It's Begun: Israel Under Fire From the North

These terrorist fuckers should avoid pissing off the U.S. or they will no longer exist on planet earth.
at 1979, Israel owed about a billion dollars to Iran for business conducted before the Iranian revolution. Some of the debt arose from oil purchased by Israel, and a larger amount from the operation of the Trans-Israel oil pipeline and associated port facilities, which were a joint venture between Israeli companies and the National Iranian Oil Company. Israel decided against paying the debt at a meeting in 1979 and granted legal indemnity to Israeli companies which owed it. At least one Israeli bank account is known to hold $250 million owed to Iran.

Since the 1980s, Iran has been suing in the European courts for payment of the debts and has won several cases. However, payment of the debts is legally complicated by the international sanctions against Iran and by the fact that Israel classifies Iran as an enemy state.[21] In May 2015, a Swiss court ordered the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company to pay $1.1 billion to Iran, which Israel refuses to do.[22]
at 1979, Israel owed about a billion dollars to Iran for business conducted before the Iranian revolution. Some of the debt arose from oil purchased by Israel, and a larger amount from the operation of the Trans-Israel oil pipeline and associated port facilities, which were a joint venture between Israeli companies and the National Iranian Oil Company. Israel decided against paying the debt at a meeting in 1979 and granted legal indemnity to Israeli companies which owed it. At least one Israeli bank account is known to hold $250 million owed to Iran.

Since the 1980s, Iran has been suing in the European courts for payment of the debts and has won several cases. However, payment of the debts is legally complicated by the international sanctions against Iran and by the fact that Israel classifies Iran as an enemy state.[21] In May 2015, a Swiss court ordered the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company to pay $1.1 billion to Iran, which Israel refuses to do.[22]
I can't see Israel ever paying anything to a nation that sponsors terrorism against it.
It's been long debated who the armies of the North will be. Or will it just be from the North? Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan are not North of Israel. Although, they could move north and come down upon Israel. Turkey, Lebanon, Russia and China are north. I've always thought Russia would be the actual attacker with Muslims joining it. Gaza isn't north either. Gaza might end up being a valley of dry bones if the people there let Hamas continue this.

Lol. Only if you follow the Scofield heresy.

A number of foreign garrisons (Arabs, Syrians, Egyptians) fought under Vespasian and Titus from 67-70 AD. They were part of the Roman empire and military service was a fast track to Roman citizenship. They gathered on the plain of Megiddo.

You'd know this if you studied 1st century history instead of John Nelson Darby 's crackpot futurism.
I can't see Israel ever paying anything to a nation that sponsors terrorism against it.

Lol. They were friendly with Iran until they wormed out of paying their debts. Iran had a large Jewish population for 2500 years. Dumbasses fucked up everything they touched with their rabid nationalism.
Gaza-to-the-sea, though there are political differences between the north-south axis and the east-west axis (A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia). Scott Ritter: "Israel will lose against Hezbollah."
Lol. Only if you follow the Scofield heresy.

A number of foreign garrisons (Arabs, Syrians, Egyptians) fought under Vespasian and Titus from 67-70 AD. They were part of the Roman empire and military service was a fast track to Roman citizenship. They gathered on the plain of Megiddo.

You'd know this if you studied 1st century history instead of John Nelson Darby 's crackpot futurism.
Unfortunately, John was foreseeing the last days. Preterists are lost souls who will not be prepared at Jesus Christ return. Nor will they be able to let the Holy Ghost act upon them. Their hearts are hardened. The Israelites saw 9 miracles leaving Egypt and they still rejected the spirit of God. Just like atheists, agnostics and Preterists.
I don't think the Palestinians see Hamas as a problem. They've been like this in every country that threw them out. Hamas' IS the Palestinians
Then unfortunately , that will be their downfall. Terrorists don't deserve to live in a civilized world.
Unfortunately, John was foreseeing the last days. Preterists are lost souls who will not be prepared at Jesus Christ return. Nor will they be able to let the Holy Ghost act upon them. Their hearts are hardened. The Israelites saw 9 miracles leaving Egypt and they still rejected the spirit of God. Just like atheists, agnostics and Preterists.
Unfortunately, John was foreseeing the last days. Preterists are lost souls who will not be prepared at Jesus Christ return. Nor will they be able to let the Holy Ghost act upon them. Their hearts are hardened. The Israelites saw 9 miracles leaving Egypt and they still rejected the spirit of God. Just like atheists, agnostics and Preterists.

The Jews quickly forgot the miracles of the Exodus because there was no exodus. It's fiction, a morality tale...
The Jews quickly forgot the miracles of the Exodus because there was no exodus. It's fiction, a morality tale...
And, the world has forgotten quickly that there was a Holocaust of the Jews by Nazi Germany. So, that was fiction and it didn’t happen. Goofy Preterists.
Update (1100ET): Israel has confirmed its forces are now striking targets in southern Lebanon, as the conflict slides into the much-feared scenario of a two-front war... Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north. Interestingly, it seems that Gaza-based militants are trying to provoke Hezbollah's entry into the war, given they need the firepower and for the IDF to be bogged down in the north:

ISRAELI WARPLANES ARE BOMBING SOUTHERN LEBANON. This is a severe escalation. This came after clashes between Israeli occupation forces and unknown gunmen.

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That's an odd way of stating that. Israel is occupying Israel. So what?

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