Israel: More Formidable Than Ever


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Israel is Here to Stay, get over it...

Israel: More Formidable Than Ever
An evaluation of the Jewish state’s geopolitical situation.
March 7, 2016
Joseph Puder



Netanyahu cited a January, 2016 study by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, US News & World Report and BAV Consulting called Best Countries Rankings, which attempted to rank countries much the way universities are graded. The study ranked Israel as the eighth most powerful country in the world. Israel ranked 25th in the overall “Best Countries Ranking.”

Viewed in the midst of the chaos experienced throughout the Middle East, Israel appears as an island of tranquility. Nevertheless, the current spate of knifings and car rammings by individual Palestinian terrorists has had a deleterious effect on the mood in the country. It did not in any way stop the flow of life, and people’s daily routines, but it has put Israelis more on guard. It is time for the Israeli government to pressure friendly European governments, and especially the U.S. administration to condition aid to the Palestinians on the transformation of the Palestinian educational system from one that spews hatred and intolerance for Jews and Israel to one that teaches the young the value of peace with Israel, and the humanity of Jews. The Oslo Accords never sought to transform Palestinian hate education, which is detrimental to the Palestinian acceptance of peace. Israel cannot solve this problem, but the U.S. and its EU allies have financial leverage.

Israel’s best weapon against the BDS (Lapid complained about) is to expose the BDS’ lies. Many NGO’s are doing it, but it requires the U.S. and its European allies to help expose the bias and vicious anti-Semitism embedded in the nature of the BDS movement, originated by Omar Barghouti- a Palestinian born in Qatar, and educated at Tel Aviv University.


Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic wrote in 2009, “Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, recently told me that he has sensed an oncoming revolution in Sunni thinking. For the first time, the majority of the Arab world thinks that Iran is the real danger, not Israel. Seventy percent of the Arabs are Sunnis. The Sunnis look upon us, whether they say it or not, not as a problem but as a hope.”

It is ironic that from the early days of the Jewish State, Ben Gurion, Israel’s “founding father,” and first prime minister charted the “Periphery doctrine.” It meant establishing alliances of sorts with the non-Arab peripheral states of Iran, Turkey, and Ethiopia as a way to ameliorate its isolation from its immediate Arab neighbors. Today, under PM Netanyahu, the reverse is occurring. Israel and its immediate Sunni-Arab neighbors find common interest against Iran, while at the same time Israel is close to patching up its problems with Turkey. President Erdogan of Turkey, like the Arab leaders, are not “in love” with Israel, but self-interest motivates them. The old saying “one’s enemies enemy is one’s friend” has never been truer. Iran is the enemy of both Israel and the Sunni-Arabs, and it is increasingly true about Turkey as well. Ankara sees economic benefits from a relationship with Israel, too.

Avigdor Lieberman and Yair Lapid are wrong about Israel’s international status. BDS may win some battles on campuses or in liberal Protestant churches, but Asian giant government like China, India, and Japan are flocking to Israel and investing in its hi-tech industries. Even a European nation previously hostile to Israel - Greece (led by a hard left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras), is now recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s historical capital. PM Netanyahu may have his faults, but he is leading an Israel that is more formidable than ever.

Israel: More Formidable Than Ever

Israel is much like Nazi Germany in the 1930's

When it's gonna fall hard. ..... :thup:

Still blinded by racism and hatred.

Why don't you start your own thread and explain to us why you think Israel has anything at all in common with Nazi Germany.

I call bullshit on the whole phony charge.

In the mean time I'm thrilled Israel is doing well. Its a tremendous victory for native peoples everywhere
Well with all the aid the US gives to them plus weapons and Germany selling nuclear weapon abled subs at rock bottom prices, they should be.
Well with all the aid the US gives to them plus weapons and Germany selling nuclear weapon abled subs at rock bottom prices, they should be.
I'm not clear on why you're whining about US aid to Israel. The US continues to fund a significant portion of the Pal'istanian welfare fraud with kafir dollars that could be used to build a functioning society. Instead, substantial portions of that welfare is used to fund Pal'istanian Islamic terrorism.

