Is Trump the Most Insecure Baby to Ever Run for President?!?!?!?


Apr 22, 2007
I am getting sick of this guys complaining. Part of being in elected office is not being so thin skinned. This guy tosses personal attacks left and right at people, but cries when anyone tosses one his way. For fucks sake, the attack ads haven't even started yet. What will this guy do when the Democrats toss out the worst type of propaganda at him? Frivolous suits won't work. And I thought he debates would be his strong suit, but he is horrible at it. If he went against Biden, he would get creamed.

Yes I like his rhetoric on illegal immigration, but I think it's a bait and switch. He is using it to get the nomination, but if he ever managed to win the President he wouldn't do dick on it. And yes he could take a hard stance. There are already laws on the books he can enforce.

I am in awe of how people can still support him!

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Trump has been a spoiled brat his entire life. It is all he knows. I still can not understand how a man can brag about being a whiner. They guy has actually bragged about getting his was by whining like a little girl and people accept it and think he could be a President. Every day the guy portrays himself as a cowardly, lying jerk with no character. Still his followers follow. Our country seems to have an over abundance of cowardly jerk worshipers who want to follow a cult of Jackassery.
In the old days he would be called a sissy, but that is inappropriate today. Being a sissy is no longer a negative thing. It is not PC to use the term because sissies have a right to be sissies.
Now he wont eevn go on Fox anymore because they werent fondling his balls WHILE sucking his dick. lol...This guy...
I get why people follow him. He has taken on 2 very popular fronts: (1) Getting Draconian on illegal immigration and (2) Fighting the trade war with China.

Secretly he is also winning the middle class Republican side by YES stating he will fill the budget gap by taxing the ubber rich. Where the Democrats lose is they set the bar on rich too low.

But how much of this is smoke and mirrors and how much is reality.

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I don't like his indignation about being asked questions. Even if they are hard questions, just answer them to the best of your ability and stop whining about being treated unfairly later. He also needs to stop calling women nasty names and making himself out to be a misogynist. He also needs to show some decorum and diplomacy! We do actually have to deal with foreign leaders from time to time. It is best to keep a cordial relationship even if you don't like them. :)
Trump is the kind of guy that everybody used to beat up in elementry school...with good reason. It is not that he is difficult to like. He is IMPOSSIBLE to like. I honestly feel sorry for his wife and employees. Palin was funny, in a sort of twisted way. Trump is just annoying as hell. Sometimes I think that the Right would nominate him, just to annoy us, like a neighbor painting his house orange and green stripes just to piss off the neighborhood.
Trump has been a spoiled brat his entire life. It is all he knows. I still can not understand how a man can brag about being a whiner. They guy has actually bragged about getting his was by whining like a little girl and people accept it and think he could be a President. Every day the guy portrays himself as a cowardly, lying jerk with no character. Still his followers follow. Our country seems to have an over abundance of cowardly jerk worshipers who want to follow a cult of Jackassery.

About 1/3rds of this country seem to want to cut everything and end civilization....Truly sickening to behold.

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