Its an uprising against the system


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
That's what this entire thing is. Not just Trump's win but Brexit,France's Front National is on the rise,Nationalism across Poland,Sweden,Norway,Finland,Russia,Hungary,Austria its either on the rise or already in power. Its a rise of white/Europeans AGAINST the flood of non Europeans into our countries. Its called white genocide to flood countries that are WHITE with NONWHITE people who then get government benefits and favors to open businesses and are able to leach off the welfare system to produce 10 children etc while Europeans/White Americans are working 2 jobs and only being able to produce 1 or 2 kids because we were raised to be responsible and not to go beyond our means. Now whether this is a swing towards crushing this aim of white genocide I don't know depends on WHAT happens in the years to come. If these parties come to power and stop the flood of invaders and put laws in place not allowing it to happen and kick the ones already there out then yes it can be stopped if they don't do that then its over. The last stand will be a violent one probably in the 2030's when what's left of Europeans and White Americans take up arms to try and take back their countries. I don't think this populism will go far enough....I think Nationalism is a good start but I think America for sure can not and will not survive this kind of onslaught. We are Rome and we will fall unless there is a COMPLETE change in policy and stoppage of allowing us to be out bred and allowing more invaders come across the border AND removing the ones already here it won't stop. The democrats WILL NOT make this mistake again. They realize they have to go back to the working class whites to win....this is to me our final battle...we win or we will be erased. Simple as that. Agree or Disagree but you can't tell me Brexit and Nationalism all across Europe is a white uprising against the very serious threat of destruction of our race.
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.
SOME nonwhites voted for Trump but what 8% of blacks 29% of latino's around same for Asians...the VAST majority was White working class now maybe that majority didn't think of it in RACE TERMS but deep down that's what they know is the cause...they are searching for a cause to all this...I did for many years.....but when you keep running into the same power brokers over and over you realize they ALL have one thing in common.
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.
SOME nonwhites voted for Trump but what 8% of blacks 29% of latino's around same for Asians...the VAST majority was White working class now maybe that majority didn't think of it in RACE TERMS but deep down that's what they know is the cause...they are searching for a cause to all this...I did for many years.....but when you keep running into the same power brokers over and over you realize they ALL have one thing in common.
It's more than that because Sanders Clinton Johnson and Stein also are White and appeal to White students and workers who want more power to the people.

The conservative side of Trump voters don't want dependence on govt that fails, which is independent of race but more about class.

Yes, we need better ways to address the Class issue so it isn't framed as race, or bought or sold that way.

The Black and Latino voters for Trump have figured it out that it's a Class issue.

If you listen to what they say, they're focused on jobs and ending poverty the right way by education and empowerment not by govt handouts.

So listen to what these minority voters say, and you'll see its about class exploitation and not solely about race that might correlate with class. But class is still the factor.

People do get this, and have risen above race to address the real problem

I think you and I are protesting the same problem, but I address it as class first then race, and you see it as race first then class. Thus we agree more than we disagree.

Can we agree we are both talking about Culture. And that is a mix of race and class both, causing this conflict. Is that fair? That it's the culture that is in conflict and both sides don't agree yet how to fix the class disparity which is showing up by race, too, in addition to the disparity in class? Isn't it both?
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.
SOME nonwhites voted for Trump but what 8% of blacks 29% of latino's around same for Asians...the VAST majority was White working class now maybe that majority didn't think of it in RACE TERMS but deep down that's what they know is the cause...they are searching for a cause to all this...I did for many years.....but when you keep running into the same power brokers over and over you realize they ALL have one thing in common.
It's more than that because Sanders Clinton Johnson and Stein also are White and appeal to White students and workers who want more power to the people.

The conservative side of Trump voters don't want dependence on govt that fails, which is independent of race but more about class.

Yes, we need better ways to address the Class issue so it isn't framed as race, or bought or sold that way.

The Black and Latino voters for Trump have figured it out that it's a Class issue.

If you listen to what they say, they're focused on jobs and ending poverty the right way by education and empowerment not by govt handouts.

So listen to what these minority voters say, and you'll see its about class exploitation and not solely about race that might correlate with class. But class is still the factor.

People do get this, and have risen above race to address the real problem

I think you and I are protesting the same problem, but I address it as class first then race, and you see it as race first then class. Thus we agree more than we disagree.

