Israeli Forces Kill Terrorists Who Murdered 3 Jewish Teens

Retribution, always tastes sweet....

Would have been better if they had gone to trial, but if they were the murderers then I cannot disagree with them being killed while attempting to evade arrest. If they were not the murderers and just scapegoats, then I would disagree.
They were opening fire on police officers while trying to escape, no chance they will remain alive.
The Mastermind captured last month or so didn't, and now facing trial.
After killing of 3 innocent boys?
I would gladly kill ANYONE who agree or justify that.
Let me get this straight, you'd kill someone just because you don't care for what they believe or a particular argument they may present? Is that what you're saying?

How about the parents of the kids you fuckers blew away on the beach, is it okay for them to feel that same way about you?

Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!
Shut up moron, you can't get it straight, I said ANYONE WHO AGREE OR JUSTIFY.
Now stop being stupid for once and try again.
End one mission before starting another.
Not a mission, but a duty, exterminating the terrorists to the very last one of them.

Surely you were in favor of exterminating the terrorists behind the King David Hotel bombing, were you not Zionist? ~ Susan
PS <snicker>

Bringing up something that happened 7 decades ago Grendy. Maybe it's time tk have your shitty little mind checked :cool:
End one mission before starting another.
Not a mission, but a duty, exterminating the terrorists to the very last one of them.

Surely you were in favor of exterminating the terrorists behind the King David Hotel bombing, were you not Zionist? ~ Susan
PS <snicker>

Bringing up something that happened 7 decades ago Grendy. Maybe it's time tk have your shitty little mind checked :cool:

Wassup toasty - you want protection for the criminals because it was long ago?

Would the Simon Weisenthal Centre agree with you?
Would have been better if they had gone to trial, but if they were the murderers then I cannot disagree with them being killed while attempting to evade arrest. If they were not the murderers and just scapegoats, then I would disagree.

How can you tell before the evidence is weighed up and the lies and disinformation exposed?
Maybe, trust Shin Bet and the IDF as a proxy court of law / murder squad?
I love this. On the one hand, Danyel fulminates about beastly Hamas executing collaborators without a trial, but murdering Palestinians only SUSPECTED of kidnapping and killing Zionist Israelis is clearly fine with him.

I say murdering, because those two Palestinians would have been dead whether or not they'd surrendered peacefully. They'd either have been killed in an "exchange of fire" whether or not they'd been armed (Israeli security forces carry around spare AK 47s to leave lying around next to dead bodies in case any nosey press turn up) or the old tried and tested, "shot while trying to eacape" mantra so popular with the Nazi SS or Communist NKVD in days of yore.

Just curious, what sort of police/internal security force turns up to arrest people in a "surprise dawn raid" bringing a bulldozer and rocket launchers?
Daniyel, montelatici, et al,

Felony evading arrest and apprehension.

Would have been better if they had gone to trial, but if they were the murderers then I cannot disagree with them being killed while attempting to evade arrest. If they were not the murderers and just scapegoats, then I would disagree.
They were opening fire on police officers while trying to escape, no chance they will remain alive.
The Mastermind captured last month or so didn't, and now facing trial.

This is certainly a case where there is no obvious indication of "scapegoating."
  • The armed suspects were approached.
  • Suspects offered a chance to surrender.
  • Suspects attempt to escape under the cover of gun fire.
  • Suspects killed.
I love this. On the one hand, Danyel fulminates about beastly Hamas executing collaborators without a trial, but murdering Palestinians only SUSPECTED of kidnapping and killing Zionist Israelis is clearly fine with him.

Again, you mangle the facts. The armed suspects apparently did not surrender, and were not in custody. Instead the suspects committed a second set of offenses by attempting to use deadly force to escape arrest and apprehension. The suspects were killed because they committed a second offense in the use of deadly force (a felony assault on police using deadly force to evade lawful arrest); not because of a summary judgment on the initial warrant.

On the other hand, HAMAS executed prisoners already in custody.


It happens frequently; near daily --- all around the world.

Most Respectfully,
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I love this. On the one hand, Danyel fulminates about beastly Hamas executing collaborators without a trial, but murdering Palestinians only SUSPECTED of kidnapping and killing Zionist Israelis is clearly fine with him.

I say murdering, because those two Palestinians would have been dead whether or not they'd surrendered peacefully. They'd either have been killed in an "exchange of fire" whether or not they'd been armed (Israeli security forces carry around spare AK 47s to leave lying around next to dead bodies in case any nosey press turn up) or the old tried and tested, "shot while trying to eacape" mantra so popular with the Nazi SS or Communist NKVD in days of yore.

Just curious, what sort of police/internal security force turns up to arrest people in a "surprise dawn raid" bringing a bulldozer and rocket launchers?

"On the eve of Rosh Hashana, Operation Brother's Keeper, which was launched on June 13, has finally come to its end," IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz was quoted as saying by Channel 2.

(those who want a fresh start to their New Year, I know I like to start my NY fresh)
Daniyel, montelatici, et al,

Felony evading arrest and apprehension.


It hardly seems fair to have them on a charge of feeling apprehensive. Even here we have posters saying they should be murdered / executed / exterminated during 'arrest'. And we all know the IDF / Shin Bet have a history of killing suspects that they have subdued.

