It's official : Missouri Gov. just ended the career of Senator who called for Trump Assassination


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
JUST IN: Missouri Governor sticks to his promise! State Senator who called for Trump’s assassination is soon going to be terminated from her position want it or not. The people of this state were disgusted by the controversial comments of this important government official who’s getting paid from the taxes of the same people who feel offended by her comments about their President.

It's Official: Missouri Governor Just Ended The Career Of Senator Who Called For Trump's Assassination!

To bad so sad buuuuuuhye.... Guess being a democratic dumbass, and kiss ass did't work out to well for yah cyka.
Guess you weren't as special as you thought.
Probably wasn't a big fund raiser for the Party, so she made a good sacrifice for their media hoaxes to gnaw on and boost their image. Raise big bucks for the criminal syndicate and you could rape puppies in Times Square and be glorified and praised for it, not to mention the homosexual 'community' and their fan club of deviants will be your BFF.
JUST IN: Missouri Governor sticks to his promise! State Senator who called for Trump’s assassination is soon going to be terminated from her position want it or not. The people of this state were disgusted by the controversial comments of this important government official who’s getting paid from the taxes of the same people who feel offended by her comments about their President.

It's Official: Missouri Governor Just Ended The Career Of Senator Who Called For Trump's Assassination!

To bad so sad buuuuuuhye.... Guess being a democratic dumbass, and kiss ass did't work out to well for yah cyka.
Guess you weren't as special as you thought.

Good first step. Next, she should be arrested, held without bail pending a trial in 60-90 days. Send a message to anyone who thinks it's "cute" to act like she did.

She threatened the POTUS.! That is a felony.
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This is great news, but I am still skeptical it will happen. She ain't going quietly into that good night. Uh Uh.

Yeah we know how those political fks just happen to get off scott free and then end up with a nice cozy paying job in another section of the same building , you know they just change her position to somewhere else lol.

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