Israel MUST stop recieving all USA funds

We will not give up any Jewish land,
They never had a “state” or “country” or even “land” before 1947ad; period.

Living on a false past gets you nowhere.
And nowhere is where they are headed.

Look at yourself and your own people. you head to a destruction of your own culture.

While my people have rock solid foundation and roots. We are the only people who's fertility rates keep getting higher, we are the group with the future.

Why? because we returned to the land of king David. Jews are back at Judeah. stay mad :)
Oh, the damn jooz are at it again! 9\11 - Jewish attack. of course. those damn jooz.
I didn’t say “damn jooz.”, you did.

Personally I have nothing against the Jewish people or as you call them, "damn jooz.. Many live right here in the USA. From what I have seen they appear to be resourceful people.

And I am specifically talking about American Jewish citizens.

They are not Israeli’s or Israeli citizens; they are Jewish Americans.

.The Jews living in America have found their true promised land and it is right here in the USA.

They are Americans.
They contribute to our economy.
They pay the same taxes I pay.
We have persons with Jewish heritage who call themselves, Americans; because they are.

Now an Israeli Jew is another animal all together.

Many believe they are special, chosen; but for what-?

Dual citizenship is not allowed in the USA.
I believe this is when the term “spy” comes to mind

I’m still mumbling

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While my people have rock solid foundation and roots. We are the only people who's fertility rates keep getting higher, we are the group with the future.
..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia
I must add, not by wars or disease.

China has the opposite problem, women there have only one child to reduce the growing Chinese population.

Look at yourself and your own people. you head to a destruction of your own culture.
When you state, “Look at yourself” puts your point of view looking in from out.

I am an American citizen, born here and will die here. While you are looking in I am looking at You <.>

BTWQ: I like the culture I and my family enjoy living in.

I can only hope you are enjoying the living in your culture as well as I am enjoying the American culture.
..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."

A lot of Jewish females have had marriages with Christians and other sects. , If you include the offspring coupled with non-Jewish mates and included their offspring too the number would be far greater that tabulated above.

as i see it :)-
While my people have rock solid foundation and roots. We are the only people who's fertility rates keep getting higher, we are the group with the future.
..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia
I must add, not by wars or disease.

China has the opposite problem, women there have only one child to reduce the growing Chinese population.


About 50% of "jewish" diaspora is not Jewish at all. ANYHOW

Israeli fertility rate highest in OECD​

By 2065, Israel will be most crowded nation on earth - good news​

For the First Time in Israel's History, Jewish Fertility Rate Surpasses That of Arabs​

For the first time in Israel's history, Jewish fertility rate surpasses that of Arabs

The Jewish settler religous community? they bring close to 6 children per family. Be sure, Israel got more future than any other place. Whats wrong with Westren fertility tho?

Out of 15 states in the Middle east - only 4 have higher fertility rates than Israel. Israel is expected to be higher on the list as arab fertility goes down - and Jewish fertility goes steadily higher
The US aid to Israel - 3.8 Bs$ - is less than 0.8% of our GDP.
I've pointed this out to the screamers who hate Israel but they never acknowledge it. We receive FAR MORE benefit from collaboration with your defense industries than do average Israelis benefit from our industries. A day IS coming when the D party will totally be controlled by the party of anti-Semites like AOC, Omar, and co. It will be interesting to see their reaction when Israel "loses" 3.8 billion but INCREASES its own global arms sales as well as competing with the best defense contractors in the U.S. I just saw that Israel is declaring a unilateral ceasefire BEFORE the Hamas stops launching rockets. That disappoints me but I guess the current government has to be willing to bend to some extent. I'd have much rather seen Netanyahu tell the senile old bastard in the Oval Office, where he could stick his demands...

What has taken over the American left? Totally marxist anti rationality party. unbelievable.

Rational people believe in inherent rights of indigenous people, and Israeli Jews are not indigenous to the Mideast, but mostly to Poland and Russia.
They should not be in the Mideast, and have no rights in the Mideast, since they are illegal invaders.
No one, right or left, should support them.
Indigenous? Archaeology proves they WERE indigenous. Care to cite a source proving there were any peoples, governments, or other proofs of a "Palestinian" culture, currency, architecture, or any other commonly used index to measure nationality?
Palestinians are ARAB MUSLIMS, they are no different than Syrians, Libyans, Jordanians... they are a make-believe entity, used to trouble Jews for decades as a way of finally removing them from that land. Islam is being "insulted" every moment of Israel's continued existence.
A delicious irony occurred when the U.S. Tan Messiah tried to damage Israel by his actions. His choice was to help Iran gain regional hegemony through its nuclear weapons program. Instead, his actions led to Sunni governments deciding to make peace with the only military capable of defending them when it was obvious that Obama wouldn't. In short, he shot himself in the foot. I get a chuckle out of that every time I think of him.
The US aid to Israel - 3.8 Bs$ - is less than 0.8% of our GDP.
I've pointed this out to the screamers who hate Israel but they never acknowledge it. We receive FAR MORE benefit from collaboration with your defense industries than do average Israelis benefit from our industries. A day IS coming when the D party will totally be controlled by the party of anti-Semites like AOC, Omar, and co. It will be interesting to see their reaction when Israel "loses" 3.8 billion but INCREASES its own global arms sales as well as competing with the best defense contractors in the U.S. I just saw that Israel is declaring a unilateral ceasefire BEFORE the Hamas stops launching rockets. That disappoints me but I guess the current government has to be willing to bend to some extent. I'd have much rather seen Netanyahu tell the senile old bastard in the Oval Office, where he could stick his demands...

