Isis threatens Americans in their homes



That way we can begin culling Islam from the United States, wholly, in it's entirety. Along with those who so much as shake their heads in disapproval, in support of Islam.

The threat to Americans is from the creeping Fascism that has reached our shores.


That way we can begin culling Islam from the United States, wholly, in it's entirety. Along with those who so much as shake their heads in disapproval, in support of Islam.

The threat to Americans is from the creeping Fascism that has reached our shores.
The big threat.
Soon Very Soon You Will See Pro-Islamic State Hacking Group Issues Chilling Warning to America

obama better kick up myslim immigration so there will be enough to carry out these goals.​


That way we can begin culling Islam from the United States, wholly, in it's entirety. Along with those who so much as shake their heads in disapproval, in support of Islam.

And how do you and your supporters plan on "culling Islam" from our country?
And how do you and your supporters plan on "culling Islam" from our country?

Your hero Franklin Roosevelt rounded up Japanese Americans and put them in camps didn't he? Another 9/11 with an American Christian in the WH and those camps will open again.
And how do you and your supporters plan on "culling Islam" from our country?

Your hero Franklin Roosevelt rounded up Japanese Americans and put them in camps didn't he? Another 9/11 with an American Christian in the WH and those camps will open again.

What makes you think I supported the internment of Japanese Americans? It was one of the most shameful periods in our history and if we repeat it, we don't deserve to be Americans.
What makes you think I supported the internment of Japanese Americans? It was one of the most shameful periods in our history and if we repeat it, we don't deserve to be Americans.
Internment of Japanese Americans was flagrantly wrong, mainly because it was entirely spiteful rather than necessary, sensible or useful in any way. No Japanese/American was ever found to be plotting to harm the Nation or oppose the war effort.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the Muslim category, which is beginning to represent a very real threat. While we know the threat rests with a relatively small percentage of Muslim/Americans all it will take are a few major internal terrorist bombings to engender a serious and motivated anti-Muslim movement. And those non-Muslim Americans who do not go along with it will be regarded as disloyal.
We don't know if there was a small minority of Japanese as willing to do harm in 1942 as muslims are today because the Japanese were interned. In 1942, we were a very different people. Had ONE Japanese become "troubled" and shot up a recruiting center, the 1942 Americans would have slaughterd every Japanese in the country. We didn't believe in the virtues of multiculturalism in those days.
What makes you think I supported the internment of Japanese Americans? It was one of the most shameful periods in our history and if we repeat it, we don't deserve to be Americans.

I didn't say you did, I said you think FDR was a hero. Hindsight doesn't allow you or anybody to say the internment of the Japanese was "shameful". They started a war with us while their diplomats were in Washington lying through their teeth about wanting peace. We were so unprepared that our war planners had to wait until Monday morning for a time-locked safe to open to launch a response.

Everything about the Japanese in those years was duplicitous and deceitful. Some of those sent to the camps would certainly have committed espionage and sabotage along our Pacific coast. And as Tipsy just said, the entire population stood to be massacred by the Americans of the early 40's. When my uncle came back wounded after getting as far as Saipan, he would have murdered any Jap he laid eyes on here in the States. If he'd ever seen an American driving a Toyoda, he'd have dragged them out of it and beaten them senseless. It was a different era....we were fiercely patriotic then.
I highly doubt ISIS can put together a team of hackers that could even come close to ours.
The Pentagon disagrees!

Presuming your talking about their claiming the hit on twitter and facebook? Not sure what the Pentagon can do about that, private companies and all, maybe order everyone not to post on those media's but that'd be a pretty bad idea as far keeping in touch with folks.

Though I'll admit I found it a bit funny that the Pentagon had to "figure out how they hacked them" - I'll bet the folks they hacked into had poor security passwords. That's how/why most folks' social accounts get hacked. On the plus side, them getting their facebook or twitter account hacked shouldn't be a national security issue, it was just a bad idea to store addresses on social media.

Password tip for anyone worried about hackers - use a mix of numbers, capitals, lowercase, and use symbols if the site lets you (most do.) The more combinations of different characters the "better" (read more expensive) the computer system they'll need to process though all possible combinations. I also /never/ use my real name on social media, or pretty much /any/ website except where I have to make a payment/register a program and most of the time, even sites I pay on, I remove my name and card info as soon as the purchase is through, and that's even with a card that I have specifically for online purchases. There is absolutely no reason to have your real name, much less your address, on /any/ social media site. And yea, for the record, my Facebook name is fake, FB can kiss my ass about wanting my real name. I put in a few words that if they ever look at they'll have to laugh ;)
This what I don't understand....there are over a billion Muslims around the world, a billion plus....Isis, maybe have a million, lets just say......the US has 300 million people, a few million in the military....why is it, the world
EXPECTS THE US to solve this terrorist problem, why? It is time for eastern parts of this world, to deal with this mess....that George W. Bush created and allow the US to exit and say the hell with it. We got our own issues in this country with our own Isis. If the Israel want war, than have at it, if the congress wants war, than damit join the military......but I am sick of the world looking for us to solve every motherfuckin problem the planet has, when we are selves are the most neediest of them all.
Soon Very Soon You Will See Pro-Islamic State Hacking Group Issues Chilling Warning to America

obama better kick up myslim immigration so there will be enough to carry out these goals.​


That way we can begin culling Islam from the United States, wholly, in it's entirety. Along with those who so much as shake their heads in disapproval, in support of Islam.
The only morons that are being culled naturally are the rightwing white cross grovelers :ack-1:
They are threatening the families of the military. The beheading of entire military families in their iwn homes might have to be the price we pay for our wake up call.

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