It seems, according to this guy, (author of the article) that we have time to heal


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Lessons in the Decline of Democracy From the Ruined Roman Republic

Historian Edward Watts argues that violent rhetoric and disregard for political norms was the beginning of Rome’s end.

Smithsonian Magazine
  • Jason Daley

There is a plethora of information to learn from History- those who don't are doomed to repeat it. I find stuff like this interesting in that they present their opinions with no comments section and are not really inclusive in their analysis- and, have the audacity to feign objectivity- SMH

Part of his ignorance is the co-mingling of republic and democracy- that isn't to say he doesn't present some valid commentary, it's just incomplete-
Normally when one critics a writing they state their criticism after posting a quote of what it is they are criticizing.....Don't be lazy....
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Normally when one critics a writing they state their criticism after posting a quote of what it is they are criticizing.....Don't be lazy....
Make a note, stupid- prior to illustrating why you didn't finish your improper education to be what you like to pretend you are- but, ain't

Part of his ignorance is the co-mingling of republic and democracy- that isn't to say he doesn't present some valid commentary, it's just incomplete-
... why you didn't finish your improper education to be what you like to pretend you are- but, ain't

You say something like that just about every day. Seems like you are struggling with some deep insecurity about your education.
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Seems like you are struggling with some deep insecurity about your education.
And still, you can't legitimately refute anything I say- amazing that my insecurity you feel, stymies your intellectual ability.
Seems like you are struggling with some deep insecurity about your education.
And still, you can't legitimately refute anything I say-......

For example? What have you said that isn't bigoted nonsense? Crazy people always demand to be taken seriously, but they don't deserve to be. Say something serious that is not based on your personal irrational fears and we'll see where it goes.
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  • #7
For example? What have you said that isn't bigoted nonsense? Crazy people always demand to be taken seriously, but they don't deserve to be. Say something serious that is not based on your personal irrational fears and we'll see where it goes
What part of ANYTHING escapes you, stupid.
For example? What have you said that isn't bigoted nonsense? Crazy people always demand to be taken seriously, but they don't deserve to be. Say something serious that is not based on your personal irrational fears and we'll see where it goes
What part of ANYTHING escapes you, stupid.

There you go. You had a chance to be a normal human being, and you blew it. Don't bitch and moan about being taken seriously anymore.
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  • #9
There you go. You had a chance to be a normal human being, and you blew it. Don't bitch and moan about being taken seriously anymore.
And you've had ample opportunity to refute ANYTHING I've said and yet, your MO is to derail threads with your ignorance- and perhaps envy.
What have you said that could be taken seriously by a normal person?
Define normal- that doesn't absolve you of having an opportunity to refute ANYTHING I've said- NOTHING.

ALL you have are trolling personal attacks to intentionally derail threads where you contribute 0.
For one thing, not running around in circles every fucking day shrieking about Da scary, scary JOOOOOOOS controlling the world.
From another thread/poster- fits you precisely

When you build yourself up by trying to tear other people down, without having the intellectual chops to back up your mouth, you get dismissed as a lightweight. Your assumption that your purile insults are doing damage are about as realistic as the notion that voting for Trump doesn't make you look gullible and stupid.
Do you feel torn down, precious?
Not at all, stupid- you ain't capable, physically or intellectually- which you illustrate thread after thread, with stupid obfuscation post after post- you can't legitimately refute ANYTHING I post. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Do you feel torn down, precious?
Not at all, stupid- you ain't capable, physically or intellectually- which you illustrate thread after thread, with stupid obfuscation post after post- you can't legitimately refute ANYTHING I post. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

I keep waiting for an example of something you've ever said that is worth taking seriously.

"physically"? (???)
I'm giving you a chance here, but you're not taking it.
No- you're deceiving yourself and acting a fool in public, as per usual- YOU don't offer me anything but a trolling, educated beyond your intellect, obfuscating idiot, trying to put the onus on me, when you have NEVER contributed anything even remotely considered intellectual discourse on anything I've ever seen you post on- and your avatar has a man bun- that hardly gains you any credibility.

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