It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

Good advice . Why don't you take it? was stated no one needs a ---etc--you know--a high capacity weapon--and this is very hard to argue
...why don't you state why you need it?

I don't have an Ar 15 because I have no use for a small caliber rodent gun.

That said I don't have to justify anything I do to you or anyone else as long as I am not breaking any laws or harming anyone in the process.
as stated, no need for it
I had some idiot that said we don't need cars--hahahaha
comparing cars/POOLS/knives/etc to firearms = hahahahhahhaaha

No I think the question was "Why do you need a car that can exceed the posted speed limits?"

And even that question is irrelevant.

No one has to justify their choice of automobile to you or anyone else.
There are restrictions on cars being “street legal”

There are no federal restrictions on cars at all, and there are no state or local restrictions on car that you do not take out on public roads.
All cars must be registered should guns

Speech as well, so that our rulers can judge what we say. So should the press, so it can be tightly regulated - not that the party doesn't already control it.

Drivers must be qualified and should gun owners
As should those who speak in public, or write on a blog, message board. or for the party press.

Cars must be should guns

As should be the lying fucks of the press.

You're an idiot, as is the way of Nazi thugs like you.
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
Govt took actions limiting cigarettes banning smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Did a lot to reduce smoking
A clear example of a blind squirrel finding a berry. Once in a great while gov't actions make sense and are of real value to most Americans. I would guess that 80% of Americans concur that smoking in public buildings is not a good thing.

OTOH, while I can still smoke a cigar on my deck I cannot on the beach just beyond the bulkhead … a matter of 2 feet. There is no authority that gov't will not abuse and none that lefties would not cede to them.

Smoke on your deck
Your wife will not allow you to smoke in the house
Wives, and they have all been fired but I still have kiddies & grannies who enjoy life at my summer house and I would not impose my bad habits on them (except for grilling, which I also do on the deck).
Now you got it!

To really impact our murder rate, you need to go after handguns which account for 2/3 of all gun deaths

But handguns are a sacred cow and can’t be touched. So we have to nibble at the edges and go after weapons that are used in mass shootings
That's why you'll continue to fail.

Few Americans are fooled by Fascists pretending to care about the victims of mass shootings. They understand your deception.

Look at who agrees with you....gun grabbers.
For shits and giggles let's say you were correct.....
Then 2/3s of America would be weak, tyrant hugging pussies who have completely forgotten history and the lessons of the American Revolution and why MUCH wiser men crafted the 2nd Amendment and why....and are groveling for a dictators boot up their asses.

Fox News is now basically part of the Left wing propaganda machine. If you're smart, you already know why and what has changed. (Therefore, no doubt, you have no clue)

So,'s more propaganda.
1/3 of America supports an assault weapons ban. I'll generously give you that.

How many Republicans are there? Hint: enough to still win national elections so AT LEAST slightly more than half.

And if you really believe most of those support the gun BS you're wanting you're just a dim bulb gun grabbing asshole.

Love how you guys have turned on Fox after years of being your propaganda arm. Fox did the poll, they just reported the results

Americans want sensible gun the rest of the civilized world use

Republicans rule from a minority in the House, Senate and White House

That's why we're not a democracy.
"Assault weapons" are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, making them "bearable arms" as the term is use din 2A jurisprudence.
Thus, your statement there is no right to own and use 'assault weapons' - like just about everything else you post - is unsupportable nonsense.
free speech is limited--so is the 2A
A red herring?
That's the -best- you can do?
I accept your concession of the point - that, by virtue of the fact 'assault weapons' are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, we do in fact have a right to own and use them.

Now, to address your red herring:
The basic exercise of the right to free speech is only limited when it harms others and/or places them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger -- when does the basic exercise of the right to keep and bear arms harm others, or place them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger?

I know this question is above your pay grade, but please do try to not embarrass yourself with your response.
o---geeee--let me think--this is tough one.....???
how about when they MURDER someone---that's harming, isn't it?!!!!

What about the people who don't commit murder?

Which by the way is the vast majority of gun owners.

Why is it you people can't seem to understand that no one is responsible for the crimes committed by another?

All people are not the same person

If you don’t plan on shooting up a school, responsible gun owners don’t need an AR-15 with a 50 round magazine

Unless you simply enjoy going to the range and don't want to have to stop plinking targets to frequently reload. Broaden your imagination a little.
A red herring?
That's the -best- you can do?
I accept your concession of the point - that, by virtue of the fact 'assault weapons' are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, we do in fact have a right to own and use them.

Now, to address your red herring:
The basic exercise of the right to free speech is only limited when it harms others and/or places them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger -- when does the basic exercise of the right to keep and bear arms harm others, or place them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger?

I know this question is above your pay grade, but please do try to not embarrass yourself with your response.
o---geeee--let me think--this is tough one.....???
how about when they MURDER someone---that's harming, isn't it?!!!!

What about the people who don't commit murder?

Which by the way is the vast majority of gun owners.

Why is it you people can't seem to understand that no one is responsible for the crimes committed by another?

All people are not the same person

If you don’t plan on shooting up a school, responsible gun owners don’t need an AR-15 with a 50 round magazine

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what they need?

An AR 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle.
no one needs a semi with a 50/20/etc mag

It's never been about need. You don't need a public debate board to express your political opinion. You can stand on a street corner and talk to anyone who will listen. Isn't it fun when someone else tells you what you need?
firearms cause over 60% of murders....we want to try to keep down murders, yes?
...humans will always murder....why allow them ''tools'' that make murder VERY easy?
..common sense tells you a ''tool'' designed to only kill and kill many very fast should be more regulated than a car
Saying "firearms cause over 60% or murders" proves you're not an intelligent, rational, mature adult.