On the other hand, our relationship with Israel is mutually beneficial.
Israel is the most racist illegal country there is.
Penelope, you're the opposite of your name, so stfu...

Penelope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Don't trust that Wikipedia shit man...

It's full of islamonazi Hasbara editing trolls!

Looks like Flag Boy is at it again


The reason Israel HAS TO HAVE such an amazingly well armed citizenry is because of constant Arab Muslim violence.

The Arab Muslims declared war in 1948 and not a year of peace has gone bye since.

Under the Geneva conventions, and a whole bunch of other elements of international law that year is crucial if we are going to try and argue the war is over. Its not. No peace = martial law for the Arab Muslims of Israel.

And if Israel ever decides to step it up a notch, the application of those conventions would spell expulsion for ALL THE ARAB MUSLIM COMBATANTS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS
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Israel is much like Nazi Germany in the 1930's

When it's gonna fall hard. ..... :thup:

Didn't your people say this same thing in 1948, and every year since. And still Israel is there for the whole world to see. yet many muslim nations haven fallen hard over the last few years, and we expect many more to do the same in the next yew years.

Don't trust that Wikipedia shit man...

It's full of islamonazi Hasbara editing trolls!

Looks like Flag Boy is at it again

The reason Israel HAS TO HAVE such an amazingly well armed citizenry is because of constant Arab Muslim violence.

The Arab Muslims declared war in 1948 and not a year of peace has gone bye since.

Under the Geneva conventions, and a whole bunch of other elements of international law that year is crucial if we are going to try and argue the war is over. Its not. No peace = martial law for the Arab Muslims of Israel.

And if Israel ever decides to step it up a notch, the application of those conventions would spell expulsion for ALL THE ARAB MUSLIM COMBATANTS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS

Did you wander "off topic" there.... Try and live by your own 'standards' for once.... hahahaha... However, let's see....

What an ignorant, juvenile, flag waving fucktard troll you are proving to be....

1948 is the year that Israel backed itself into a corner, against the wishes of every country that helped create the abortion that the State of Israel has become, and it is in a real state, that the zionuts call Israel...

The defense of Israel is a self perpetuating prophecy, created by the zionuts...

Those self same zionuts have created a state that has nothing other than self pity and the NEED to create it's own sympathy by building the most horrendous ticking time bomb the world has ever seen!

ps... You might want to consider the protocol of this board by placing your low res 'flag trolling' into your sig line... It's what normal board members do, from all sides, to try and keep these threads clear for all to read, rather than being faced with low res .gifs! Just sayin'!

What a bitter angry, miserable person you must be.

Someone posts about them having met a fantastic group of people and how they've invited them to visit their country and you go all racist and hateful about it.

I truly feel sad for you and your ilk. I am so grateful I'm nothing like you.

The simple truth is that I guided a beautiful group of people, several actually but this particular group I've remained very close with.

We stuck together like glue for two weeks last summer. It was amazing.

I spend my summers every year for the last 30 guiding in Yellowstone. So yeah. Hate all you want but I've met amazing people from all over the world AND had the privilege of showing them the park.

My Israeli friends were hands down my best guide all last year. Followed instructions to the letter and were afraid of nothing. Did nothing stupid and put no restrictions on our guide. Where would you like to go ? was their destination. It was perfect.

I took them off trail into the heart of the park and they loved it.

Most forthright, hearty, honest, and courageous group Ive ever guided. They said they'd like to see all the parks wildlife in their natural setting away from the tourists and thats exactly what I gave them. And they responded perfectly.

The Israeli's are not just the most formidable people militarily, but also ethnically, culturally, adventurously and courageously.

I have a lot of people ask me to put them on bears or wolves or moose. You have no idea how many then can't handle being in close proximity to those exact animals on their terms, not ours.

Most people are arm chair warriors, all show and no go. Give me three days out in the back country and I'll know the men from the boys real fast.

I guided the Denver Zoo staff into the park one year. You'd think those folks knew how to behave around animals. Nope. It was one of my worst groups. In the end I put them on every animal they asked for but damn. Now those were a bunch of city slickers.

But back on topic.

The Israeli's I've met were to a man competent, trustworthy, capable, and able to follow instructions, to the letter, particularly when it counted most.

