisted that we leave, we agreed to leave. We didn't burn villages to the ground when attacks occurred near them. We didn't wrongfully imprison thousands of people for criticizing our presence. We didn't shut down critical newspapers and jail their editors for disagreeing with us. Etc., etc., etc. So it is just nuts to compare Bush's invasion of Iraq to Hitler's invasions of conquest and subjugation.

It is obvious that liberals on this board cannot refute the OP's points of resemblance between Nazi policies and American liberal policies. Those resemblances include, but are not limited to:

* Hostility toward religion (especially toward Christianity and Judaism).
* Opposition to federalism. The Nazis rejected the idea of states rights and sought to centralize all power in the hands of the national government. Until then, Germany had states--regions with a degree of autonomy. Hitler himself attacked the concept of states rights; he wanted an all-powerful national government.
* Trying to put education under the control of the national government.
* Slavish adherence to Darwinian evolution.
* Rejection of traditional moral values.
* The idea that the national government has the right to regulate or control virtually any business.
* Hostility toward private schools and home schooling.
* Support for legalized elective abortion (one of the first things the Nazis did was to loosen Germany's abortion laws--they had no problem with abortion, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" to get abortion because they wanted more "pure Aryan offspring").
* Opposition to private gun ownership (except for certain people and groups). As long as you were viewed as friendly to the Nazi regime, you could own a gun, but if the Nazis even suspected you were opposed to them, they would not hesitate to ban you from owning firearms. Soon after taking power, the Nazis banned Jews from owning guns.
* Tolerance of homosexuality among high-ranking leaders.
* A willingness to use the force of law and/or intimidation to suppress views you find objectionable. For example, "hate speech" laws, bombarding Christian businesses with threats and hate mail, prosecuting Christians who have respectfully protested at gay rights rallies, and the recent--and shocking--attempt by the Houston city council to force Christian churches to hand over transcripts of their sermons for possible "hate speech" violations.
* A willingness to circumvent, if not ignore, the legislative branch and to rule by executive order. The Democrats have increasingly been moving toward rule by executive order, even to the point of suggesting that the President can implement a nuclear arms deal with Iran without the Senate's approval, can change immigration policy without Congressional approval, and can raise taxes without Congressional approval--in clear, indisputable violation of the Constitution.
* I might add that after the war, unrepentant Nazis condemned the formation of the state of Israel and continually voiced disgusting criticisms of Israel, and some liberals are increasingly starting to voice attacks on Israel that sound very much like the Nazi criticisms of Israel.

By the way, I wonder how many liberals know that the official name of the Nazi party was "National Socialist German Workers' Party." And Nazi propaganda viciously attacked capitalism as having "Jews at its core" and as being the Jews' tool of choice. When the Nazis took over, they said the government had the right to control the economy and to regulate or take over any business it wanted.
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