Firearms cause nothing. Period.

Do you also think forks cause obesity? Bottles cause alcoholism? Ropes cause hangings?

Let's see if you really care about mass shootings....

We know many mass shooters want to be famous.

Would you support Trump banning news coverage of mass shootings?

Yes or no?

Further, he is flat out lying. He is using suicide deaths as if they were murder. Nazis are liars by nature.
If you don’t plan on shooting up a school, responsible gun owners don’t need an AR-15 with a 50 round magazine

My Constitutional rights don't give a damn what a Fascist thinks I need.

You have no Constitutional right to shoot up a school
We the People have no obligation to help you

No shit Sherlock and 99.999% of gun owners will never shoot up a school

But we know the favored weapon of those who want to slaughter children

Why do we help them get it?

No one is "helping" anyone shot up schools. Can you point to anyone who is paying school shooters? Who is transporting them to the schools? Who is carrying their weapons for them?
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
We DO need to stop crazy citizens , henceforth called republicans,,,,,,How many deer do you need to kill with your automatic weapon of war??
You missed a few talking points.
Get with it, or you won't get paid.
I used an M 14 on the range at Ft Bliss Completely unnecessary to have one in my home
And you have the right to your belief but not to impose it on other Americans, Comrade Eddie.

"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - 2nd A
Sayit I'm NOT infringing on your right to keep and bear arms JUST the type of arms ,and just who can be trusted with that responsibility
You have no Constitutional right to shoot up a school
We the People have no obligation to help you
We the People have a Bill of Rights.

You the Fascists have the right to dream about eliminating it.
Yes we do
You have no right to help those who want to shoot up a school
Here we go again

Not all people are the same person.

No law abiding gun owner has ever helped anyone shoot up a school
You help when you do nothing to stop them from buying their weapon of choice. You help when you allow them to load that gun with a magazine that has no use other than kill lots of people without reloading

Or put lots of holes in paper targets without reloading. Or put lots of holes in rats running around a barn on a farm without reloading. Broaden your imagination a little. was stated no one needs a ---etc--you know--a high capacity weapon--and this is very hard to argue
...why don't you state why you need it?
You're not listening.

Nobody's asking you for permission.
so, no one needs one......?? is this what you are saying ?

Everyone clearly needs one.
As long as the bad guys have them, then the honest will all need them as well.
And there is no way to reverse technology, so the bad guys will always have them, and have made them from scratch.

And example is the Korean grocers defending themselves during the LA riots.
But clearly all governments tend to corruption, and it is absolute that it is wrong to try to arm the government better than the general population, so that rights then become a privilege at the whim of government.
The government hires employees who work for money and do what those who pay them say.
There is no safety from government except a well armed population.
Good advice . Why don't you take it? was stated no one needs a ---etc--you know--a high capacity weapon--and this is very hard to argue
...why don't you state why you need it?

I don't have an Ar 15 because I have no use for a small caliber rodent gun.

That said I don't have to justify anything I do to you or anyone else as long as I am not breaking any laws or harming anyone in the process.
as stated, no need for it
I had some idiot that said we don't need cars--hahahaha
comparing cars/POOLS/knives/etc to firearms = hahahahhahhaaha

No I think the question was "Why do you need a car that can exceed the posted speed limits?"

And even that question is irrelevant.

No one has to justify their choice of automobile to you or anyone else.
There are restrictions on cars being “street legal”

Not on acceleration or cornering ability. Their USE is restricted, not their capability.
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
Govt took actions limiting cigarettes banning smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Did a lot to reduce smoking
A clear example of a blind squirrel finding a berry. Once in a great while gov't actions make sense and are of real value to most Americans. I would guess that 80% of Americans concur that smoking in public buildings is not a good thing.

OTOH, while I can still smoke a cigar on my deck I cannot on the beach just beyond the bulkhead … a matter of 2 feet. There is no authority that gov't will not abuse and none that lefties would not cede to them.

Smoke on your deck
Your wife will not allow you to smoke in the house

No law had any effect on the rate of smoking at all.
All places are required to have places where people are allowed to smoke.
No one is at all prevented from smoking if they want, and restricting where they can smoke is the same as restricting guns in a post office. That is legal. But it is illegal to try to prevent gun ownership or sales.
free speech is limited--so is the 2A
A red herring?
That's the -best- you can do?
I accept your concession of the point - that, by virtue of the fact 'assault weapons' are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, we do in fact have a right to own and use them.

Now, to address your red herring:
The basic exercise of the right to free speech is only limited when it harms others and/or places them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger -- when does the basic exercise of the right to keep and bear arms harm others, or place them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger?

I know this question is above your pay grade, but please do try to not embarrass yourself with your response.
o---geeee--let me think--this is tough one.....???
how about when they MURDER someone---that's harming, isn't it?!!!!

What about the people who don't commit murder?

Which by the way is the vast majority of gun owners.

Why is it you people can't seem to understand that no one is responsible for the crimes committed by another?

All people are not the same person

If you don’t plan on shooting up a school, responsible gun owners don’t need an AR-15 with a 50 round magazine

Unless you simply enjoy going to the range and don't want to have to stop plinking targets to frequently reload. Broaden your imagination a little.
RW suffers from a persistently leftarded brain-cramp. Thinking is strictly prohibited in the Dem BORG.
Sayit I'm NOT infringing on your right to keep and bear arms JUST the type of arms ,and just who can be trusted with that responsibility

So, you Nazis are NOT infringing on my right to free speech, JUST what I say and who can be trusted to convey the dogma of the party?
Your speech is free as is mine You racist bastards can call us Nazis to your hearts content

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