A very formidable people indeed
Israel is Here to Stay, get over it...

Israel: More Formidable Than Ever

An evaluation of the Jewish state’s geopolitical situation.
March 7, 2016
Joseph Puder



Netanyahu cited a January, 2016 study by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, US News & World Report and BAV Consulting called Best Countries Rankings, which attempted to rank countries much the way universities are graded. The study ranked Israel as the eighth most powerful country in the world. Israel ranked 25th in the overall “Best Countries Ranking.”

Viewed in the midst of the chaos experienced throughout the Middle East, Israel appears as an island of tranquility. Nevertheless, the current spate of knifings and car rammings by individual Palestinian terrorists has had a deleterious effect on the mood in the country. It did not in any way stop the flow of life, and people’s daily routines, but it has put Israelis more on guard. It is time for the Israeli government to pressure friendly European governments, and especially the U.S. administration to condition aid to the Palestinians on the transformation of the Palestinian educational system from one that spews hatred and intolerance for Jews and Israel to one that teaches the young the value of peace with Israel, and the humanity of Jews. The Oslo Accords never sought to transform Palestinian hate education, which is detrimental to the Palestinian acceptance of peace. Israel cannot solve this problem, but the U.S. and its EU allies have financial leverage.

Israel’s best weapon against the BDS (Lapid complained about) is to expose the BDS’ lies. Many NGO’s are doing it, but it requires the U.S. and its European allies to help expose the bias and vicious anti-Semitism embedded in the nature of the BDS movement, originated by Omar Barghouti- a Palestinian born in Qatar, and educated at Tel Aviv University.


Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic wrote in 2009, “Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, recently told me that he has sensed an oncoming revolution in Sunni thinking. For the first time, the majority of the Arab world thinks that Iran is the real danger, not Israel. Seventy percent of the Arabs are Sunnis. The Sunnis look upon us, whether they say it or not, not as a problem but as a hope.”

It is ironic that from the early days of the Jewish State, Ben Gurion, Israel’s “founding father,” and first prime minister charted the “Periphery doctrine.” It meant establishing alliances of sorts with the non-Arab peripheral states of Iran, Turkey, and Ethiopia as a way to ameliorate its isolation from its immediate Arab neighbors. Today, under PM Netanyahu, the reverse is occurring. Israel and its immediate Sunni-Arab neighbors find common interest against Iran, while at the same time Israel is close to patching up its problems with Turkey. President Erdogan of Turkey, like the Arab leaders, are not “in love” with Israel, but self-interest motivates them. The old saying “one’s enemies enemy is one’s friend” has never been truer. Iran is the enemy of both Israel and the Sunni-Arabs, and it is increasingly true about Turkey as well. Ankara sees economic benefits from a relationship with Israel, too.

Avigdor Lieberman and Yair Lapid are wrong about Israel’s international status. BDS may win some battles on campuses or in liberal Protestant churches, but Asian giant government like China, India, and Japan are flocking to Israel and investing in its hi-tech industries. Even a European nation previously hostile to Israel - Greece (led by a hard left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras), is now recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s historical capital. PM Netanyahu may have his faults, but he is leading an Israel that is more formidable than ever.

Israel: More Formidable Than Ever
Israel is like Sparta
Israel is Here to Stay, get over it...

Israel: More Formidable Than Ever

An evaluation of the Jewish state’s geopolitical situation.
March 7, 2016
Joseph Puder



Netanyahu cited a January, 2016 study by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, US News & World Report and BAV Consulting called Best Countries Rankings, which attempted to rank countries much the way universities are graded. The study ranked Israel as the eighth most powerful country in the world. Israel ranked 25th in the overall “Best Countries Ranking.”

Viewed in the midst of the chaos experienced throughout the Middle East, Israel appears as an island of tranquility. Nevertheless, the current spate of knifings and car rammings by individual Palestinian terrorists has had a deleterious effect on the mood in the country. It did not in any way stop the flow of life, and people’s daily routines, but it has put Israelis more on guard. It is time for the Israeli government to pressure friendly European governments, and especially the U.S. administration to condition aid to the Palestinians on the transformation of the Palestinian educational system from one that spews hatred and intolerance for Jews and Israel to one that teaches the young the value of peace with Israel, and the humanity of Jews. The Oslo Accords never sought to transform Palestinian hate education, which is detrimental to the Palestinian acceptance of peace. Israel cannot solve this problem, but the U.S. and its EU allies have financial leverage.

