Israel's Legal Right To Exist

When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.

OUTSTANDING POINT! And who said Monte is an imbecile? Yes indeed, all Muslim countries are stolen countries conquered by invasion of the native population.
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.

OUTSTANDING POINT! And who said Monte is an imbecile? Yes indeed, all Muslim countries are stolen countries conquered by invasion of the native population.

Reread what you wrote and then try articulating the concept you want to communicate in English. You see, I am not sure how a "native population" can invade itself.
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.

OUTSTANDING POINT! And who said Monte is an imbecile? Yes indeed, all Muslim countries are stolen countries conquered by invasion of the native population.

Reread what you wrote and then try articulating the concept you want to communicate in English. You see, I am not sure how a "native population" can invade itself.

Well, what about those Jewish Zionists building their wailing wall around the Al Aqsa Mosque?
First of all there are people of the Judaic faith, not "Jewish people", a person of any ethnicity can practice Judaism. There are Europeans that practice Judaism, Asians, there even probably Inuits that practice Judaism.

People of the Judaic faith can have all the self-determination they want, but colonizing/invading Palestine and dispossessing the native Christians and Muslims whose ancestors had been living there for thousands of years, whatever religion their ancestors practiced, was a criminal act.
It's remarkable that you spam multiple threads with your silly "invasion" slogan. That slogan seems to be a staple for those who simply have no grasp of the history surrounding the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The creature is just repeating the buzz terms it encounters at hate sites.

Just like the idiocy about ethnicity vs religion. You and I both know that extremely few people convert to Judaism because it is so damn hard to do and we both know that the majority of Jewish people are quite secular, but the thing will use anything it can grasp when it comes to hatred.
First of all there are people of the Judaic faith, not "Jewish people", a person of any ethnicity can practice Judaism. There are Europeans that practice Judaism, Asians, there even probably Inuits that practice Judaism.

People of the Judaic faith can have all the self-determination they want, but colonizing/invading Palestine and dispossessing the native Christians and Muslims whose ancestors had been living there for thousands of years, whatever religion their ancestors practiced, was a criminal act.
It's remarkable that you spam multiple threads with your silly "invasion" slogan. That slogan seems to be a staple for those who simply have no grasp of the history surrounding the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The creature is just repeating the buzz terms it encounters at hate sites.

Just like the idiocy about ethnicity vs religion. You and I both know that extremely few people convert to Judaism because it is so damn hard to do and we both know that the majority of Jewish people are quite secular, but the thing will use anything it can grasp when it comes to hatred.

Yes but bless him for all the fun he gives us here.
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.
Well, obviously you prefer screeching out your sweaty, chest-heaving rants rather than learn the facts and history.
First of all there are people of the Judaic faith, not "Jewish people", a person of any ethnicity can practice Judaism. There are Europeans that practice Judaism, Asians, there even probably Inuits that practice Judaism.

People of the Judaic faith can have all the self-determination they want, but colonizing/invading Palestine and dispossessing the native Christians and Muslims whose ancestors had been living there for thousands of years, whatever religion their ancestors practiced, was a criminal act.
It's remarkable that you spam multiple threads with your silly "invasion" slogan. That slogan seems to be a staple for those who simply have no grasp of the history surrounding the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The creature is just repeating the buzz terms it encounters at hate sites.

Just like the idiocy about ethnicity vs religion. You and I both know that extremely few people convert to Judaism because it is so damn hard to do and we both know that the majority of Jewish people are quite secular, but the thing will use anything it can grasp when it comes to hatred.

Just facts. Most European Jews are the result of female conversions, as has been determined through DNA testing of modern European Jews.

"....the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history...."

A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages : Nature Communications

The only hatred is that which is displayed by you and your ilk vis-a-vis the native Christians and Muslims of Palestine that the European Zionists dispossessed. It is very similar to the hate that the European invader/colonizer had (and some still have) for the Native Americans that they dispossessed in the Americas.

An observer expressing criticism of the European Zionist dispossession of the native Christian and Muslims of Palestine or the dispossession of Native Americans by various groups of Europeans has nothing to do with hate, it is a statement of fact.

Hate is expressed by those that celebrate the dispossession of a people.
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.
Well, obviously you prefer screeching out your sweaty, chest-heaving rants rather than learn the facts and history.

The facts are quite evident, your ranting at the facts does not change them. The nice thing is that the Zionists themselves stated what their intentions were early on, in 1899.



The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.
Well, obviously you prefer screeching out your sweaty, chest-heaving rants rather than learn the facts and history.

The facts are quite evident, your ranting at the facts does not change them. The nice thing is that the Zionists themselves stated what their intentions were early on, in 1899.



The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin
Yes, dear. This is the same cut and paste article you have cut and pasted multiple times across multiple threads.

Now that you're done spamming this thread, why don't you wipe that unseemly drool from your keyboard and learn the facts surrounding the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
Oh, so providing source material that debunks your assertions is spamming. You are a hoot.

What does the fall of the Ottoman Empire have to do with the Zionist's self-declared colonization and associated dispossession of the native Christians and Muslims of Palestine? LOL
First of all there are people of the Judaic faith, not "Jewish people", a person of any ethnicity can practice Judaism. There are Europeans that practice Judaism, Asians, there even probably Inuits that practice Judaism.

People of the Judaic faith can have all the self-determination they want, but colonizing/invading Palestine and dispossessing the native Christians and Muslims whose ancestors had been living there for thousands of years, whatever religion their ancestors practiced, was a criminal act.

And there are Jews, just as there are arab's, Italians, French, Inuit and Africans.

