It seems, according to this guy, (author of the article) that we have time to heal

.... when you have NEVER contributed anything even remotely considered intellectual discourse on anything I've ever seen you post on- ....

Well, feel free to search all the threads that I have begun and comment as appropriate.
Lessons in the Decline of Democracy From the Ruined Roman Republic

Historian Edward Watts argues that violent rhetoric and disregard for political norms was the beginning of Rome’s end.

Smithsonian Magazine
  • Jason Daley

There is a plethora of information to learn from History- those who don't are doomed to repeat it. I find stuff like this interesting in that they present their opinions with no comments section and are not really inclusive in their analysis- and, have the audacity to feign objectivity- SMH

Part of his ignorance is the co-mingling of republic and democracy- that isn't to say he doesn't present some valid commentary, it's just incomplete-

Gibbons' The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire covers 1200 years (and is a masterpiece of historical writing). But, to me, people who draw an analogy between Rome and the US are only demonstrating their surface-level understanding of the political situation in this country. The more accurate analogy is with Russia, 1917, when the Bolsheviks seized power in a bloodless coup as they are trying to do with this election. Then they went on to genocide 66 million Russian Christians in the most brutal and horrific ways ever devised.

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