IT'S bad when homeless refuse shelters 'cause of bed bugs and lice


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
A homeless man was asked why he didn't go to a shelter and he complained how dirty they've become. He said lice and bed bugs was rampant there.
So seriously, if you want to help, & have an extra or rarely used
hand steamer cleaner you can chose to donate it to your local shelter and help out the homeless population in a unique away less recognized. If you don't have one, then please consider as a family sacrificing one minor holiday gift per child this year telling them this sacrifice will go towards buying a cheap steamer for rhe local shelter.
They cost about from $15,25, 28-40. On Amazon, or you can barter or ask for one on a craigslist type site or local trade paper.
They can sanitize/clean beds, furniture seating like community couches and also sink areas and door knobs, because Hepititus, Meningitus, seasonal colds I'm sure are an issue at shelters that can be less problematic with an occasional good steam cleaning.
Besides the bed bugs, many won't go there because their goods are stolen.

Take note that a good percent of people sleeping in shelters have a job but no money enough to pay a room for rent.
I hear bed bugs are horrible. They certainly hurt Trump's business when he paid that settlement for the bedbugs at his Doral resort.
Besides the bed bugs, many won't go there because their goods are stolen.

Take note that a good percent of people sleeping in shelters have a job but no money enough to pay a room for rent.
Well that's another problem, those without jobs can't go on interviews without a phone number and method to reach them. I remember there was a service somewhere offering them phone answering services so they could go on interviews and have a contact number and message relay.
Perhaps shelters can also offer such assistance with an extra line used for work related messages and retrieval.
Besides the bed bugs, many won't go there because their goods are stolen.

Take note that a good percent of people sleeping in shelters have a job but no money enough to pay a room for rent.
Well that's another problem, those without jobs can't go on interviews without a phone number and method to reach them. I remember there was a service somewhere offering them phone answering services so they could go on interviews and have a contact number and message relay.
Perhaps shelters can also offer such assistance with an extra line used for work related messages and retrieval.

There is a program in place specifically for that problem, and it has been in effect in different forms since Reagan was president. Poor people can qualify for a free cell phone, and about an hour's worth of minutes per month, and it's funded by the telephone companies. It's what right wingers wrongly call an Obama-phone, even though when Obama became president, he didn't change the already existing rules concerning their availability or usage, any he certainly had nothing to do with it being put into effect. The use of the term Obama-phone was just another example of right wing dishonesty and misrepresentation that occurs so often.
Besides the bed bugs, many won't go there because their goods are stolen.

Take note that a good percent of people sleeping in shelters have a job but no money enough to pay a room for rent.
Well that's another problem, those without jobs can't go on interviews without a phone number and method to reach them. I remember there was a service somewhere offering them phone answering services so they could go on interviews and have a contact number and message relay.
Perhaps shelters can also offer such assistance with an extra line used for work related messages and retrieval.

There is a program in place specifically for that problem, and it has been in effect in different forms since Reagan was president. Poor people can qualify for a free cell phone, and about an hour's worth of minutes per month, and it's funded by the telephone companies. It's what right wingers wrongly call an Obama-phone, even though when Obama became president, he didn't change the already existing rules concerning their availability or usage, any he certainly had nothing to do with it being put into effect. The use of the term Obama-phone was just another example of right wing dishonesty and misrepresentation that occurs so often.

Tough shit ..

The name sticks

Obama phone
The use of the term Obama-phone was just another example of right wing dishonesty and misrepresentation that occurs so often.

Speaking of dishonesty...

Yes, they found an idiot spouting misinformation. Be honest, you wouldn't believe anything this woman said about anything else, yet you believe she was spouting gospel about a cell phone. It's extremely easy to find the truth of the matter, but the dishonest right capitalized on a video of misinformation.
Besides the bed bugs, many won't go there because their goods are stolen.

Take note that a good percent of people sleeping in shelters have a job but no money enough to pay a room for rent.
Well that's another problem, those without jobs can't go on interviews without a phone number and method to reach them. I remember there was a service somewhere offering them phone answering services so they could go on interviews and have a contact number and message relay.
Perhaps shelters can also offer such assistance with an extra line used for work related messages and retrieval.

There is a program in place specifically for that problem, and it has been in effect in different forms since Reagan was president. Poor people can qualify for a free cell phone, and about an hour's worth of minutes per month, and it's funded by the telephone companies. It's what right wingers wrongly call an Obama-phone, even though when Obama became president, he didn't change the already existing rules concerning their availability or usage, any he certainly had nothing to do with it being put into effect. The use of the term Obama-phone was just another example of right wing dishonesty and misrepresentation that occurs so often.

Tough shit ..

The name sticks

Obama phone

Of course it does. Once a lie enters the right wing bubble, it's there forever.
The use of the term Obama-phone was just another example of right wing dishonesty and misrepresentation that occurs so often.

Speaking of dishonesty...

Yes, they found an idiot spouting misinformation. Be honest, you wouldn't believe anything this woman said about anything else, yet you believe she was spouting gospel about a cell phone cover up in Benghazi... It's extremely easy to find the truth of the matter, but the dishonest right left capitalized on a video of misinformation.

:eusa_think: What was that you were saying about misinformation again?

