Senior Member
On Veterans issues, it's pretty much deny their benefits, cut the ones that already exist and charge them for anything that you can, just don't call it a tax.
On Active Duty Troops (mostly young and ignorant, the others old and indoctrinated) (I used to be one of them) it's "You're doing a GREAT JOB!!!!, HOW CAN I CUT YOUR PAY?" I could say the same for his actions toward the general American workforce.
On American Taxpayers, it's let the good times roll for the rich and increase taxes and otherwise expense on the food, oil, energy, real estate and even marginal entertainment values that most of us rely so heavily on to make our days. Just don't call it a tax or at least offset the increase by a cut that further increases the burdons of the ignorant. And for damn sure suggest any tax increase as a Democratic endeavor. Getting the drift?
On American Emergency Administration, it's pretty much nill excepting for a few well placed and timed speeches.
On International Trade (ie Globalism) it's whatever makes American Millionaires into American Billionaires and let's hold out all hope for American Trillionaires and screw the peons and working stiffs. He'll take the fruits of the foreigners and deprive all the rest as a matter of "business", don't you know? It's a college freshman course.
On international politics, GWB is largely considered as much a TERRORIST as OBL and even moreso in many circles (billions) considering his leadership of the most advanced and capable weaponry and MILITARY the WORLD has ever known.
GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.
On Active Duty Troops (mostly young and ignorant, the others old and indoctrinated) (I used to be one of them) it's "You're doing a GREAT JOB!!!!, HOW CAN I CUT YOUR PAY?" I could say the same for his actions toward the general American workforce.
On American Taxpayers, it's let the good times roll for the rich and increase taxes and otherwise expense on the food, oil, energy, real estate and even marginal entertainment values that most of us rely so heavily on to make our days. Just don't call it a tax or at least offset the increase by a cut that further increases the burdons of the ignorant. And for damn sure suggest any tax increase as a Democratic endeavor. Getting the drift?
On American Emergency Administration, it's pretty much nill excepting for a few well placed and timed speeches.
On International Trade (ie Globalism) it's whatever makes American Millionaires into American Billionaires and let's hold out all hope for American Trillionaires and screw the peons and working stiffs. He'll take the fruits of the foreigners and deprive all the rest as a matter of "business", don't you know? It's a college freshman course.
On international politics, GWB is largely considered as much a TERRORIST as OBL and even moreso in many circles (billions) considering his leadership of the most advanced and capable weaponry and MILITARY the WORLD has ever known.
GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.