Islam's last words aboard Flight 93 - excerpt from MOUSSAOUI Trial


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
Enterprise, Alabama
"The last words heard as the plane nears the ground were repeated four times in Arabic: "Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest." Then, just the sound roaring static can be heard."


I have anger. I have frustration. I'm mad at liberals and muslims. I'm mad at mankind for turning their back on God to begin with. Blah.. :(
A very sad portrayal of where a false God will lead you. Not only dead, but CAUSING death and destruction.
Whats really pathetic is that these Muslim extremists believe they are going to heaven when they die like this. Boy, are they going to be in for a surprise...

Whats really sad though, is how it will probably take another and bigger attack on our country for us to unite again and do what is needed -- destroy Islamic extremism.
theHawk said:
Whats really sad though, is how it will probably take another and bigger attack on our country for us to unite again and do what is needed -- destroy Islamic extremism.
What's sadder is some won't want to even then.
Yep - every Muslim should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Problem solved.
mom4 said:
A very sad portrayal of where a false God will lead you. Not only dead, but CAUSING death and destruction.

Actually I believe it is a better example of what religious bigotry leads to. When one does not accept other religions the result is death and destruction.

Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and all major religions promote tolerance, love and acceptance. Its too bad many of the people practicing these religions do not take that part as seriously as they should.
1549 said:
Actually I believe it is a better example of what religious bigotry leads to. When one does not accept other religions the result is death and destruction.

Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and all major religions promote tolerance, love and acceptance. Its too bad many of the people practicing these religions do not take that part as seriously as they should.

That's true except for Islam. I know of no other major religion which tells it's followers that ONE SURE WAY to heaven is to kill non-believers.
Recently, wasn't a man in Afghanistan going to be killed because he changed his faith from Muslim to Christian??

Yeah, that's promoting tolerance.
dmp said:
That's true except for Islam. I know of no other major religion which tells it's followers that ONE SURE WAY to heaven is to kill non-believers.

I will admit that I have never read the passage in question.

I have heard though that it is all based on interpretation. Some will interpret the passage to mean that you have to kill infidels. Others believe that is complete B.S.

Comparing and contrasting muslim people in the United States with those in hostile environments in the middle east leads me to believe that social climate is more of a cause for violence than the actual texts.
Darwins Friend said:
Yep - every Muslim should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Problem solved.

That only solves the problem if you have no problem having innocent blood on your hands.

I have no desire to wipe out Muslims through war and murder. Id rather see them come to Christ. But even if they didnt I have absolutely no problem with that as long as they arent trying to kill us.

My issue is with the terrorists. the problem is its hard to distinguish between the two.
1549 said:
I will admit that I have never read the passage in question.

I have heard though that it is all based on interpretation. Some will interpret the passage to mean that you have to kill infidels. Others believe that is complete B.S.

Comparing and contrasting muslim people in the United States with those in hostile environments in the middle east leads me to believe that social climate is more of a cause for violence than the actual texts.

Every 'other' major religion denounces, VERY publicly, those who commit sin in the name of God.
onthefence said:
Not every muslim. Just the ones that blow shit up stupid.

Which ones are those? Can you pick them out on a busy city street? Or in a small mountain village? How - exactly - would you go about discerning which ones are ‘the bad guys/girls’?

Darwins Friend said:
Which ones are those? Can you pick them out on a busy city street? Or in a small mountain village? How - exactly - would you go about discerning which ones are ‘the bad guys/girls’?


You're right we can't just pick them out in the streets. We should just give up this whole WOT thingy.

theHawk said:
You're right we can't just pick them out in the streets. We should just give up this whole WOT thingy.


Nah, what we should do is spend our money on training 100,000 Special Forces operators to go out where these things nest and kill them while they sleep, in whatever hole they live in - no matter where on the globe. Pay our people $50k a year to do so, with a $25k bonus per head for zapping anyone even suspected of being hinky. That’s the only thing these animals understand.

They’re murders - just be more professional murders and leave the press out of it.
Darwins Friend said:
Nah, what we should do is spend our money on training 100,000 Special Forces operators to go out where these things nest and kill them while they sleep, in whatever hole they live in - no matter where on the globe. Pay our people $50k a year to do so, with a $25k bonus per head for zapping anyone even suspected of being hinky. That’s the only thing these animals understand.

They’re murders - just be more professional murders and leave the press out of it.

No plan DF ? Sarcasm only gets you so far.
Darwins Friend said:
Nah, what we should do is spend our money on training 100,000 Special Forces operators to go out where these things nest and kill them while they sleep, in whatever hole they live in - no matter where on the globe. Pay our people $50k a year to do so, with a $25k bonus per head for zapping anyone even suspected of being hinky. That’s the only thing these animals understand.

They’re murders - just be more professional murders and leave the press out of it.

And how will the Special Forces know who they are? We need to take out the command structure. We haven't completely done that yet, because when one dies two more spring up to take its place. If we kill Bin Laden and Zarquawi, then the attacks would slow down.

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