It's not just the port issue, it's what defines GWB


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
North Missisippi
On Veterans issues, it's pretty much deny their benefits, cut the ones that already exist and charge them for anything that you can, just don't call it a tax.

On Active Duty Troops (mostly young and ignorant, the others old and indoctrinated) (I used to be one of them) it's "You're doing a GREAT JOB!!!!, HOW CAN I CUT YOUR PAY?" I could say the same for his actions toward the general American workforce.

On American Taxpayers, it's let the good times roll for the rich and increase taxes and otherwise expense on the food, oil, energy, real estate and even marginal entertainment values that most of us rely so heavily on to make our days. Just don't call it a tax or at least offset the increase by a cut that further increases the burdons of the ignorant. And for damn sure suggest any tax increase as a Democratic endeavor. Getting the drift?

On American Emergency Administration, it's pretty much nill excepting for a few well placed and timed speeches.

On International Trade (ie Globalism) it's whatever makes American Millionaires into American Billionaires and let's hold out all hope for American Trillionaires and screw the peons and working stiffs. He'll take the fruits of the foreigners and deprive all the rest as a matter of "business", don't you know? It's a college freshman course.

On international politics, GWB is largely considered as much a TERRORIST as OBL and even moreso in many circles (billions) considering his leadership of the most advanced and capable weaponry and MILITARY the WORLD has ever known.

GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.

Psychoblues said:
On Veterans issues, it's pretty much deny their benefits, cut the ones that already exist and charge them for anything that you can, just don't call it a tax.

On Active Duty Troops (mostly young and ignorant, the others old and indoctrinated) (I used to be one of them) it's "You're doing a GREAT JOB!!!!, HOW CAN I CUT YOUR PAY?" I could say the same for his actions toward the general American workforce.

On American Taxpayers, it's let the good times roll for the rich and increase taxes and otherwise expense on the food, oil, energy, real estate and even marginal entertainment values that most of us rely so heavily on to make our days. Just don't call it a tax or at least offset the increase by a cut that further increases the burdons of the ignorant. And for damn sure suggest any tax increase as a Democratic endeavor. Getting the drift?

On American Emergency Administration, it's pretty much nill excepting for a few well placed and timed speeches.

On International Trade (ie Globalism) it's whatever makes American Millionaires into American Billionaires and let's hold out all hope for American Trillionaires and screw the peons and working stiffs. He'll take the fruits of the foreigners and deprive all the rest as a matter of "business", don't you know? It's a college freshman course.

On international politics, GWB is largely considered as much a TERRORIST as OBL and even moreso in many circles (billions) considering his leadership of the most advanced and capable weaponry and MILITARY the WORLD has ever known.

GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.


No. It's just the port issue.
Psychoblues said:
On Veterans issues, it's pretty much deny their benefits, cut the ones that already exist and charge them for anything that you can, just don't call it a tax.

On Active Duty Troops (mostly young and ignorant, the others old and indoctrinated) (I used to be one of them) it's "You're doing a GREAT JOB!!!!, HOW CAN I CUT YOUR PAY?" I could say the same for his actions toward the general American workforce.

On American Taxpayers, it's let the good times roll for the rich and increase taxes and otherwise expense on the food, oil, energy, real estate and even marginal entertainment values that most of us rely so heavily on to make our days. Just don't call it a tax or at least offset the increase by a cut that further increases the burdons of the ignorant. And for damn sure suggest any tax increase as a Democratic endeavor. Getting the drift?

On American Emergency Administration, it's pretty much nill excepting for a few well placed and timed speeches.

On International Trade (ie Globalism) it's whatever makes American Millionaires into American Billionaires and let's hold out all hope for American Trillionaires and screw the peons and working stiffs. He'll take the fruits of the foreigners and deprive all the rest as a matter of "business", don't you know? It's a college freshman course.

