It expresses your current mindset.

"I used to watch them go home at night to a great super and lively conversation with their families, and wonder why my Mother and I were worrying about where our next meal would come from."

From "Answers, Not Promises" Author - Mother Angelica

My life? Maybe!
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My book was a devotional next to my computer and I had to count the pages to February 14 which was Page 45.

The title for that day is Beware of Satan as a Seducer

The first sentence is : If you want to be protected from your enemy as a troubler, you must take heed of him as a seducer. You can be sure he takes heed of you. ( second part completes the sentence as Connery's did so I'll include it - )

That is the first line - sentence and what completes it - on that page ( 45 ) of my book - The Christian in Compete Armour - Daily Readings for Spiritual Warfare by Gurnall. Have an awesome morning, Gracie! Cool idea - but my favorite still was yesterdays what is your favorite memory! That was very beautiful and I pray the Lord blesses you for it.
- Jeri
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"I used to watch them go home at night to a great super and lively conversation with their families, and wonder why my Mother and I were worrying about where our next meal would come from."

From "Answers, Not Promises" Author - Mother Angelica

My life? Maybe!

Oh, someone just gave me a book to read about Mother Angelica. I had to go get it from my living room but there is a picture of her on the cover and it says, "The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve and a Network of Miracles by Raymond Arroyo. I have not yet had a chance to read it. I hear many good things about that woman! - Jeri
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"If you live by the sea or vacation by the sea, you may be close to a lighthouse. You can take a field trip to the lighthouse, walk to the base (sometimes it is quite a distance) and just walk around it."*

*365 Afterschool Activities: TV-free Fun Anytime for Kids Ages 7-12, by Sheila Ellison and Judith Gray, Sourcebooks, Inc., Naperville, IL, 1995, p.131
Fleet Admiral the Lady Adrienne Robbins, Baroness Nergal and Companion of the Golden Nova, dodged with a haste which ill accorded with her exalted rank.

From Heirs of Empire by David Weber.

It's actually being used as a computer stand at the moment; I read most of my books on a Kindle, but that doesn't have page numbers listed. :tongue:

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