Isis prepares for 'apocalyptic’ battle to defend the village at the heart of its propaganda operati


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Let's hope the FSA is successful in this attack.

Isis prepares for 'apocalyptic’ battle to defend the village at the heart of its propaganda operation

Turkey-backed Syrian rebels say they are less than 48 hours away from launching an attack on the town of Dabiq, held by Isis since 2014


Turkish soldiers stand in a Turkish army tank driving back to Turkey from the Syrian-Turkish border town of Jarabulus on September 2, 2016AFP/Getty Images
At least 15 Turkish and US-backed Syrian rebels have been killed in fighting as the opposition edges closer towards Dabiq, an Isis village in northern Syria of great importance to the terror group’s ideology. “If matters proceed as planned, within 48 hours we will be in Dabiq,” Ahmed Osman, commander of the Sultan Murad Free Syrian Army (FSA) group, told Reuters on Monday.

US special presidential envoy to the coalition against Isis Brett McGurk also said on Twitter that rebels had advanced to “within a few kilometres of [Isis’] weakening stronghold Dabiq.”
  • Dabiq, first captured by Isis in August 2014, occupies a central place in Isis’ version of Muslim theology. The militants say that a battle there between Islamic and infidel Christian forces will herald the beginning of the apocalypse.

While the village is not militarily important to the so-called caliphate, Isis’ online propaganda magazine takes its name from the town, and losing control of it would be a significant ideological blow.

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Isis is preparing for an ‘apocalyptic’ battle to defend the village at the heart of its propaganda

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