On international politics, GWB is largely considered as much a TERRORIST as OBL and even moreso in many circles (billions) considering his leadership of the most advanced and capable weaponry and MILITARY the WORLD has ever known.

GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.


Have you NO shame? You just described the Clinton Administration to a "T". :finger3:
Psychoblues, if the current administration is as bad as you make them out to be, I wonder how we common folk make it through the day.

Everyday I thank the God up above for allowing me to be born an American, and giving me the chance, to get an education, and through hard work, be a part of the American success story.

You sound like so many, that spew bile, and try to spin fact into fiction to suit you agenda.

There are few countries on this green Earth, that gives EVERYONE a opportunity to reach for their dreams as does this great country.

If you`ve come up short, I would say rather than blame others, maybe you should look in a mirror, suck it up, and try again.

I too am a veteran, the Army allowed me to earn my college degree, without the Army`s help, I wouldn`t of been able to afford school, and raise a family.

Opportunity is right in front of you, all you`ve got to do is take it, and stop blaming others for your misery, for you truly are miserable.

Here`s to a better day for you sir. :salute:
Psychoblues said:
On Veterans issues, it's pretty much deny their benefits, cut the ones that already exist and charge them for anything that you can, just don't call it a tax.

On Active Duty Troops (mostly young and ignorant, the others old and indoctrinated) (I used to be one of them) it's "You're doing a GREAT JOB!!!!, HOW CAN I CUT YOUR PAY?" I could say the same for his actions toward the general American workforce.

On American Taxpayers, it's let the good times roll for the rich and increase taxes and otherwise expense on the food, oil, energy, real estate and even marginal entertainment values that most of us rely so heavily on to make our days. Just don't call it a tax or at least offset the increase by a cut that further increases the burdons of the ignorant. And for damn sure suggest any tax increase as a Democratic endeavor. Getting the drift?

On American Emergency Administration, it's pretty much nill excepting for a few well placed and timed speeches.

On International Trade (ie Globalism) it's whatever makes American Millionaires into American Billionaires and let's hold out all hope for American Trillionaires and screw the peons and working stiffs. He'll take the fruits of the foreigners and deprive all the rest as a matter of "business", don't you know? It's a college freshman course.

On international politics, GWB is largely considered as much a TERRORIST as OBL and even moreso in many circles (billions) considering his leadership of the most advanced and capable weaponry and MILITARY the WORLD has ever known.

GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.

just puts a bee in your bonnett doesn't it. Sorry sonny that the Soviet Union fell and with it your dreams of a "Workers paradise". Someday, preferable soon for your psychological well being, libs neo-marxists like yourself may wake up smell the coffee, get a real job, and join the human race. Till then I'm afraid you're gonna have the permanent "blues". And yeah Bush is a terrorist. Say are you interested in real estate? If so I've some prime lots available in Red China I think would meet your needs..................
rtwngAvngr said:
No. It's just the port issue.

If you think the dissatisfaction (64% to 68%, depending on the poll you are reading) is only relegated to the ports deal, then I thinketh you ain't paying attention.

Psychoblues said:
If you think the dissatisfaction (64% to 68%, depending on the poll you are reading) is only relegated to the ports deal, then I thinketh you ain't paying attention.


Someone might care if he was actually trying to suck up to the masses.
GunnyL said:
Have you NO shame? You just described the Clinton Administration to a "T". :finger3:

Have YOU no shame? Clinton absolutely tried to make this country a better and safer place. The present administration ignored him and continues to ignore most of the rest of US Americans. As you have obviously done.

Psychoblues said:
Have YOU no shame? Clinton absolutely tried to make this country a better and safer place. The present administration ignored him and continues to ignore most of the rest of US Americans. As you have obviously done.


Funny--I thought he spent his time getting blow jobs and doing great photo ops to ensure he had high poll numbers.
trobinett said:
Psychoblues, if the current administration is as bad as you make them out to be, I wonder how we common folk make it through the day.