Can we agree we are both talking about Culture. And that is a mix of race and class both, causing this conflict. Is that fair? That it's the culture that is in conflict and both sides don't agree yet how to fix the class disparity which is showing up by race, too, in addition to the disparity in class? Isn't it both?
I think for a LARGE minority its race and a majority its class.....I think once you start down that road you don't stop until you find the answers you are looking for. I didn't but some might. I think in the US it would be easier to view it as a class thing but in Europe places that are and have always been 95% or more European aka White that its more of a race and culture thing.
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.
. Good read... Yes we best get this dam political correctness in check, stop the dam race card white guilt bull crap, unite as Americans or we will all fall against the machine.
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.

I agree with you, it is indeed an uprising against the system.

However, just because the system used to be bigoted and xenophobic, DOES NOT MEAN, that people have not evolved and become more enlightened. There are more people that have more love and empathy for each other, and the world's elites are just using, and have been using hatred and division to keep us down. Odium is part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump is a false flag candidate, and he will bring no real change in the end.

This vote was a revolt against the system, and Trump used race, but it wasn't about race, it was about a revolt against corrupt institutions and a media that lies about them.

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.

I agree with you, it is indeed an uprising against the system.

However, just because the system used to be bigoted and xenophobic, DOES NOT MEAN, that people have not evolved and become more enlightened. There are more people that have more love and empathy for each other, and the world's elites are just using, and have been using hatred and division to keep us down. Odium is part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump is a false flag candidate, and he will bring no real change in the end.

This vote was a revolt against the system, and Trump used race, but it wasn't about race, it was about a revolt against corrupt institutions and a media that lies about them.

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
. You said Trump used race, but I say he was countering the race baiters. If you are going to debate, then at least leave your anti-Trump bias at the door. Someone might listen to you if you could do that.
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.

I agree with you, it is indeed an uprising against the system.

However, just because the system used to be bigoted and xenophobic, DOES NOT MEAN, that people have not evolved and become more enlightened. There are more people that have more love and empathy for each other, and the world's elites are just using, and have been using hatred and division to keep us down. Odium is part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump is a false flag candidate, and he will bring no real change in the end.

This vote was a revolt against the system, and Trump used race, but it wasn't about race, it was about a revolt against corrupt institutions and a media that lies about them.

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
I agree much more than disagree MisterBeale
But to enforce inclusion of diversity, to practice what is being preached here,
I would not target Odium or Trump as part of the problem but more a key to the solution

Can we agree to focus there, On Inclusion in solutions. As many Clinton supporters give race a bad name because of what they feel and say, too, but i can forgive that. If I judged all of them (as they judge Trump or fear supporters like me or Odium are abetting the problem,)
We won't get anywhere but stay stuck.

I think the rest of your msg is a Winner for sure! I want to focus where we agree, and want us to remain honest in saying where we dont. And likewise, the key to pulling off the next big reform is including the Trump's and the Odiums in the solution or we repeat these same mistakes without end. We have to lead by example if this is going to fly.

That's the only part I take exception to, but on the whole I agree and want this movement to succeed by unity across political lines that ARE part of the problem. I don't meam to blame the people but blame the division and exploitation that's been killing us all.
Last edited:
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.

I agree with you, it is indeed an uprising against the system.

However, just because the system used to be bigoted and xenophobic, DOES NOT MEAN, that people have not evolved and become more enlightened. There are more people that have more love and empathy for each other, and the world's elites are just using, and have been using hatred and division to keep us down. Odium is part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump is a false flag candidate, and he will bring no real change in the end.

This vote was a revolt against the system, and Trump used race, but it wasn't about race, it was about a revolt against corrupt institutions and a media that lies about them.

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
. You said Trump used race, but I say he was countering the race baiters. If you are going to debate, then at least leave your anti-Trump bias at the door. Someone might listen to you if you could do that.

While agree he was countering the race baiters, while running the GE campaing, the media did not cover it as such, they were in the pocket of the Hillary campaign.

During the primaries, that is not what he was doing. He made lame attempts to distance himself from unsavory parts of white supremacist portions of the electorate. This was a calculated strategy. Why do you think posters like Odium were so attracted to him?

Why do you think DU got hacked with this vid.?

What do you think all these protests are about? Are you living in denial?

News aggregator site Democratic Underground still down since Election Day hack by Trump supporter
News aggregator site Democratic Underground still down since Election Day hack by Trump supporter
The hacker exploited that vulnerability in what appeared to be a politically-motivated act of vandalism: A large number of posts were removed and replaced with the words "God Emperor" (a reference to Donald Trump), and a ridiculously over-the-top pro-Trump video was served automatically to all of our visitors. If you're curious you can watch the video on YouTube (WARNING: HATE CONTENT)...

Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.

