I love Andrea & April
It is not a religion of peace, it has been a religion of war, and intolerance since the very beginning, and certainly while it is not the only religion with a dark past. There are only two muslims. Those who practice what islam says, which is violence, intolerance, hate and jihad, and those who dont practice what islam actually says. There is no such thing as a moderate muslim, only a muslim who does not practice islam.
Dont agree?, fine. It it my opinion , and im not asking for your validation
I love how some of you make moral relavist arguments, when we know that atleast 75% of terrorism is committed by muslims, give me a break, with your pc crap, im not buying it, and frankly, go ahead and call me whatever you want, racist, biggot, meanie, And when you done, you can kiss my proud american loving ass, and s*** my jewish c*** hahaha
Dont agree?, fine. It it my opinion , and im not asking for your validation
I love how some of you make moral relavist arguments, when we know that atleast 75% of terrorism is committed by muslims, give me a break, with your pc crap, im not buying it, and frankly, go ahead and call me whatever you want, racist, biggot, meanie, And when you done, you can kiss my proud american loving ass, and s*** my jewish c*** hahaha