It's Early But...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
...At the start of this year Slo-Joe Biden had a double-digit lead over any of his Dem competition but a new Des Moines Register poll shows him now trailing Mayor Pete in Iowa by double-digits. Biden's support there has dropped by over 50% in just 10 months, perhaps because the Burisma scandal is hurting him even among Dems who still believe he is their best chance to beat Trump. Now the contributions are dying up and his campaign tetters on the edge. He has plenty of company as Booker's is running on fumes and Kamala complains she is the victim of racism and misogyny ... the irony being that race/gender identity politics has been her calling card. Oh well.

Joe Biden’s support drops in latest Iowa Poll, but likely caucusgoers say he’s most likely to beat Trump
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg jumps into the lead for the first time, with 25% of respondents naming him as their first choice. U.S. Sen Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts sits in second place with 16% support, while Biden and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont tie at 15%. No other candidate reaches double digits.

* edited for drunken punctuation
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Attempts to convict Trump for what he did do not help.
Bloomberg and Deval Patrick are like vultures waiting for the weakest to die off before entering the food fight.
Its like Lucy and the football. Warren, Biden, Buttplug, and Bernie all think that they have a shot at the nomination.
The party bosses will tell the "super-delegates" who to vote for, and like 2016, the democrats will lose.
The Soros NGOs, and his allies in The Ukrainian Embassy who were trying to interfere in both The Ukraine election and Thr President’s Foreign Policy, along with Burisma need to undergo a full blown investigation.

Instead we call the conspirators witnesses and put them on TV and invite them to
Kangaroo Court hearings instead of perp walk them to jail.

We need to dismantle The Deep State, not allow them to run scams and hoaxes to keep their corrupt asses out of jail.

When is someone going to ask These punks at The Ukrainian Embassy where the $7 Billion funneled through them during The Obama Administration disappeared to and why they cannot account for it?
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ButtPlug is Wall Street's Hero, so eventually the money trumps everything with Democrats; they railroaded Obama and Hillary through the caucuses and let the 'Super-Delegates' decide anyway, and they're mostly the same criminal vermin now they were when Obama and Hillary 'won' the nomination. Bernie gets a lot of votes for being a clown who was only a Democrat 5 minutes before he was all over the news, so maybe he and Pocahontas can run as an indie party. Hillary is also weaseling her way back in, it seems. Bloomberg is a joke candidate, so no threats there

Yeah, it's Trump in 2020.
...At the start of this year Slo-Joe Biden had a double-digit lead over any of his Dem competition but a new Des Moines Register poll shows him now trailing Mayor Pete in Iowa by double-digits. Biden's support there has dropped by over 50% in just 10 months, perhaps because the Burisma scandal is hurting him even among Dems who still believe he is their best chance to beat Trump. Now the contributions are dying up and his campaign tetters on the edge. He has plenty of company as Booker's is running on fumes and Kamala complains she is the victim of racism and misogyny ... the irony being that race/gender identity politics has been her calling card. Oh well.

Joe Biden’s support drops in latest Iowa Poll, but likely caucusgoers say he’s most likely to beat Trump
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg jumps into the lead for the first time, with 25% of respondents naming him as their first choice. U.S. Sen Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts sits in second place with 16% support, while Biden and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont tie at 15%. No other candidate reaches double digits.

* edited for drunken punctuation
This whole "impeachment" charade is proof that the Dim Dems have NO ONE that has a chance at beating Trump next year. What a clown show these morons are putting on!
The Soros NGOs, and his allies in The Ukrainian Embassy who were trying to interfere in both The Ukraine election and Thr President’s Foreign Policy, along with Burisma need to undergo a full blown investigation.

Instead we call the conspirators witnesses and put them on TV and invite them to
Kangaroo Court hearings instead of perp walk them to jail.

We need to dismantle The Deep State, not allow them to run scams and hoaxes to keep their corrupt asses out of jail.

When is someone going to ask These punks at The Ukrainian Embassy where the $7 Billion funneled through them during The Obama Administration disappeared to and why they cannot account for it?

Pompeo needs to manage his State Department. If the deep state holdovers need to go, then replace them.
If the "deep state professionals" are successful and Trump loses, then the Ukraine is back to getting blankets and MREs and Russia can invade.
So whose side are they on?

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