What has taken over the American left? Totally marxist anti rationality party. unbelievable.

Rational people believe in inherent rights of indigenous people, and Israeli Jews are not indigenous to the Mideast, but mostly to Poland and Russia.
They should not be in the Mideast, and have no rights in the Mideast, since they are illegal invaders.
No one, right or left, should support them.
Indigenous? Archaeology proves they WERE indigenous. Care to cite a source proving there were any peoples, governments, or other proofs of a "Palestinian" culture, currency, architecture, or any other commonly used index to measure nationality?
Palestinians are ARAB MUSLIMS, they are no different than Syrians, Libyans, Jordanians... they are a make-believe entity, used to trouble Jews for decades as a way of finally removing them from that land. Islam is being "insulted" every moment of Israel's continued existence.
A delicious irony occurred when the U.S. Tan Messiah tried to damage Israel by his actions. His choice was to help Iran gain regional hegemony through its nuclear weapons program. Instead, his actions led to Sunni governments deciding to make peace with the only military capable of defending them when it was obvious that Obama wouldn't. In short, he shot himself in the foot. I get a chuckle out of that every time I think of him.

"How dare the Jews steal Judeah from the Arabs?"

Funny how this idiot calls me ethnic Russian. He never saw one DNA research in his life.

Love your autograph btw. Si vic pacem, para bellum :)
Out of 15 states in the Middle east - only 4 have higher fertility rates than Israel. Israel is expected to be higher on the list as arab fertility goes down - and Jewish fertility goes steadily higher
Good for you,

May you keep that peker standing up tall.
May you and yours live long and prosper multiplying like the leaves on a Red oak.

No animosity intended or implied

So Help Me God :)-​
If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Then please feel free to cite articles on Israel's dependence on U.S. technology. The truth is closer to that 3.8 billion being used as corporate welfare AND as a means to reduce very serious competition from Israeli arms manufacturers.
Something you might want to consider about Israel's existence is the fact that if the day comes when they are convinced they and their children are about to be destroyed, they WILL ACT. That means people like yourself should carefully weigh the value of your hate vs your children's future.
If it were MY decision, the U.S. would provide an unlimited number of assets that would make Israel untouchable in the region AND the wider world.
Care to cite a source proving there were any peoples, governments, or other proofs of a "Palestinian" culture,

The fact that you used the term "Palestinian" saYS IT all
I googled the term "Palestinian" and got this--

The Palestinian people (Arabic: الشعب الفلسطيني‎, ash-sha‘b al-Filasṭīnī), also referred to as Palestinians (Arabic: الفلسطينيون‎, al-Filasṭīniyyūn; Hebrew: פָלַסְטִינִים‎) or Palestinian Arabs (Arabic: الفلسطينيين العرب‎, al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab), are an ethnonational group comprising the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine continuously over the centuries and who today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab including those ethnic Jews and Samaritans who fit this definition.
Palestinians - Wikipedia
But our weapons are so much more efficient at killing terrorist shitheads.

Remember when they killed Rachel Corry? Remember Kurdi Bear with his bulldozer?
Armored D9 drivers can't see shit. its all protected from AT and Rifles. Why the hell was she running f##ing towards it? play stupid games, die fast
She'd lived a sheltered existence for so long that she was convinced no Israeli would EVER act against her American passport. She stepped in front of the bulldozer and she lost her life from sheer stupidity. It was unfortunate but I blame her parents and professors FAR more than a Jewish bulldozer operator.
But our weapons are so much more efficient at killing terrorist shitheads.

Remember when they killed Rachel Corry? Remember Kurdi Bear with his bulldozer?
Armored D9 drivers can't see shit. its all protected from AT and Rifles. Why the hell was she running f##ing towards it? play stupid games, die fast
She'd lived a sheltered existence for so long that she was convinced no Israeli would EVER act against her American passport. She stepped in front of the bulldozer and she lost her life from sheer stupidity. It was unfortunate but I blame her parents and professors FAR more than a Jewish bulldozer operator.

The Israelis were bulldozing a house and a clinic.. You seem pleased they killed her.
Oh, the damn jooz are at it again! 9\11 - Jewish attack. of course. those damn jooz.
I didn’t say “damn jooz.”, you did.