Everyday I thank the God up above for allowing me to be born an American, and giving me the chance, to get an education, and through hard work, be a part of the American success story.

You sound like so many, that spew bile, and try to spin fact into fiction to suit you agenda.

There are few countries on this green Earth, that gives EVERYONE a opportunity to reach for their dreams as does this great country.

If you`ve come up short, I would say rather than blame others, maybe you should look in a mirror, suck it up, and try again.

I too am a veteran, the Army allowed me to earn my college degree, without the Army`s help, I wouldn`t of been able to afford school, and raise a family.

Opportunity is right in front of you, all you`ve got to do is take it, and stop blaming others for your misery, for you truly are miserable.

Here`s to a better day for you sir. :salute:

Typical right-wing bullshit.

I have a good day everyday. I get my kicks being the American that I fight for and I fought for. You, on the other hand, cancel your integrity by thanking the Army for "allowing" you to earn a college degree and then go on to say that you did it without the Army's help. You probably don't understand the paradox, but I'll go on.

I've taken advantage of every opportunity that I've recognized in my life. I've never drawn a welfare check or even an unemployment check and I have been constantly employed, self and otherwise, since I was 13 years old. I come from a very modest or even poor background, but I never used any of that to excuse my own failures or demand any extra consideration.

But, there are those much less fortunate than me. I love them. I fight for them. I know the directions of our 2 party polical system. I stand by the one that is TRULY compassionate and doesn't need to speak it out loud to make a false claim or point.

I don't even imagine that you have a clue as to what I am talking about, college education or not.

Psychoblues said:
Have YOU no shame? Clinton absolutely tried to make this country a better and safer place. The present administration ignored him and continues to ignore most of the rest of US Americans. As you have obviously done.


Your making a joke here right! Clintoon did absolutely nothing for this county. He allowed us to be attacted how many times, and did nothing. He's the reason that 9/11 happened in my oponion.
Clintoon was nothing but a fluff president, and he sucked(oops I guess I should say he was getting sucked the whole time he was in office) :suck:
ThomasPaine said:
just puts a bee in your bonnett doesn't it. Sorry sonny that the Soviet Union fell and with it your dreams of a "Workers paradise". Someday, preferable soon for your psychological well being, libs neo-marxists like yourself may wake up smell the coffee, get a real job, and join the human race. Till then I'm afraid you're gonna have the permanent "blues". And yeah Bush is a terrorist. Say are you interested in real estate? If so I've some prime lots available in Red China I think would meet your needs..................

I've never been a supporter of communism, what makes you intimate such a disingenuious thought? Workers do their level best to preserve themselves and their families by whatever means are made available to them. History, including American History, is chock full of countrywide violent WORKER revolt. Thank God, I haven't been involved in any of them.

I'm a "Lib" for sure. But, I'm no neo-marxist. I actually do believe that society and industry and commercial interests can all co-exist. But, it all must come together in mutual understanding and ultimate agreement. That's what makes me AMERICAN and you just another indoctrinated fighter for the rights of someone else to use for their own purposes. Dig it?

By the way, I didn't know the Chinese were Red. You've inadvertantly exposed your ignorance and your racial prejudice. I've been to China. I never saw a "red" portion of it. But, I saw millions there that seemed perfectly happy to me.

Stephanie said:
Your making a joke here right! Clintoon did absolutely nothing for this county. He allowed us to be attacted how many times, and did nothing. He's the reason that 9/11 happened in my oponion.
Clintoon was nothing but a fluff president, and he sucked(oops I guess I should say he was getting sucked the whole time he was in office) :suck:

No question about it. Clinton didn't need your lips and neither do I. But, thanks for your intelligent response to questions way beyond your comprehension.

GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.


Watch yourself around these parts partner. Some of these injuns get mighty
pissed when you slam their cheif like you did.

