Is this a Saudi Arabian thing, or an Islam thing?...

Is this a Saudi Arabian thing, or an Islam thing?...

It's a religious thing. Our laws protect us from the followers of Jesus, for the most part.
Is this a Saudi Arabian thing, or an Islam thing?...

It's a religious thing. Our laws protect us from the followers of Jesus, for the most part.

^They always go after their Fellow Chrisitan Citizen!...



You mean I'm wrong? When Christian leaders say "God lifted his veil of protection" and let 9/11 happen because of gays and feminists, they are saying 9/11 was the fault of gays and feminists. If gays and lesbians were the ultimate cause of 9/11, an event that killed thousands, what should we do to the gays and feminists so it won't happen again?

The same leaders, even political leaders, said Katrina was the fault of the gays. New Orleans was being treated like Sodom and Gomorrah. An entire city was wiped out because of the gays that make it their fault. What should we do to those whose fault it was? Just forget about it?

Come one now. Follow the logic. What should happen next? How do we protect our country from the next attack.
You mean I'm wrong? When Christian leaders say "God lifted his veil of protection" and let 9/11 happen because of gays and feminists, they are saying 9/11 was the fault of gays and feminists. If gays and lesbians were the ultimate cause of 9/11, an event that killed thousands, what should we do to the gays and feminists so it won't happen again?

The same leaders, even political leaders, said Katrina was the fault of the gays. New Orleans was being treated like Sodom and Gomorrah. An entire city was wiped out because of the gays that make it their fault. What should we do to those whose fault it was? Just forget about it?

Come one now. Follow the logic. What should happen next? How do we protect our country from the next attack.

How does some Tool Believing 9/11 or Katrina was an Act of God Compare in ANY WAY with Islamist Countries Executing Innoncent People as a Matter of Religious Sport?...


Two Juvenile Executions Are "Deplorable Additions to Grim Tally" in Saudi Arabia, Says Amnesty International |

^The Religion of Peace and Love is the Law of the Land in the Kingdom, is it not?... :clap2:



Is this a Saudi Arabian thing, or an Islam thing??? Uh, it's a world thing. :cuckoo: Many countries have the death penalty. Especially for things like kidnapping and raping children. Yes, they were 17....there's many times that here in America we have decided to try a minor as an adult.
So they behead. We electrocute. Which one is more "cruel and unusual"? Frankly, I'd rather be beheaded then electrocuted.

So what was your point again? Because really, I'm not getting it.

Next time try to find a better article to highlight as justification for your xenophobia. :lol:
Two Juvenile Executions Are "Deplorable Additions to Grim Tally" in Saudi Arabia, Says Amnesty International |

^The Religion of Peace and Love is the Law of the Land in the Kingdom, is it not?... :clap2:



Is this a Saudi Arabian thing, or an Islam thing??? Uh, it's a world thing. :cuckoo: Many countries have the death penalty. Especially for things like kidnapping and raping children. Yes, they were 17....there's many times that here in America we have decided to try a minor as an adult.
So they behead. We electrocute. Which one is more "cruel and unusual"? Frankly, I'd rather be beheaded then electrocuted.

So what was your point again? Because really, I'm not getting it.

Next time try to find a better article to highlight as justification for your xenophobia. :lol:

I Remember just Recently in America where the Government Executed a Woman for Infidelity by Burrying her and Stoning her to Death...

We are Just Like the Middle East Islamists...

Sorry, I was Wrong.

You are Right.


I Remember just Recently in America where the Government Executed a Woman for Infidelity by Burrying her and Stoning her to Death...

We are Just Like the Middle East Islamists...

Sorry, I was Wrong.

You are Right.



Umm.....maybe we're not looking at the same article? I'm looking at the article you posted...on this thread. :lol: You know, the one where they're beheading child rapists...? :cuckoo:

Would you like me to post some pictures of Iraqi children with their heads blown off and ask if this is an "American thing, or a Christian thing"?

No? That only works for you? :lol:
I Remember just Recently in America where the Government Executed a Woman for Infidelity by Burrying her and Stoning her to Death...

We are Just Like the Middle East Islamists...

Sorry, I was Wrong.

You are Right.



Umm.....maybe we're not looking at the same article? I'm looking at the article you posted...on this thread. :lol: You know, the one where they're beheading child rapists...? :cuckoo:

Would you like me to post some pictures of Iraqi children with their heads blown off and ask if this is an "American thing, or a Christian thing"?

No? That only works for you? :lol:

Why are the Human Rights Orgs Against this "Saudi Arabian thing"?...


You know one my relatives use to work in a prison. And he said he saw boys as young as 15 in jail for life. so we can't really talk about treating minors as adults in other countries.

and those 17 years kidnapped and raped children. those executions are carried out so that it deters others from committing such actions. and there is no difference between being 17 and committing a crime like that and being 37 committing a crime like. at 17 your mind is developed enough to understand what you did is a heinous act.

And until this country(America) stops carrying out the death penalty and putting 15 sometimes 14 to life imprisonment. then we have right to talk about anyone.

We are one of the few modern western nation left than still carries out the death penalty. Europe has already stepped in the future by getting rid of the death penalty.
You know one my relatives use to work in a prison. And he said he saw boys as young as 15 in jail for life. so we can't really talk about treating minors as adults in other countries.

and those 17 years kidnapped and raped children. those executions are carried out so that it deters others from committing such actions. and there is no difference between being 17 and committing a crime like that and being 37 committing a crime like. at 17 your mind is developed enough to understand what you did is a heinous act.

And until this country(America) stops carrying out the death penalty and putting 15 sometimes 14 to life imprisonment. then we have right to talk about anyone.

We are one of the few modern western nation left than still carries out the death penalty. Europe has already stepped in the future by getting rid of the death penalty.

Due Process and Type of Executions are the Distinction.

I am Abundantly Sure that you are Incapable of Observing this Distiction.


Due Process and Type of Executions are the Distinction.

I am Abundantly Sure that you are Incapable of Observing this Distiction.



are trying to tell me that lethal injection and electric chair are more humane than beheading someone? first off killing is killing. It's doesn't matter how you do it the end result is the same. If you think about it beheading is actually a quicker death than lethal injection. And I'm not even going to get into the electric chair (more like torture chair) and yes some states in this country still use that torture chair.

And as for right of the criminal that is being executed. When there is evidence and proof that someone has committed a horrible act like abducting and raping kids if a country decided that beheading will be their punishment then so be it. It makes one less predator roaming this Earth. other countries do not have deal with criminals the same way we do.

Now I'm not saying I agree with Saudi's decision behead their criminals. But I'm just saying there are worse things they could have happened than some child molesters being put to death. They were 17 years old. If they were just a year old no one would have cared. And in most countries anyway the age that someone becomes an adult is 16. If these guys were 7 years old then I would be outraged. But they were 17.

there are many more serve human right violations going in Saudi than some molesters getting beheaded.
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Due Process and Type of Executions are the Distinction.

I am Abundantly Sure that you are Incapable of Observing this Distiction.



Due process? We have no room to talk. We've held many for years without evidence, without filing charges and without giving them even access to a lawyer. Lest you think this is just foreigners we've done this to, (and therefore, not something to worry about :wtf: )let me assure you, we've done this to Americans as well.

Type of execution? