ISIS barbarians chainsaw 9 youths in half in public

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Lucy and the rest are off topic if they refuse to denounce all violence: ISIS, far right, far left, Mickey Mouse, whoever uses it to make others do their religious or politcal bidding.

They will not denounce all violence, which demonstrates that hiding among the Alt Right are violent men and women who want to use violence to make America do what it wants.

When the illiterate use TPM terms like "socialist" or "nazi" or whatever, then, yes, it becomes part of the discussion.
He said it. He used the term Alt right again.


I think Jake, like Hazlnut is getting points from the Hillary Politburo HQ for each time Alt-Right is mentioned
The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS.
The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS.

"The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS."

Jake get a grip, you're losing the plot.
The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS.

"The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS."

Jake get a grip, you're losing the plot.

Jake the Fake lost his grip before I ever got to the forum. You'll get a better debate from a goldfish.
The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS.

"The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS."

Jake get a grip, you're losing the plot.

Jake the Fake lost his grip before I ever got to the forum. You'll get a better debate from a goldfish.
See, when the Alt Right sheep can't argue points, they attack personality.

No problem. They are wanks, and I have no problem with them showing that they have lost the OP.
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The Alt Right will not denounce violence as a tool for gaining their end.

They are no different than ISIS.

At least they are not as bad as the neo-con, neo-liberal establishment that has had us at war since 9/11.

Americans are sick of this shit.

If the "alt-right" needs to use violence to unseat the establishment to prevent them from being in bed with the nation's enemies and from killing Americans and staging false flags. . . . can you blame them?

Top USA National Security Officials Admit Turkey Coup
Top USA National Security Officials Admit Turkey Coup | New Eastern Outlook

In a Twitter tweet from his own blog, Brzezinski wrote a precis of a new article he wrote for The American Interest magazine. He writes, “The US backing of the attempted coup against the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a grave mistake that could deliver a major blow to the US reputation.” That’s definitely putting it mildly given what’s unfolding in Turkey since July 15.

Brzezinski went on to write, “Turkey was on the verge of reconsidering its foreign policy after failure in the Syria during the last five years, and the US miscalculation in supporting the coup and hosting its leader (Fethullah Gülen, now in CIA-arranged exile in Pennsylvania-w.e.) was so serious that it is no longer possible to put the blame on once-US-ally Turkey if it turns its back on US and rethink (sic) its policies.” He continues, “A potential Russia-Turkey-Iran coalition would create an opportunity to solve the Syrian crisis. If Erdogan had the smallest bit of wisdom, he should have come to the understanding that he could not make an independent credibility with the help of some ‘decayed’ Arab countries,” no doubt referring to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the prime financiers of the Syrian terror war against Assad since 2011.

Brzezinski, who together with Henry Kissinger was one of the foremost US foreign policy strategists of the postwar period, the founding Executive Director of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, and one who still today presumably retains Top Secret clearance access to US intelligence reports, was expressing his fury at the utter incompetence of US intelligence in managing the Turkey relationship. Notably, the person in the US State Department directly responsible for not only the disastrous US coup in February, 2014 in Ukraine, but also for Turkey, is the hapless neo-con perpetual warrior-ess, Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland, wife of neo-con Robert Kagan.

Top USA National Security Officials Admit Turkey Coup | New Eastern Outlook

WikiLeaks, Hillary-Gulen Intimate Ties & How the Clintons Gave Birth to Mullah Gulen’s Terrorist Network
WikiLeaks, Hillary-Gulen Intimate Ties & How the Clintons Gave Birth to Mullah Gulen’s Terrorist Network

New Ties Emerge Between Clinton And Mysterious Islamic Cleric

Oh, I agree, Beale. I spoke up against Iraq before the invasion went off. Had no trouble with Afghanistan until we did not get out after Tora Bora.

Bring the troops home.
Oh, I agree, Beale. I spoke up against Iraq before the invasion went off. Had no trouble with Afghanistan until we did not get out after Tora Bora.

Bring the troops home.

So you think the colonists were wrong to take up arms against the British Empire?
ISIS has become a worldwide menace and is funded by the Obama Administration. Obama and Hillary created the mess in Iraq and in Libya. Iran is a global leader in supporting terrorism, Obama has funded Iran.
Iran is a global leader in supporting terrorism,
dont watch fox news very much . you are propaganda victim
Nazis would have loved islam. In fact, they aligned them selves with Muslims. Amin Al Husseini, wanted to burn jews too. If Hitler only knew how much and to what extreme they hated jews, and hated all westerners like the Nazi infidels, Hitler, maybe he would have taken up snookers or knitting.Because muslims make nazis look like girl scouts We didn't defend german nazis, why defend arab muslims?
Nazis would have loved islam. In fact, they aligned them selves with Muslims. Amin Al Husseini, wanted to burn jews too. If Hitler only knew how much and to what extreme they hated jews, and hate the even the Nazi infidels, Hitler maybe he would have taken up snookers or knitting.Because muslims make nazis look like girl scouts We didn't defend german nazis, why defend arab muslims?
nazism= zionist
Nazis would have loved islam. In fact, they aligned them selves with Muslims. Amin Al Husseini, wanted to burn jews too. If Hitler only knew how much and to what extreme they hated jews, and hate the even the Nazi infidels, Hitler maybe he would have taken up snookers or knitting.Because muslims make nazis look like girl scouts We didn't defend german nazis, why defend arab muslims?
nazism= zionist
Is that like 0+X=whatever you want?
Alt Right porn, yes, it is.

You know the violence brigades forming in the far right of the weirdos in this country are taking notes from ISIS.

It's funny when the left puts out their talking points, the sheep repeat it. Hillary mentions "alt-right" and the parrots are here repeating it.
Alt Right porn, yes, it is.

You know the violence brigades forming in the far right of the weirdos in this country are taking notes from ISIS.

It's funny when the left puts out their talking points, the sheep repeat it. Hillary mentions "alt-right" and the parrots are here repeating it.
Until hilly said alt right no one ever heard of it but in a week democrats gad alt right websites all over the place.
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