it's not just Deplorable Donald, President Reagan should've been impeached for Iran Contra & other scandals, my friends. The GOP protected St Reagan!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Reagan not only violated the Arms Export Control Act and the National Security Act but also his own stated policy against dealing with terrorists. he also broke the cardinal rule of covert operatives, he began to believe his own cover. he persuaded himself that he had not been trading arms for hostages, but that he had merely tried to establish a friendly relationship with Iranian "moderates"

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"America must never make concessions to terrorists. to do so would only invite more terrorism. once we head down that path, there will be no end to it" - Reagan bellowed at the American Bar Association on June 18, 1985...he got a standing ovation
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from the archives:

"Dismissing Weinberger's objections, Reagan declared that he could answer charges of illegality but couldn't answer the charge that big strong Reagan passed up a chance to free hostages.

Jokingly, Reagan remarked that if he went to jail, visiting hours are Thursday

Weinberger rejoined that Reagan would not be alone"
from the archives:

"Dismissing Weinberger's objections, Reagan declared that he could answer charges of illegality but couldn't answer the charge that big strong Reagan passed up a chance to free hostages.

Jokingly, Reagan remarked that if he went to jail, visiting hours are Thursday

Weinberger rejoined that Reagan would not be alone"
Reagan not only violated the Arms Export Control Act and the National Security Act but also his own stated policy against dealing with terrorists. he also broke the cardinal rule of covert operatives, he began to believe his own cover. he persuaded himself that he had not been trading arms for hostages, but that he had merely tried to establish a friendly relationship with Iranian "moderates"

it was pathetic that the dems in congress made it illegal to give arms to the contras fighting the communists.
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from the start, Reagan looked for ways to suppress the truth, saying that the story had no foundation, and publicity about it "was making it more difficult for us in our effort to get the other hostages free...we can't and won't answer questions because doing so would endanger those we are trying to help"

VP Bush also wanted to keep the story secret, writing in his diary: "I'm one of the few people who knows all the details. there is a lot of flack and misinformation. it's not a subject we can talk about"
LMAO @ .....

Only the most Gullible Useful Idiots in our society would read that garbage.

However, it is still very entertaining watching our Snowflake Bed Wetting Leftist friends still crying about Ronaldus Magnus' term some 31 years after it has ended.
from the start, Reagan looked for ways to suppress the truth, saying that the story had no foundation, and publicity about it "was making it more difficult for us in our effort to get the other hostages free...we can't and won't answer questions because doing so would endanger those we are trying to help"

VP Bush also wanted to keep the story secret, writing in his diary: "I'm one of the few people who knows all the details. there is a lot of flack and misinformation. it's not a subject we can talk about"

the dems ridiculed reagan for thinking that the contras could fight against the communists.

in the dem world, commies can't lose.

but, teh contras were fighting well. so teh dems started using their legislative power to help the communists in their fight to maintain control and spread communism to new lands.

that reagan went around those laws, was the right thing to do. the dems were fucking traitors then, just like they are now.
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it was George Shultz who pressed Reagan for a commitment that no more arms would go to Iran. Shultz fumed that Reagan "was trying to get me to lie", adding that the scandal "is taking the president down the drain", and he wanted no part of it
Reagan not only violated the Arms Export Control Act and the National Security Act but also his own stated policy against dealing with terrorists. he also broke the cardinal rule of covert operatives, he began to believe his own cover. he persuaded himself that he had not been trading arms for hostages, but that he had merely tried to establish a friendly relationship with Iranian "moderates"

Oh, fuck off.
LMAO @ .....

Only the most Gullible Useful Idiots in our society would read that garbage.

However, it is still very entertaining watching our Snowflake Bed Wetting Leftist friends still crying about Ronaldus Magnus' term some 31 years after it has ended.
you guys are still mad about FDR, and some are mad that Lincoln freed the slaves and the south lost
Reagan not only violated the Arms Export Control Act and the National Security Act but also his own stated policy against dealing with terrorists. he also broke the cardinal rule of covert operatives, he began to believe his own cover. he persuaded himself that he had not been trading arms for hostages, but that he had merely tried to establish a friendly relationship with Iranian "moderates"

Oh, fuck off.

bless your heart

Reagan deceived everyone, including himself, that he fucked up

all president mess up, but not at this level!
Reagan was fucking horrible.
Blasted big govt. He also grew it.
Blasted giving into terrorists. He also gave into terrorists.
Blasted drugs. He also started the crack epidemic.
Fuck Reagan.
Reagan not only violated the Arms Export Control Act and the National Security Act but also his own stated policy against dealing with terrorists. he also broke the cardinal rule of covert operatives, he began to believe his own cover. he persuaded himself that he had not been trading arms for hostages, but that he had merely tried to establish a friendly relationship with Iranian "moderates"

Oh, fuck off.

bless your heart

Reagan deceived everyone, including himself, that he fucked up

all president mess up, but not at this level!
I meant it, really. The guy was president 32 years ago. Best in anyone's lifetime.
the hero in all this?

George S Shultz, who stated that he opposed any arms dealings with Iran, as we already established. asked whether this represents the view of the Reagan administration, he said ruefully that it did not
Reagan was fucking horrible.
Blasted big govt. He also grew it.
Blasted giving into terrorists. He also gave into terrorists.
Blasted drugs. He also started the crack epidemic.
Fuck Reagan.
thank you for being the only one in joining me to shit over Reagan (as president)
Shultz told Ed Meese that Reagan knew in advance about the arms shipment. Meese bristled, saying that if true, Reagan had violated the law by not notifying Congress, at the very least
you guys are still mad about FDR, and some are mad that Lincoln freed the slaves and the south lost
Hey genius .....

It was the Republicans who freed the slaves.

It was you Democrats that fought a Civil War to prevent it from happening.

"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

-Ronald Reagan
Shultz and Weinberger, who protested the arms shipment before it took place, SAID NOTHING

Bush, who was also told in advance about it, SAID NOTHING

high level staffers like Poindexter and Casey, also knew about it, SAID NOTHING


this was the ultimate terrorist coverup, and President Reagan was right in the middle of it

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