Israel’s best weapon against the BDS (Lapid complained about) is to expose the BDS’ lies. Many NGO’s are doing it, but it requires the U.S. and its European allies to help expose the bias and vicious anti-Semitism embedded in the nature of the BDS movement, originated by Omar Barghouti- a Palestinian born in Qatar, and educated at Tel Aviv University.


Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic wrote in 2009, “Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, recently told me that he has sensed an oncoming revolution in Sunni thinking. For the first time, the majority of the Arab world thinks that Iran is the real danger, not Israel. Seventy percent of the Arabs are Sunnis. The Sunnis look upon us, whether they say it or not, not as a problem but as a hope.”

It is ironic that from the early days of the Jewish State, Ben Gurion, Israel’s “founding father,” and first prime minister charted the “Periphery doctrine.” It meant establishing alliances of sorts with the non-Arab peripheral states of Iran, Turkey, and Ethiopia as a way to ameliorate its isolation from its immediate Arab neighbors. Today, under PM Netanyahu, the reverse is occurring. Israel and its immediate Sunni-Arab neighbors find common interest against Iran, while at the same time Israel is close to patching up its problems with Turkey. President Erdogan of Turkey, like the Arab leaders, are not “in love” with Israel, but self-interest motivates them. The old saying “one’s enemies enemy is one’s friend” has never been truer. Iran is the enemy of both Israel and the Sunni-Arabs, and it is increasingly true about Turkey as well. Ankara sees economic benefits from a relationship with Israel, too.

Avigdor Lieberman and Yair Lapid are wrong about Israel’s international status. BDS may win some battles on campuses or in liberal Protestant churches, but Asian giant government like China, India, and Japan are flocking to Israel and investing in its hi-tech industries. Even a European nation previously hostile to Israel - Greece (led by a hard left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras), is now recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s historical capital. PM Netanyahu may have his faults, but he is leading an Israel that is more formidable than ever.

Israel: More Formidable Than Ever
Israel is like Sparta

What? A warrior nation destined to fall? :clap2:

Nope. Try again. All empires in history eventually failed.

I wrote a paper on that a while ago. Cultural Devolution. Another interesting thing is that in general the farming civilizations died out faster than the militarized ones.

Another interesting point is that the life span of civilizations is decreasing. Taken in 500 year increments from the dawn of written history on the average life span of a given civilization has gradually and steadily dropped from an average of about 1500 years to just a little over 250 years. With nearly zero deviation from trend. It was quite the find.

However today we have a global infrastructure. In the last 50 or so years the multinationals have changed everything about how complex societies function so I think there'd be a corresponding wobble in the trend coming up.

Which leads us to Israel and how well its positioned itself in the modern world vs how amazingly badly the Arab nations have positioned themselves.

Israel is sitting pretty with one of the worlds strongest and fastest growing economies. The Arab nations are fast descending into civil war and anarchy.

Its a no brainer as too who's going to last longer.
Israel is like Sparta

What? A warrior nation destined to fall? :clap2:

Nope. Try again. All empires in history eventually failed.

I wrote a paper on that a while ago. Cultural Devolution. Another interesting thing is that in general the farming civilizations died out faster than the militarized ones.

Another interesting point is that the life span of civilizations is decreasing. Taken in 500 year increments from the dawn of written history on the average life span of a given civilization has gradually and steadily dropped from an average of about 1500 years to just a little over 250 years. With nearly zero deviation from trend. It was quite the find.

However today we have a global infrastructure. In the last 50 or so years the multinationals have changed everything about how complex societies function so I think there'd be a corresponding wobble in the trend coming up.

Which leads us to Israel and how well its positioned itself in the modern world vs how amazingly badly the Arab nations have positioned themselves.

Israel is sitting pretty with one of the worlds strongest and fastest growing economies. The Arab nations are fast descending into civil war and anarchy.