Pat Buchcanan was right, but it will be

LOU DOBBS 2008 :clap:
Psychoblues said:
No question about it. Clinton didn't need your lips and neither do I. But, thanks for your intelligent response to questions way beyond your comprehension.


Hey, your quite witty there SONNY BOY. Now I hope you take this literally when I tell you to go screw yourself AND billy clintoon, you seem to LOVE him that much. :asshole: :teeth:
Working Man said:
GWB is no conservative. He is also no patriot, no learned administrator of American ideals, no friend of the American Tax-Payer and he is certainly no Veteran of any War, foreign or domestic.


Watch yourself around these parts partner. Some of these injuns get mighty
pissed when you slam their cheif like you did.

Pat Buchcanan was right, but it will be

LOU DOBBS 2008 :clap:[/QUOTE]

Thanks, Working Man. I'm well aware of the jerks that cannot debate but only call names here on this board. They can whore all they want but the owner of this board, jimnyc, I consider to be intelligent and understanding. Jim and I don't agree on many issues but we agree that WE are BOTH AMERICAN and deserve a right to speak.

I agree, Pat Buchanan is correct on many issues and simply politically "right" on many others. He is no credible candidate for the highest office in this country. Neither is Lou Dobbs. But, we'll watch and participate as WE see fit. Don't you think? Get out the VOTE!!!!! Jail the ones that inhibit the VOTE!!!!! Accept the ones that actually WIN the VOTE!!!!! Do you dig it?

Stephanie said:
Hey, your quite witty there SONNY BOY. Now I hope you take this literally when I tell you to go screw yourself AND billy clintoon, you seem to LOVE him that much. :asshole: :teeth:

Oops, I forgot to tell you to "Kiss My Ass", Staphany.

Psychoblues said:
Watch yourself around these parts partner. Some of these injuns get mighty
pissed when you slam their cheif like you did.

Pat Buchcanan was right, but it will be

LOU DOBBS 2008 :clap:

Thanks, Working Man. I'm well aware of the jerks that cannot debate but only call names here on this board. They can whore all they want but the owner of this board, jimnyc, I consider to be intelligent and understanding. Jim and I don't agree on many issues but we agree that WE are BOTH AMERICAN and deserve a right to speak.

I agree, Pat Buchanan is correct on many issues and simply politically "right" on many others. He is no credible candidate for the highest office in this country. Neither is Lou Dobbs. But, we'll watch and participate as WE see fit. Don't you think? Get out the VOTE!!!!! Jail the ones that inhibit the VOTE!!!!! Accept the ones that actually WIN the VOTE!!!!! Do you dig it?


Goooollllly, me thinks if yoooos not happy about the jerks on this board, you shouldn't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.. I for one wouldn't miss you:bye1:
Psychoblues said:
Oops, I forgot to tell you to "Kiss My Ass", Staphany.


Naa, it probably looks too much like your face. :nine:
Alright I've had my fun, now I'm done playing with the wee one. Can ya dig it..... :rotflmao:
Stephanie said:
Thanks, Working Man. I'm well aware of the jerks that cannot debate but only call names here on this board. They can whore all they want but the owner of this board, jimnyc, I consider to be intelligent and understanding. Jim and I don't agree on many issues but we agree that WE are BOTH AMERICAN and deserve a right to speak.

I agree, Pat Buchanan is correct on many issues and simply politically "right" on many others. He is no credible candidate for the highest office in this country. Neither is Lou Dobbs. But, we'll watch and participate as WE see fit. Don't you think? Get out the VOTE!!!!! Jail the ones that inhibit the VOTE!!!!! Accept the ones that actually WIN the VOTE!!!!! Do you dig it?


Goooollllly, me thinks if yoooos not happy about the jerks on this board, you shouldn't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.. I for one wouldn't miss you:bye1:[/QUOTE]


There are plenty of good and well meaning people that post on this board. I don't include you as one of them. Keep your shit in your own drawers. Dig it?


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