Personally I have nothing against the Jewish people or as you call them, "damn jooz.. Many live right here in the USA. From what I have seen they appear to be resourceful people.

And I am specifically talking about American Jewish citizens.

They are not Israeli’s or Israeli citizens; they are Jewish Americans.

.The Jews living in America have found their true promised land and it is right here in the USA.

They are Americans.
They contribute to our economy.
They pay the same taxes I pay.
We have persons with Jewish heritage who call themselves, Americans; because they are.

Now an Israeli Jew is another animal all together.

Many believe they are special, chosen; but for what-?

Dual citizenship is not allowed in the USA.
I believe this is when the term “spy” comes to mind

I’m still mumbling


The US doesn't grant dual citizenship but other countries do and they are often US citizens so they can vote.
Something you might want to consider about Israel's existence is the fact that if the day comes when they are convinced they and their children are about to be destroyed, they WILL ACT.
Yes, they are good at murdering children, this they have proven but building a military jet fighter is way out of their league.

The US is going to plug that hole which the Israelis are feeding on.
The only “act” they are proving so successful at is self-destruction.
And yet still they could repent.
That would be an ACT worth achieving.
What say you?

That means people like yourself should carefully weigh the value of your hate vs your children's future.
If it were MY decision, the U.S. would provide an unlimited number of assets that would make Israel untouchable in the region AND the wider world.

Sorry old man, I do not "hate". Have never felt "hate". Hate is not a word in my vocabulary. I believe if we stopped using that term, speaking the word or righting it down, hate will fade away and never be seen again, so help me God
She stepped in front of the bulldozer and she lost her life from sheer stupidity. It was unfortunate but I blame her parents and professors FAR more than a Jewish bulldozer operator.
so said the spider to the fly


May I ask---
[1] who was driving the bulldozer?
[2] what was the manufacturer of the bulldozer?
[3] what was the bulldozer doing there, for what purpose?
[4] who claims ownership of this bulldozer?
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But our weapons are so much more efficient at killing terrorist shitheads.

Remember when they killed Rachel Corry? Remember Kurdi Bear with his bulldozer?
Armored D9 drivers can't see shit. its all protected from AT and Rifles. Why the hell was she running f##ing towards it? play stupid games, die fast
She'd lived a sheltered existence for so long that she was convinced no Israeli would EVER act against her American passport. She stepped in front of the bulldozer and she lost her life from sheer stupidity. It was unfortunate but I blame her parents and professors FAR more than a Jewish bulldozer operator.

The Israelis were bulldozing a house and a clinic.. You seem pleased they killed her.

I feel as little sympathy toward her as I do those idiot women who ran off and became ISIS brides.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
But our weapons are so much more efficient at killing terrorist shitheads.

Remember when they killed Rachel Corry? Remember Kurdi Bear with his bulldozer?
Armored D9 drivers can't see shit. its all protected from AT and Rifles. Why the hell was she running f##ing towards it? play stupid games, die fast
She'd lived a sheltered existence for so long that she was convinced no Israeli would EVER act against her American passport. She stepped in front of the bulldozer and she lost her life from sheer stupidity. It was unfortunate but I blame her parents and professors FAR more than a Jewish bulldozer operator.

The Israelis were bulldozing a house and a clinic.. You seem pleased they killed her.

I feel as little sympathy toward her as I do those idiot women who ran off and became ISIS brides.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Well of course.. She was a peace activist so she deserved to die like Yizak Rabin.
She stepped in front of the bulldozer and she lost her life from sheer stupidity. It was unfortunate but I blame her parents and professors FAR more than a Jewish bulldozer operator.
so said the spider to the fly

View attachment 492787

May I ask---
[1] who was driving the bulldozer?
[2] what was the manufacturer of the bulldozer?
[3] what was the bulldozer doing there, for what purpose?
[4] who claims ownership of this bulldozer?

The Israelis were bulldozing a Palestinian home and a medical clinic.
But our weapons are so much more efficient at killing terrorist shitheads.

Remember when they killed Rachel Corry? Remember Kurdi Bear with his bulldozer?
Armored D9 drivers can't see shit. its all protected from AT and Rifles. Why the hell was she running f##ing towards it? play stupid games, die fast
She'd lived a sheltered existence for so long that she was convinced no Israeli would EVER act against her American passport. She stepped in front of the bulldozer and she lost her life from sheer stupidity. It was unfortunate but I blame her parents and professors FAR more than a Jewish bulldozer operator.

The Israelis were bulldozing a house and a clinic.. You seem pleased they killed her.

I feel as little sympathy toward her as I do those idiot women who ran off and became ISIS brides.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Well of course.. She was a peace activist so she deserved to die like Yizak Rabin.

She killed herself.
Just like thousands who threw themsleves under the train - there is no difference. and she should not be treated as different

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