It's Snowing In Vegas!


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
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Can you believe it? And BIG flakes too, not just little stuff.

I am going to get my digital and take some pics for ya'll!
freeandfun1 said:
Can you believe it? And BIG flakes too, not just little stuff.

I am going to get my digital and take some pics for ya'll!

Kids getting a snow day?
freeandfun1 said:
Can you believe it? And BIG flakes too, not just little stuff.

I am going to get my digital and take some pics for ya'll!

Good. Keep it. Send it back this way again, and I'll hunt you down and pull your limbs off. :)
This was not here just one hour ago......

They are saying we could get up to 1 ft. that is amazing and is a once every century kinda storm.....
freeandfun1 said:
This was not here just one hour ago......

They are saying we could get up to 1 ft. that is amazing and is a once every century kinda storm.....

I have a friend that is out there right now for a kids soccer tournament. I wonder if they cancelled it. LOL.
no1tovote4 said:
I have a friend that is out there right now for a kids soccer tournament. I wonder if they canceled it. LOL.

My secretary's kids play soccer and all games have been canceled. The main reason is because most of the fields are actually in flood control retention basins and they are full of water right now.....
Wow free, I bet all the kids are excited. At least it is Friday and they can play out in the snow all weekend. How exciting.
freeandfun1 said:
Can you believe it? And BIG flakes too, not just little stuff.

I am going to get my digital and take some pics for ya'll!

You've been getting some freaky weather there!! Here it's going to be 60 degrees by Monday and 50's all weekend. Now that's freaky for us, but Im thrilled!!!!!!!!!!
It is still snowing and snowing hard. This is weird (but cool too!).
freeandfun1 said:
It is still snowing and snowing hard. This is weird (but cool too!).
Hey better you than me!! Im glad it's snowing somewhere people think it's a novelty, for us here it's just a pain in the ass, after the first day when it looks pretty and everyone gets a snowday.........then the shoveling starts and the driving resumes, and sadly the bloom is off the

Get out and enjoy it Free!!
freeandfun1 said:
My secretary's kids play soccer and all games have been canceled. The main reason is because most of the fields are actually in flood control retention basins and they are full of water right now.....

Interesting, I wonder why they didn't tell my friend about this.

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