So, evading assassination is a more apt description of what they were doing.
'Murderers brought to Justice'
Shaer, 16, Yifrach, 19, and Frenkel, 16, were abducted on June 12, prompting the defense establishment to launch Operation Brother's keeper in Judea and Samaria in an effort to secure their safe return and apprehend their captors. The bodies of the three teens, apparently murdered shortly after their abduction, were discovered on June 30 in a field west of the Palestinian village of Halhul, near Hebron.
Hamas operatives arrested during the operation had implicated Qawasmeh and Abu Aisheh in the murder, and the past three months have seen security forces conduct an extensive manhunt for the two.
According to Army Radio, IDF troops and the Police Counterterrorism Unit, operating on Shin Bet information, raided a Hebron house in which the terrorists were believed to be hiding early Tuesday morning. During the ensuing clash, Qawasmeh and Abu Aisheh exited the house and opened fire at the soldiers, who returned fire, killing them both.
Security forces also arrested dozens of Palestinians suspected of harboring the two over the past three months, including several members of the Qawasmeh family, who are known Hamas operatives.

If this is that easy to killed two Palestinians, then why these Israeli killer killed 2000 innocent Palestinian.
Don't you think its a madness or paranoid by Israeli soldiers. If this is the case then how jewish will survive in the neighbor hood please learn that Masaya is not coming and you are not prime kind.
Stop bullshitting, they were suspects to the moment they opened fire on police forces, I'm disgust to see how you rush to protect and question every possible way Israel made a mistake..they MURDERED 3 INNOCENT TEENAGERS.
The evidence is decisive on this one, they were suspects for over 3 months, didn't turned themselves in for investigation, not the type of innocents that randomly carry automatic firearms with affiliation to terrorist organization.
Don't derail it to the deathtoll in Gaza, they won, who gives a damn about the fatalities in Gaza anyway?
'Murderers brought to Justice'
Shaer, 16, Yifrach, 19, and Frenkel, 16, were abducted on June 12, prompting the defense establishment to launch Operation Brother's keeper in Judea and Samaria in an effort to secure their safe return and apprehend their captors. The bodies of the three teens, apparently murdered shortly after their abduction, were discovered on June 30 in a field west of the Palestinian village of Halhul, near Hebron.
Hamas operatives arrested during the operation had implicated Qawasmeh and Abu Aisheh in the murder, and the past three months have seen security forces conduct an extensive manhunt for the two.
According to Army Radio, IDF troops and the Police Counterterrorism Unit, operating on Shin Bet information, raided a Hebron house in which the terrorists were believed to be hiding early Tuesday morning. During the ensuing clash, Qawasmeh and Abu Aisheh exited the house and opened fire at the soldiers, who returned fire, killing them both.
Security forces also arrested dozens of Palestinians suspected of harboring the two over the past three months, including several members of the Qawasmeh family, who are known Hamas operatives.

If this is that easy to killed two Palestinians, then why these Israeli killer killed 2000 innocent Palestinian.
Don't you think its a madness or paranoid by Israeli soldiers. If this is the case then how jewish will survive in the neighbor hood please learn that Masaya is not coming and you are not prime kind.
The killings have set the stage for Israel's future...Sure they have the guns today and the AIPAC controlled US political structure to arm them, but time changes all and the roles will reverse.
Stop bullshitting, they were suspects to the moment they opened fire on police forces, I'm disgust to see how you rush to protect and question every possible way Israel made a mistake..they MURDERED 3 INNOCENT TEENAGERS.
The evidence is decisive on this one, they were suspects for over 3 months, didn't turned themselves in for investigation, not the type of innocents that randomly carry automatic firearms with affiliation to terrorist organization.
Don't derail it to the deathtoll in Gaza, they won, who gives a damn about the fatalities in Gaza anyway?[/QUOTE]

Spoken like a true ZioNazi!
I say murdering, because those two Palestinians would have been dead whether or not they'd surrendered peacefully. They'd either have been killed in an "exchange of fire" whether or not they'd been armed (Israeli security forces carry around spare AK 47s to leave lying around next to dead bodies in case any nosey press turn up) or the old tried and tested, "shot while trying to eacape" mantra so popular with the Nazi SS or Communist NKVD in days of yore.
Whatevah. Great news, making for a great day, of course!
Just curious, what sort of police/internal security force turns up to arrest people in a "surprise dawn raid" bringing a bulldozer and rocket launchers?
Why, the US police departments, stocked full with military armor and weaponry, of course! hehe
Stop bullshitting, they were suspects to the moment they opened fire on police forces, I'm disgust to see how you rush to protect and question every possible way Israel made a mistake..they MURDERED 3 INNOCENT TEENAGERS.
The evidence is decisive on this one, they were suspects for over 3 months, didn't turned themselves in for investigation, not the type of innocents that randomly carry automatic firearms with affiliation to terrorist organization.
Don't derail it to the deathtoll in Gaza, they won, who gives a damn about the fatalities in Gaza anyway?

I am so happy we at least have some kind of legal system in the USA although not always fair and balanced, better than nothing. For political reasons I think many innocent people end up in prison to further the political office of someone.
I find it hard to follow your system of law, as you just arrest people and throw them in prison or shoot them.

Has it ever occurred to you maybe they were innocent?

(I think lots of people care about the fatalities in Gaza)

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