Israeli minister: Remove UNRWA's offices from Israeli territory immediately


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The Minister of Construction and Housing, Yitzchak Goldknopf, has issued an immediate directive for the eviction of UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) offices from Israeli territories. Goldknopf (United Torah Judaism), following revelations by the IDF about UNRWA's collaboration with Hamas is spearheading efforts to terminate the organization's lease agreements with the Israel Land Authority across Israel.

In light of the IDF's revelations regarding the partnership between UNRWA and Hamas, Goldknopf, who also controls the Israel Land Authority Council, made a decisive request to Yanky Quint, the CEO of the authority.

He demanded an immediate cessation of all contractual engagements with UNRWA, instructing for their eviction from both leased and utilized lands within Israel.

Goldknopf's directive specifically targets the discontinuation of UNRWA's office operations in Jerusalem's Ma'alot Dafna neighborhood and in Kfar Aqab, along with halting further lease agreements.

This move comes weeks after a report revealed the Israel Land Authority's call to vacate an unauthorized UNRWA facility in Kfar Aqab, situated in northern Jerusalem and operating on Israeli state land.

UNRWA has long been Hamas' partner in promoting jihad against Israel and it must be gone.

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