It Seems As If No Matter Who Wins, Millions Plan To Flee The Country. To Where? France,Italy,Sweden?

I was born in america. I am of Swedish heritage. Therefore I refer to myself as Swedish american. BTW, its not falling apart any more than we have been since the early 80s.
Wow, your standards for "great" are kind of low, aren't they????
1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%
Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women will be raped.

I was born in america. I am of Swedish heritage. Therefore I refer to myself as Swedish american. BTW, its not falling apart any more than we have been since the early 80s.
Instead of the great progress we've made these last 30 or so years Republicans will downgrade anything clinton did obama did or hillary does
Why would anyone uber wealthy leave the country that caters solely to the wealthy?
I was born in america. I am of Swedish heritage. Therefore I refer to myself as Swedish american. BTW, its not falling apart any more than we have been since the early 80s.
Wow, your standards for "great" are kind of low, aren't they????
1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%
Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women will be raped.
get them to move to the good ol USA
Wish I could afford to move no matter what happens. Iceland or Eastern Europe. Somewhere that has a strong nationalist party in power.
I'm sure you'll find help in leaving america text racists are us .com
Canada makes sense for democrats as it is politically much closer to their ideals, not sure what country Republicans would go to.
If the demos win, Republicans shouldn't leave. They should eat at the foundations and sabotage the institutions. A very small number of people can do a tremendous amount of damage,
If the demos win, Republicans shouldn't leave. They should eat at the foundations and sabotage the institutions. A very small number of people can do a tremendous amount of damage,
And just what do you think your stinking congress has been doing for 8 years??
Been to Sweden twice...beautiful and clean. We could learn things from them.
Not anymore...

Eye On The World: Muslim rioting continues in Sweden, schools, cars burned
Anyone that claims they'll leave the country is full of shit. Also whiny and dramatic. lol

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