Flaming Libs/Koranimals
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Israel: More Formidable Than Ever
An evaluation of the Jewish state’s geopolitical situation.
March 7, 2016
Joseph Puder
Netanyahu cited a January, 2016 study by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, US News & World Report and BAV Consulting called Best Countries Rankings, which attempted to rank countries much the way universities are graded. The study ranked Israel as the eighth most powerful country in the world. Israel ranked 25th in the overall “Best Countries Ranking.”
Viewed in the midst of the chaos experienced throughout the Middle East, Israel appears as an island of tranquility. Nevertheless, the current spate of knifings and car rammings by individual Palestinian terrorists has had a deleterious effect on the mood in the country. It did not in any way stop the flow of life, and people’s daily routines, but it has put Israelis more on guard. It is time for the Israeli government to pressure friendly European governments, and especially the U.S. administration to condition aid to the Palestinians on the transformation of the Palestinian educational system from one that spews hatred and intolerance for Jews and Israel to one that teaches the young the value of peace with Israel, and the humanity of Jews. The Oslo Accords never sought to transform Palestinian hate education, which is detrimental to the Palestinian acceptance of peace. Israel cannot solve this problem, but the U.S. and its EU allies have financial leverage.
Israel’s best weapon against the BDS (Lapid complained about) is to expose the BDS’ lies. Many NGO’s are doing it, but it requires the U.S. and its European allies to help expose the bias and vicious anti-Semitism embedded in the nature of the BDS movement, originated by Omar Barghouti- a Palestinian born in Qatar, and educated at Tel Aviv University.
Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic wrote in 2009, “Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, recently told me that he has sensed an oncoming revolution in Sunni thinking. For the first time, the majority of the Arab world thinks that Iran is the real danger, not Israel. Seventy percent of the Arabs are Sunnis. The Sunnis look upon us, whether they say it or not, not as a problem but as a hope.”
It is ironic that from the early days of the Jewish State, Ben Gurion, Israel’s “founding father,” and first prime minister charted the “Periphery doctrine.” It meant establishing alliances of sorts with the non-Arab peripheral states of Iran, Turkey, and Ethiopia as a way to ameliorate its isolation from its immediate Arab neighbors. Today, under PM Netanyahu, the reverse is occurring. Israel and its immediate Sunni-Arab neighbors find common interest against Iran, while at the same time Israel is close to patching up its problems with Turkey. President Erdogan of Turkey, like the Arab leaders, are not “in love” with Israel, but self-interest motivates them. The old saying “one’s enemies enemy is one’s friend” has never been truer. Iran is the enemy of both Israel and the Sunni-Arabs, and it is increasingly true about Turkey as well. Ankara sees economic benefits from a relationship with Israel, too.
Avigdor Lieberman and Yair Lapid are wrong about Israel’s international status. BDS may win some battles on campuses or in liberal Protestant churches, but Asian giant government like China, India, and Japan are flocking to Israel and investing in its hi-tech industries. Even a European nation previously hostile to Israel - Greece (led by a hard left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras), is now recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s historical capital. PM Netanyahu may have his faults, but he is leading an Israel that is more formidable than ever.
Israel: More Formidable Than Ever
Israel: More Formidable Than Ever
An evaluation of the Jewish state’s geopolitical situation.
March 7, 2016
Joseph Puder
Netanyahu cited a January, 2016 study by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, US News & World Report and BAV Consulting called Best Countries Rankings, which attempted to rank countries much the way universities are graded. The study ranked Israel as the eighth most powerful country in the world. Israel ranked 25th in the overall “Best Countries Ranking.”
Viewed in the midst of the chaos experienced throughout the Middle East, Israel appears as an island of tranquility. Nevertheless, the current spate of knifings and car rammings by individual Palestinian terrorists has had a deleterious effect on the mood in the country. It did not in any way stop the flow of life, and people’s daily routines, but it has put Israelis more on guard. It is time for the Israeli government to pressure friendly European governments, and especially the U.S. administration to condition aid to the Palestinians on the transformation of the Palestinian educational system from one that spews hatred and intolerance for Jews and Israel to one that teaches the young the value of peace with Israel, and the humanity of Jews. The Oslo Accords never sought to transform Palestinian hate education, which is detrimental to the Palestinian acceptance of peace. Israel cannot solve this problem, but the U.S. and its EU allies have financial leverage.
Israel’s best weapon against the BDS (Lapid complained about) is to expose the BDS’ lies. Many NGO’s are doing it, but it requires the U.S. and its European allies to help expose the bias and vicious anti-Semitism embedded in the nature of the BDS movement, originated by Omar Barghouti- a Palestinian born in Qatar, and educated at Tel Aviv University.
Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic wrote in 2009, “Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, recently told me that he has sensed an oncoming revolution in Sunni thinking. For the first time, the majority of the Arab world thinks that Iran is the real danger, not Israel. Seventy percent of the Arabs are Sunnis. The Sunnis look upon us, whether they say it or not, not as a problem but as a hope.”
It is ironic that from the early days of the Jewish State, Ben Gurion, Israel’s “founding father,” and first prime minister charted the “Periphery doctrine.” It meant establishing alliances of sorts with the non-Arab peripheral states of Iran, Turkey, and Ethiopia as a way to ameliorate its isolation from its immediate Arab neighbors. Today, under PM Netanyahu, the reverse is occurring. Israel and its immediate Sunni-Arab neighbors find common interest against Iran, while at the same time Israel is close to patching up its problems with Turkey. President Erdogan of Turkey, like the Arab leaders, are not “in love” with Israel, but self-interest motivates them. The old saying “one’s enemies enemy is one’s friend” has never been truer. Iran is the enemy of both Israel and the Sunni-Arabs, and it is increasingly true about Turkey as well. Ankara sees economic benefits from a relationship with Israel, too.
Avigdor Lieberman and Yair Lapid are wrong about Israel’s international status. BDS may win some battles on campuses or in liberal Protestant churches, but Asian giant government like China, India, and Japan are flocking to Israel and investing in its hi-tech industries. Even a European nation previously hostile to Israel - Greece (led by a hard left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras), is now recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s historical capital. PM Netanyahu may have his faults, but he is leading an Israel that is more formidable than ever.
Israel: More Formidable Than Ever