They can only have the self determination they allow themselves, and this is what you cant understand. This is why tthe arab muslims fail because they only allow themselves the tiniest part of self determination because they would lose so much otherwise. They would have to accept they are in the wrong for starters and stop acting like 7C savages and start negotiating peace terms and mutual borders. Then they would have to stop holding their hands out and cawing gimme, gimme, gimme so they can buy black market weapons. Lastly they would have to stand up in the UN and explain why they have so many breaches of the UN charter and UN resolutions embedded in their charter, and what they are going to do to remove them. The Christians and muslims will be lucky to trace their ancestry back more than 5 or 6 generations as most are recent arrivals
Oh, so providing source material that debunks your assertions is spamming. You are a hoot.

What does the fall of the Ottoman Empire have to do with the Zionist's self-declared colonization and associated dispossession of the native Christians and Muslims of Palestine? LOL

Everything if you engaged your brain and looked at the evidence ?
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.

Not if they are invited to migrate and close colonise the land, as was the case with the Jews in 1850 and 1922. But then this fact destroys your islamomazi POV and makes you look like a complete IDIOT so you put me on ignore rather than face the reality
I've said this before, and I will keep saying it as long as it is brought up:

Using DNA evidence to determine who is or who is not part of an ethnic or cultural group is a form of racism. And to us this to dispossess a culture from their homeland is heinous.
First of all there are people of the Judaic faith, not "Jewish people", a person of any ethnicity can practice Judaism. There are Europeans that practice Judaism, Asians, there even probably Inuits that practice Judaism.

People of the Judaic faith can have all the self-determination they want, but colonizing/invading Palestine and dispossessing the native Christians and Muslims whose ancestors had been living there for thousands of years, whatever religion their ancestors practiced, was a criminal act.
It's remarkable that you spam multiple threads with your silly "invasion" slogan. That slogan seems to be a staple for those who simply have no grasp of the history surrounding the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The creature is just repeating the buzz terms it encounters at hate sites.

Just like the idiocy about ethnicity vs religion. You and I both know that extremely few people convert to Judaism because it is so damn hard to do and we both know that the majority of Jewish people are quite secular, but the thing will use anything it can grasp when it comes to hatred.

Just facts. Most European Jews are the result of female conversions, as has been determined through DNA testing of modern European Jews.

"....the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history...."

A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages : Nature Communications

The only hatred is that which is displayed by you and your ilk vis-a-vis the native Christians and Muslims of Palestine that the European Zionists dispossessed. It is very similar to the hate that the European invader/colonizer had (and some still have) for the Native Americans that they dispossessed in the Americas.

An observer expressing criticism of the European Zionist dispossession of the native Christian and Muslims of Palestine or the dispossession of Native Americans by various groups of Europeans has nothing to do with hate, it is a statement of fact.

Hate is expressed by those that celebrate the dispossession of a people.

As usually you manipulate the data by cutting only the sections convenient for your POV.

From your link:
"Here we show that all four major founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus."

However we have presented you with the studies showing that all Jewish communities in the diaspora share the same genes connecting them to Levant area. Moreover there're even studies showing that Jews and Arabs in Israel share much more than they share with Europeans.
First of all there are people of the Judaic faith, not "Jewish people", a person of any ethnicity can practice Judaism. There are Europeans that practice Judaism, Asians, there even probably Inuits that practice Judaism.

People of the Judaic faith can have all the self-determination they want, but colonizing/invading Palestine and dispossessing the native Christians and Muslims whose ancestors had been living there for thousands of years, whatever religion their ancestors practiced, was a criminal act.

"Judaic" , "Jewish" and "Jew" are one and the same word in Hebrew.
Your argument is invalid due to lack of basic understanding of the words in their original form and meaning, what you wrote has partial meaning only in English.
When people from one place go to another place (in this case on another continent) to colonize the place and remove the native people living in said place, it's an invasion.

OUTSTANDING POINT! And who said Monte is an imbecile? Yes indeed, all Muslim countries are stolen countries conquered by invasion of the native population.

Reread what you wrote and then try articulating the concept you want to communicate in English. You see, I am not sure how a "native population" can invade itself.

Very easily when they are not actually native but foriegn immigrants in the first place. Most arab's are from the arabian peninsular and most Christians are Greek or Roman. So how are the native to the land
So, you on the other hand, fail to tell the rest of the story:

"All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East."

This is a real scientific study, performed by trained geneticists from neutral institutions, not the Zionist propaganda that you refer to.

Arab Jews, Arab Christians and Arab Muslims are the pretty much the same people. Of course there would similarity between them. And yes, before the Zionist invasion, there were Arab Jews. They spoke Arabic and were culturally Arab. This documentary films Arab Jews in the late 1800s.

European Jews (the Zionists from northern and eastern Europe), on the other hand, have less of a genetic tie to the Middle East than southern Europeans.

But, even if the genetic propaganda were true, the European Zionists still had no claim to, nor the right to colonize and dispossess the native Christians and Muslims of Palestine.
First of all there are people of the Judaic faith, not "Jewish people", a person of any ethnicity can practice Judaism. There are Europeans that practice Judaism, Asians, there even probably Inuits that practice Judaism.

People of the Judaic faith can have all the self-determination they want, but colonizing/invading Palestine and dispossessing the native Christians and Muslims whose ancestors had been living there for thousands of years, whatever religion their ancestors practiced, was a criminal act.

"Judaic" , "Jewish" and "Jew" are one and the same word in Hebrew.
Your argument is invalid due to lack of basic understanding of the words in their original form and meaning, what you wrote has partial meaning only in English.

My "argument" is not only valid, it is basic fact.

This is a forum for communication in the English language. If you don't understand English, it's your problem. The word I used was Judaism, it is the word that in English we use to describe the religion.

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