Israel Wants Peace

If Israel has always wanted peace, why did the founders from Europe colonize a land on another continent? Colonizers rarely are at peace with the people they colonize.
The Zionists in Israel say Israel wants peace. And yet Israel still refuses to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & sophisticated weaponry to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians to protect & defend Israel. Golly gee, why is that?

Israel wants peace. Period. - Al Jazeera English
If Israel wanted peace, they'd end the occupation and blockade.
The Zionists in Israel say Israel wants peace. And yet Israel still refuses to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & sophisticated weaponry to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians to protect & defend Israel. Golly gee, why is that?

Israel wants peace. Period. - Al Jazeera English
So you are saying that the Terrorist Organization Zionism,the Cult that have tried(unsuccessfully)to eliminate the Palestinian people....have always wanted Peace.....!!!!!!!!!! Your post is an insult to the intelligence ........the very Cult that said NO PALESTINIANS EVER LIVED THERE,AND THIS LAND WAS EMPTY,!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that Zionists are a pack of Murderers and Lairs..............Who could NEVER BE TRUSTED....EVER.

STOP MOUTHING ZIONIST PROPAGANDA AND BULL SHIT MJ...........How can anyone believe such rhetoric,they can't because it isn't true.steve

Dread and Dreadful Post.
Billo_Really, et al,

This is the age old question as to which came first: The "Chicken" or the "Egg?"

If Israel wanted peace, they'd end the occupation and blockade.

The question as to which side bends first and compromises is a paradox.

The Israelis, under the threat of violence from the Arab Palestinian since a time before independence, cannot afford to compromise the defense of the nation or the security of the citizens. If Israel makes the first move towards peace and allows the Arab Palestinian to secure a strategic offensive advantage, they might lose all and never be able to regain its sovereignty. The Israelis, having been attacked numerous times by nearly every Arab nation (at least once), and consistently outnumbered by Hostile Arabs, has much to risk in such an uneven political equation and tactical situation.

If we just examine the timeframe beginning with the UN General Assembly Adoption of the Resolution 181(II), we find that Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) made a solemn pledge 68 years ago (over half a century past) that was made by an Arab Leadership that supported the authors of the Holocaust (the systematic and state-sponsored persecution of six million Jews by the Axis Powers and its collaborators) which said:

Statement of 6 February 1948 Communicated to the Secretary-General by Mr. Isa Nakhleh said:
13. In conclusion, the Arab Higher Committee Delegation wishes to stress the following:

    • (a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

      (b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

      (c) It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said Commission.

      (d) The United Nations or its Commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

      (e) The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

      (f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

      (g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.
SOURCE: A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948

This pledge has gone essential unchanged for more nearly seven decades and is mimicked in Palestinian National Charter (1968), the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (1988), and more recently in a 2013 major position paper, published by Khaled Meshal, Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau (currently hiding out on Doha, Qatar).

Oddly enough, Palestinians in general --- pose a new kind of threat to themselves, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel. The inability of the HoAP to effectively govern has allowed the Islamic State (ISIS/DAESH) (and associated Salafi terrorist groups) to appeared and operate in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. More recently, a group calling itself the "Supporters of the Islamic State in Jerusalem" has turned-up in the Holy City; placing the City itself at risk. ISIS is know to vandalize and destroy locations holding ancient artifacts and antiquities. The ability of the HoAP to secure its own territorial interests from such a threat represents a much greater threat to Palestinian Sovereignty than Israel ever did.

The HoAP must first turnover a new leaf, if it is to get a reaction from the Israelis. The HoAP must demonstrate that the vendetta and feud between the Israeli and Palestinian is over and they must first demonstrate that through actual deeds. That is of course, if they are not first eaten by the Iranians or ISIS.

Most Respectfully,
If Israel has always wanted peace, why did the founders from Europe colonize a land on another continent? Colonizers rarely are at peace with the people they colonize.

I love posts like this. Just more proof the Palestinians aren't interested in " peace" and they will not be happy with the " 67 Borders" we hear so much about
If Israel has always wanted peace, why did the founders from Europe colonize a land on another continent? Colonizers rarely are at peace with the people they colonize.

I love posts like this. Just more proof the Palestinians aren't interested in " peace" and they will not be happy with the " 67 Borders" we hear so much about
If Israel has always wanted peace, why did the founders from Europe colonize a land on another continent? Colonizers rarely are at peace with the people they colonize.

Because they didn't and this is just islamonazi propaganda spread by islamomorons like yourself. You forget that the real colonisers were the arab muslims that flooded the region after the Jews invited to turn the land around had done so.
The Zionists in Israel say Israel wants peace. And yet Israel still refuses to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & sophisticated weaponry to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians to protect & defend Israel. Golly gee, why is that?