I agree with you, it is indeed an uprising against the system.

However, just because the system used to be bigoted and xenophobic, DOES NOT MEAN, that people have not evolved and become more enlightened. There are more people that have more love and empathy for each other, and the world's elites are just using, and have been using hatred and division to keep us down. Odium is part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump is a false flag candidate, and he will bring no real change in the end.

This vote was a revolt against the system, and Trump used race, but it wasn't about race, it was about a revolt against corrupt institutions and a media that lies about them.

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
I agree much more than disagree MisterBeale
But to enforce inclusion of diversity, to practice what is being preached here,
I would not target Odium or Trump as part of the problem but more a key to the solution

Can we agree to focus there, On Inclusion in solutions. As many Clinton supporters give race a bad name because of what they feel and say, too, but i can forgive that. If I judged all of them (as they judge Trump or fear supporters like me or Odium are abetting the problem,)
We won't get anywhere but stay stuck.

I think the rest of your msg is a Winner for sure! I want to focus where we agree, and want us to remain honest in saying where we dont. And likewise, the key to pulling off the next big reform is including the Trump's and the Odiums in the solution or we repeat these same mistakes without end. We have to lead by example if this is going to fly.

That's the only part I take exception to, but on the whole I agree and want this movement to succeed by unity across political lines that ARE part of the problem. I don't meam to blame the people but blame the division and exploitation that's been killing us all.

Agreed. The establishment, whether it is from the left, or the right, counts on using identity politics to get the population to vote for candidates and ignore the systemic failures of the institutions which are the root cause of failing to deliver solutions.

Hillary used identity politics just as much as Trump did. She wanted folks to vote based on sex, race, age, sexual identity, etc. Trump implied the same thing.

Folks voted based on issues and economics and the failed policies of establishment institutions. The irony is, those establishment institutions are probably NOT going to change. As always.

Why identity politics couldn’t clinch a Clinton win
Why identity politics couldn’t clinch a Clinton win
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.

I agree with you, it is indeed an uprising against the system.

However, just because the system used to be bigoted and xenophobic, DOES NOT MEAN, that people have not evolved and become more enlightened. There are more people that have more love and empathy for each other, and the world's elites are just using, and have been using hatred and division to keep us down. Odium is part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump is a false flag candidate, and he will bring no real change in the end.

This vote was a revolt against the system, and Trump used race, but it wasn't about race, it was about a revolt against corrupt institutions and a media that lies about them.

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
. You said Trump used race, but I say he was countering the race baiters. If you are going to debate, then at least leave your anti-Trump bias at the door. Someone might listen to you if you could do that.

While agree he was countering the race baiters, while running the GE campaing, the media did not cover it as such, they were in the pocket of the Hillary campaign.

During the primaries, that is not what he was doing. He made lame attempts to distance himself from unsavory parts of white supremacist portions of the electorate. This was a calculated strategy. Why do you think posters like Odium were so attracted to him?

Why do you think DU got hacked with this vid.?

What do you think all these protests are about? Are you living in denial?

News aggregator site Democratic Underground still down since Election Day hack by Trump supporter
News aggregator site Democratic Underground still down since Election Day hack by Trump supporter
The hacker exploited that vulnerability in what appeared to be a politically-motivated act of vandalism: A large number of posts were removed and replaced with the words "God Emperor" (a reference to Donald Trump), and a ridiculously over-the-top pro-Trump video was served automatically to all of our visitors. If you're curious you can watch the video on YouTube (WARNING: HATE CONTENT)...
. Just remember one thing, and that thing is that the leftist Demon-crats were the ones who tried to manipulate Trump's speak to suggest he was racist when he tried to say WOE Nelly, let's pull back on these reigns in order to assess the situation where we were being killed by Arab or middle East terrorist. Then the left tried to use that like they always have done, in order to keep white guilt alive, and that was to suggest that Trump was a racist in which was pure bull crap, and (what) was it all because he concerned himself about why we were being killed in our own streets by radicalized or radical Muslim terrorist ??? The American people have had enough of the leftist bull crap, and it's about dam time.
i have difficulty believing that evolved and enlightened civilization would ever chimpout over the results of an election like this.

Dear Ozone
given the grief and angst I had going into an election I thought Clinton had clinched,
I totally understand when the shoe is on the other foot.

People cried and grieved over Romney losing to Obama.

People express their distress in different ways.
Very fear based.
But very real and genuine all the same.

Ironic that before this point
people close to me were worried about race wars targeting WHITES
because of the negative media hype
now a dear friend close to me worries
about race issues targeting BLACKS all over again

So both sides are made to be equally afraid
because of race exploited in the media to drive emotions for political gains.