BENGHAZI REPORT: State Department employees reacted in shock to Susan Rice's first TV appearances
The use of the term Obama-phone was just another example of right wing dishonesty and misrepresentation that occurs so often.

Speaking of dishonesty...

Yes, they found an idiot spouting misinformation. Be honest, you wouldn't believe anything this woman said about anything else, yet you believe she was spouting gospel about a cell phone cover up in Benghazi... It's extremely easy to find the truth of the matter, but the dishonest right left capitalized on a video of misinformation.

:eusa_think: What was that you were saying about misinformation again?

BENGHAZI REPORT: State Department employees reacted in shock to Susan Rice's first TV appearances

Yes, that was a mistake made because there were several other riots in the region because of that video. The mistake was found and corrected within a few days. Correcting mistakes is the action of an honorable party. Continuing to show that Obama-phone video when it is so easily shown to be misinformation is the act of a lying dishonorable party.
Yes, that was a mistake made because there were several other riots in the region because of that video. The mistake was found and corrected within a few days. Correcting mistakes is the action of an honorable party. Continuing to show that Obama-phone video when it is so easily shown to be misinformation is the act of a lying dishonorable party.

I call bullshit... Prove they corrected the cover-up...
Apparently many people has never been inside a shelter.

Before my job as bureaucrat working in a government agency, I was doing self employed work. One of the guys with whom I made friendship in those years (80's), told me that a funeral home was to be transformed into a shelter.

So, I went over there to do volunteer work. Such was needed in your resume to help you get a job in those years.And I am very good with some trades, because working with hands is my thing. So, I became in charge to install the pipes for showers, the shower heads. the faucets, etc. so homeless can clean up themselves over there as well.

I remember while I was there, it was a family of mother and children going there very often, and some of them were "Marielitos" (followers of Mariel), who were Cuban guys to whom Fidel Castro sent "free" and the US and other countries gave them asylum. There were also black guys going over there.

Sometimes a construction company offered them a job, and I remember some of them took it. But the same night at they return they made the complaint that for a minimum salary they won't return back to the work place and work hard all day. So there you see them running the street on day time and coming to sleep at nights.

One night, a black young man came late, and he forced the door to get in. He went looking for "his sandwich and bottle juice" provided for them as courtesy, and when he found no food he started to show his complaint breaking the offices windows. I was finishing my work and luckily I still had my tools, and when he saw me with a hammer in my hand ready to defend myself, he changed his direction and went to one corner and found a bed to sleep over there.

In those years there were no cell phones, so I tried to fix the broken door the best I could and next day from home I called the guy in charge and told him about the incident. I didn't point my finger over any guy over there. It was not in my job description doing so as a volunteer.

Perhaps, as it was "a new shelter" I never saw those conditions of bed bugs and similar, but what I have told in my story is just an idea that in those shelters sometimes sleep a night over there is not so secured.

I think there were even rapes in those shelters. Many homeless come drunk, no one knows their background, the only requirement is for them to show up before closing the doors at night.

This is decades ago, I truly have no idea how shelters work today.
Susan Rice has much more problems to worry about then that.
1) lying about spygate and not notifying the justice Dept about the crimes taking place that she was covering for.
2) and Michelle Obama finding out how close she was to her husband.
Apparently many people has never been inside a shelter.

Before my job as bureaucrat working in a government agency, I was doing self employed work. One of the guys with whom I made friendship in those years (80's), told me that a funeral home was to be transformed into a shelter.

So, I went over there to do volunteer work. Such was needed in your resume to help you get a job in those years.And I am very good with some trades, because working with hands is my thing. So, I became in charge to install the pipes for showers, the shower heads. the faucets, etc. so homeless can clean up themselves over there as well.

I remember while I was there, it was a family of mother and children going there very often, and some of them were "Marielitos" (followers of Mariel), who were Cuban guys to whom Fidel Castro sent "free" and the US and other countries gave them asylum. There were also black guys going over there.

Sometimes a construction company offered them a job, and I remember some of them took it. But the same night at they return they made the complaint that for a minimum salary they won't return back to the work place and work hard all day. So there you see them running the street on day time and coming to sleep at nights.

One night, a black young man came late, and he forced the door to get in. He went looking for "his sandwich and bottle juice" provided for them as courtesy, and when he found no food he started to show his complaint breaking the offices windows. I was finishing my work and luckily I still had my tools, and when he saw me with a hammer in my hand ready to defend myself, he changed his direction and went to one corner and found a bed to sleep over there.

In those years there were no cell phones, so I tried to fix the broken door the best I could and next day from home I called the guy in charge and told him about the incident. I didn't point my finger over any guy over there. It was not in my job description doing so as a volunteer.

Perhaps, as it was "a new shelter" I never saw those conditions of bed bugs and similar, but what I have told in my story is just an idea that in those shelters sometimes sleep a night over there is not so secured.

I think there were even rapes in those shelters. Many homeless come drunk, no one knows their background, the only requirement is for them to show up before closing the doors at night.

This is decades ago, I truly have no idea how shelters work today.
The restricted hours coming and going can be an issue in city never sleep areas where sometimes freedom to come and go is a preference, in fact the freedom is what makes some people choose to be or stay homeless. When you restrict and become in charge of their weird hours, I'm sure it becomes a huge issue and I've heard the homeless use the restrictions as a reason they don't go to shelters.

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