Its a no brainer as too who's going to last longer.

The no brainer on who will outlast who? China. Always has been. Very interesting though!
No serious scholar takes religious texts all that seriously. The dogma is almost always wrong.

Best evidence says the protojudaic peoples were relatively sedentary and rather primitive compared to bigger players of the day. They first began to flourish once the Egyptians pulled back to the nile in about the mid bronze age.
No serious scholar takes religious texts all that seriously. The dogma is almost always wrong.

Best evidence says the protojudaic peoples were relatively sedentary and rather primitive compared to bigger players of the day. They first began to flourish once the Egyptians pulled back to the nile in about the mid bronze age.
And while all ancient civilizations and peoples have disappeared, the Jewish people have managed to survive. Ever generation or two an evil force has risen has gathered to wipe them out, and we can clearly see that in today's Islamists who have virtually adopted Nazi ideology, with Palestinians as the spearhead of this evil force. One can easily argue that all the attempts to commit genocide on the Jews and being sent into exile 2000 years ago has made them only stronger.

Indestructible Jews: Max I. Dimont: 9780451075949: Books

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jewsis traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews hav
Try to tell Italians, Greeks or many others that they "disappeared". Even the various ancient pre-Roman Italic peoples still exist. The Picenes still consider themselves a people, with Ascoli Piceno as their ancient and modern capital. The motto of today's Picenes is telling: "Ascoli era Ascoli quando a Roma c'erano i Pascoli." (Ascoli was Ascoli when Rome was a pastures.) And, try telling a Roman that he is not a Roman today. Rome may not have a worldwide empire, but Romans are still Romans.

Pfffft. Italians today have no relationship to the ancient Romans, nor are ancient Egyptians Similar to today's Egyptians, nor are ancient Persians today's Iranians, nor are ancient Babylonians today's Iraqis, nor are Ancient Greeks today's Greeks. These civilizations all came and went. Sure, the today's Italians, Persians, Greeks are proud of their heritage and history, but they bear no resemblance. Yet the Jews after thousands of years are still standing, having kept their faith, religion, culture, traditions, and more recently the land that their ancestors lived on. Coincidence? I think not. There is a reason.
Present day Israel has discarded the rational, the universal and the visionary. These values have been subordinated to a cruel and oppressive occupation, an emphatic materialism, severe inequalities rivaling the worst in the western world and distorted by a fanatic, obscurantist and fundamentalist religion which encourages the worst behaviors rather than the best.

And most depressing of all for me, is that I see no way out, no way forward which will reverse the current reality. Right wing control in Israel is stronger and more entrenched than ever. The establishment leadership in the American Jewish community is silent in the face of this dismal situation, and there are no recognizable trends that can move Israel out of this quagmire. So, sadly, after a life and career devoted to Jewish community and Israel, I conclude that in every important way Israel has failed to realize its promise for me. A noble experiment, but a failure.
Major American Jewish Leader Changes His Mind About Israel
Israel has been trying to play nice guy way to long. They've managed to take the highroad thus far but while traversing the endless acts of racism and bigotry against the Jewish state they've forgotten the value of life. By insisting on the highroad they've left the door opened for one terrorist act after another, pregnant woman being stabbed and children kidnapped and killed. Its the risk Israel took when they determined to take that high road.

But is it time to reevaluate the policy thats cost so many lives.

The road more often traveled and the one spelled out in international law is very clear and also extremely effective.

Follow the Geneva Conventions to the letter and to hell with what some people think. Some people are just haters and chose to hate no matter what road Israel takes.

The reason Israel is more formidable than ever is simple. The hight road in which Israel is willing to risk lives comes with a cost. The increased risk of maintaining a hostile force on Israeli soil demands increases in security. There's no having it both ways.

The solution, the way to reduce the amount of time and effort spent on security in Israel is to eliminate the security threat exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

By forcefully removing the offending portions of both the international community ( The UNRWA ) and the foreign hostile forces exactly in accordance with the Geneva Conventions Israel would reduce the number of attacks and fatalities on both sides.

All that needs to happen is Israel stop playing nice guy

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