Israel cuts contact with UN rights council, to protest settlements probe


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Israel decided Monday to sever all contact with the United Nations human rights council and with its chief commissioner Navi Pillay, after the international body decided to establish an international investigative committee on the West Bank settlements.

The Foreign Ministry ordered Israel's ambassador to Geneva to cut off contact immediately, instructing him to ignore phone calls from the commissioner, a senior Israeli official said.

Israel will also bar a fact-finding team dispatched by the council from entering Israel and the West Bank to investigate settlement construction.

"We will not permit members of the human rights council to visit Israel and our ambassador has been instructed to not even answer phone calls," said the official. "The secretariat of the human rights council and Nabi Pilawai sparked this process by establishing an international investigative committee on settlements, and we will thus not work with them anymore and will not appear before the council," said the official.

Israel cuts contact with UN rights council, to protest settlements probe - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

It's about time. More countries should have the courage to stand up against this UN agency that makes a mockery of human rights by promoting racism instead of human rights.
Next time Israel complains about Iran or any other nation for any kind of violation, the UN should also ignore all phone calls and complaints from any Israeli official.
Next time Israel complains about Iran or any other nation for any kind of violation, the UN should also ignore all phone calls and complaints from any Israeli official.

The UN has long ignored Israel's complaints about other member nations.
Israel decided Monday to sever all contact with the United Nations human rights council and with its chief commissioner Navi Pillay, after the international body decided to establish an international investigative committee on the West Bank settlements.

The Foreign Ministry ordered Israel's ambassador to Geneva to cut off contact immediately, instructing him to ignore phone calls from the commissioner, a senior Israeli official said.

Israel will also bar a fact-finding team dispatched by the council from entering Israel and the West Bank to investigate settlement construction.

"We will not permit members of the human rights council to visit Israel and our ambassador has been instructed to not even answer phone calls," said the official. "The secretariat of the human rights council and Nabi Pilawai sparked this process by establishing an international investigative committee on settlements, and we will thus not work with them anymore and will not appear before the council," said the official.

Israel cuts contact with UN rights council, to protest settlements probe - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

It's about time. More countries should have the courage to stand up against this UN agency that makes a mockery of human rights by promoting racism instead of human rights.

Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi (Ra'am-Ta'al) criticized the move, saying that it amounted to a “boycott of the UN,” and asked what “Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu have in common with human rights.”

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) also condemned the decision, saying that Israel “prefers settlements over human rights and contact with the international community.” Khenin called the move “dangerous,” saying that “through disconnecting from the world, the government is only isolating itself.”

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Friday that the move by the UN body proves that the Palestinians do not want to renew negotiations with Israel. "We are dealing with Al-Qaida terror on the one hand and diplomatic terror by Abu Mazen on the other," Lieberman said, referring to PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Senior officials in the Prime Minister's Bureau and the Foreign Ministry said then that Israel would not cooperate with the UN committee. The Prime Minister's Bureau decided Friday that the committee's members - who are yet to be determined - would not be allowed into Israel.

Israel is also considering sanctions against the Palestinian Authority in response to the human rights council decision.

I am forced to ask myself why is it that you did not post the rest of the article ? Is it because you did not wish other people to see that there are MKs that are opposed to this action or is it because you did not wish members of the board to see the punatve action that the Israeli Government might take ! WHAT IS IT THAT ISRAEL IS TRYING TO HIDE ? How many times recently have we heard that if Iran isn't trying to hide something they should let the inspectors in. Doesn't the same hold true for Israel ?
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Past and present members of the UN Human Rights Council: Cuba, China, Russia, Jordan and Saudi Arabia that is the worst human rights violator in the world, which continues to behead and does not permit women to drive cars.

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Israel cuts contact with UN rights council, to protest settlements probe - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

It's about time. More countries should have the courage to stand up against this UN agency that makes a mockery of human rights by promoting racism instead of human rights.

Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi (Ra'am-Ta'al) criticized the move, saying that it amounted to a “boycott of the UN,” and asked what “Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu have in common with human rights.”

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) also condemned the decision, saying that Israel “prefers settlements over human rights and contact with the international community.” Khenin called the move “dangerous,” saying that “through disconnecting from the world, the government is only isolating itself.”

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Friday that the move by the UN body proves that the Palestinians do not want to renew negotiations with Israel. "We are dealing with Al-Qaida terror on the one hand and diplomatic terror by Abu Mazen on the other," Lieberman said, referring to PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Senior officials in the Prime Minister's Bureau and the Foreign Ministry said then that Israel would not cooperate with the UN committee. The Prime Minister's Bureau decided Friday that the committee's members - who are yet to be determined - would not be allowed into Israel.

Israel is also considering sanctions against the Palestinian Authority in response to the human rights council decision.

I am forced to ask myself why is it that you did not post the rest of the article ? Is it because you did not wish other people to see that there are MKs that are opposed to this action or is it because you did not wish members of the board to see the punatve action that the Israeli Government might take ! WHAT IS IT THAT ISRAEL IS TRYING TO HIDE ? How many times recently have we heard that if Iran isn't trying to hide something they should let the inspectors in. Doesn't the same hold true for Israel ?

Israel is a democracy in which there are almost always some MK's who are opposed to everything. The fact that two MK's object to this measure is not surprising.

It should be obvious to any objective observer that Israel has nothing to hide since journalists from everywhere move freely in Israel and the territories.

Take a pill.
It should be obvious to any objective observer that Israel has nothing to hide since journalists from everywhere move freely in Israel and the territories.

Take a pill.
Red one or blue one?
[ame=]Journalists banned from entering Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
It should be obvious to any objective observer that Israel has nothing to hide since journalists from everywhere move freely in Israel and the territories.

Take a pill.
Red one or blue one?
[ame=]Journalists banned from entering Gaza - YouTube[/ame]

Police and military often bar journalists from a crime scene or battle zone, but once the fighting was over, they had free access to assess what damage had been done and hear the stories from the Arab side.
... the UN should also ignore all phone calls and complaints from any Israeli official.
Since the UN has been ignoring "phone calls and complaints" it should manifest integrity and start ignoring what Israel does too, shouldn't it? It is, of course, fair and balanced.

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