Israel wants peace. Period. - Al Jazeera English
If Israel wanted peace, they'd end the occupation and blockade.

No that would be if they wanted exterminating . The only way to end the occupation and blockade is through talks, and the arab muslims are far too scared to even think about doing that
The Zionists in Israel say Israel wants peace. And yet Israel still refuses to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & sophisticated weaponry to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians to protect & defend Israel. Golly gee, why is that?

Israel wants peace. Period. - Al Jazeera English
So you are saying that the Terrorist Organization Zionism,the Cult that have tried(unsuccessfully)to eliminate the Palestinian people....have always wanted Peace.....!!!!!!!!!! Your post is an insult to the intelligence ........the very Cult that said NO PALESTINIANS EVER LIVED THERE,AND THIS LAND WAS EMPTY,!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that Zionists are a pack of Murderers and Lairs..............Who could NEVER BE TRUSTED....EVER.

STOP MOUTHING ZIONIST PROPAGANDA AND BULL SHIT MJ...........How can anyone believe such rhetoric,they can't because it isn't true.steve

Dread and Dreadful Post.

HEY licky still waiting for the link showing that Zionism is on the list of terrorist organizations, whats wrong cant you find one from a valid non Islamic source.
Why do you islamonazi's always blame others for what you are doing and then get all angry when it is shown you are doing so. How many murders has Israel been accused of compared to how many murders islam in the arab world has been found guilty of. Why does islam have a phrase to encompass LIES and DECEIT making them official, yet Zionism/Judaism does not. Its a bummer when you are shown to be spouting RACISM and ANTI-SEMITISM and having others laugh at your bluster afterwards.
This is the age old question as to which came first: The "Chicken" or the "Egg?"

The question as to which side bends first and compromises is a paradox.
Oh, shut up! This has nothing to do with compromise. It is illegal to hold onto land seized in a war. Occupations are supposed to be temporary. This ones been going on almost 50 years. It is the cause of all the violence. In order to end the violence, you have to stop what is causing it. In this case, the occupation and the immoral, illegal blockade of Gaza, which is "collective punishment" against an entire population of people, which makes that, a war crime.

You have no right to deny them their inalienable rights. No right to subject them to martial law. No right to transfer your population onto their land. The West Bank is not your property and it never will be your property. Eventually, you will be removed from the West Bank just like Hitler was removed from Poland.
This is the age old question as to which came first: The "Chicken" or the "Egg?"

The question as to which side bends first and compromises is a paradox.
Oh, shut up! This has nothing to do with compromise. It is illegal to hold onto land seized in a war. Occupations are supposed to be temporary. This ones been going on almost 50 years. It is the cause of all the violence. In order to end the violence, you have to stop what is causing it. In this case, the occupation and the immoral, illegal blockade of Gaza, which is "collective punishment" against an entire population of people, which makes that, a war crime.

You have no right to deny them their inalienable rights. No right to subject them to martial law. No right to transfer your population onto their land. The West Bank is not your property and it never will be your property. Eventually, you will be removed from the West Bank just like Hitler was removed from Poland.

The violence was the cause of the occupation you stupid idiot, the only thing you got right was to end the occupation you have to end what caused it and that is islamonazi terrorism and violence. You islamomorons point to the deaths of Palestinians after 2000 because before then the Israelis were being killed on piece. Who are you to say what is a war crime and what isn't. Don't you believe that International law of 1923 should be implemented just because it is in Israel's favour, the arab muslims have no legal or moral rights to claim any of Jewish Palestine after getting 78% of Palestine for themselves. They are denying themselves their rights by refusing to take the next step in free determination because they know they will fail to stand on their own feet and have to beg from the world. Look at the LoN Mandate of Palestine and see who was given what and how the arab muslims have brainwashed the Jew Haters into defending their terrorist attacks.
Israel has every right to occupy their own land, has every right to impose martial law, every right to put Israeli's on their land. The west bank was Jewish property from 1923 and will be until hell freezes over. The only way that Israel will be removed is if Iran uses nuclear weapons, and then Iran will cease to exist.
Or yours, which means that Israeli women and children wont have to worry about trailer park trash shooting them in their beds.
I'd like to shoot this Israeli woman in bed.

Anyone who gets me a date with her, I will gladly throw a Palestinian of their choosing, under the bus.

Any decent person would not need that incentive after seeing what Palestinians have done to children.
Or yours, which means that Israeli women and children wont have to worry about trailer park trash shooting them in their beds.
I'd like to shoot this Israeli woman in bed.

Anyone who gets me a date with her, I will gladly throw a Palestinian of their choosing, under the bus.

Just curious Billy Boy. When you were just a tiny baby, did someone stick their thumb in your soft spot?

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