It's like MisterBeale clarified as "identity" politics
that distracts from both the problems and solutions we share responsibility for

It goes both ways.
And I sympathize with both, and feel that angst and distrust.

I just rather see people protest "civilly"
and use media and process in educational ways.
That's better than rioting with no purpose or direction.

These people DO have direction, and just need
to align their compasses
where we all agree to move forward in the right way
and not get distracted by the dangers
that BOTH SIDES want to avoid.

Both sides are afraid, but have different ways
of directing that energy. We need to work together
like horses pulling a cart, not running in opposite directions
and throwing everyone off course!
Hello Odium it's not just race but class.

Notice that Obama and Clinton have corporate backing, and now critics point this out with Trump.

The elitists get to play the game and control the narrative,
UNLESS the people Unite not divide!

The people on both left and right can stop abuses of government more directly and effectively by lobbying together as a collective voice so we do have equal presence and compelling voice as the corporate interests that use their collective influence this way.

We have to do the same, but organizing resources not wasting them fighting where the bigger bullies step in, use one side against the other, and leave us all in the dirt while they profit off the game.

Together we stand, divided we fall.
All for one, and one for all.

I agree with you, it is indeed an uprising against the system.

However, just because the system used to be bigoted and xenophobic, DOES NOT MEAN, that people have not evolved and become more enlightened. There are more people that have more love and empathy for each other, and the world's elites are just using, and have been using hatred and division to keep us down. Odium is part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump is a false flag candidate, and he will bring no real change in the end.

This vote was a revolt against the system, and Trump used race, but it wasn't about race, it was about a revolt against corrupt institutions and a media that lies about them.

Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
. You said Trump used race, but I say he was countering the race baiters. If you are going to debate, then at least leave your anti-Trump bias at the door. Someone might listen to you if you could do that.

While agree he was countering the race baiters, while running the GE campaing, the media did not cover it as such, they were in the pocket of the Hillary campaign.

During the primaries, that is not what he was doing. He made lame attempts to distance himself from unsavory parts of white supremacist portions of the electorate. This was a calculated strategy. Why do you think posters like Odium were so attracted to him?

Why do you think DU got hacked with this vid.?

What do you think all these protests are about? Are you living in denial?

News aggregator site Democratic Underground still down since Election Day hack by Trump supporter
News aggregator site Democratic Underground still down since Election Day hack by Trump supporter
The hacker exploited that vulnerability in what appeared to be a politically-motivated act of vandalism: A large number of posts were removed and replaced with the words "God Emperor" (a reference to Donald Trump), and a ridiculously over-the-top pro-Trump video was served automatically to all of our visitors. If you're curious you can watch the video on YouTube (WARNING: HATE CONTENT)...
. Just remember one thing, and that thing is that the leftist Demon-crats were the ones who tried to manipulate Trump's speak to suggest he was racist when he tried to say WOE Nelly, let's pull back on these reigns in order to assess the situation where we were being killed by Arab or middle East terrorist. Then the left tried to use that like they always have done, in order to keep white guilt alive, and that was to suggest that Trump was a racist in which was pure bull crap, and (what) was it all because he concerned himself about why we were being killed in our own streets by radicalized or radical Muslim terrorist ??? The American people have had enough of the leftist bull crap, and it's about dam time.

While I agree with your surface analysis, I think they are both full of shit.

I study the deep state, and the whole thing is a con.

Sufism is funded by the west, and the west's allies. Wahhabists are critical to the operation of our allies. There wouldn't be a such thing as Islamic terrorism if we didn't want there to be, if the Saudi Government didn't push it.

Research it, find out what operation Gladio was, and what operation Gladio B are. If you think Gladio B is going to end under Trump, you are deluded, he can't and won't ever get control of the Deep State.
the elections reveal certain things about the people. 2016 revealed the democratic party corrupt to the core, the clinton mafia and so forth. sanders was a joke from the beginning. strange how before the primaries, before anyone on the democratic party announced to be a candidate, everyone, every man, woman, and child on the right already knew that hillary was going to be the nominated at the convention. a common fact of life in politics, the democratic party is nothing whatsoever to do with democracy, it's all an entertainment show like pro-wrestling, all of it scripted, all of it propaganda, and anything in the party that stands in the way of the clinton machine gets suicided. just how long do they think they can maintain the lies? so now hillary's supporters are eternal riot mode, and they're confused, they blame trump, but it's the big deception played on them by people they thought they could trust.

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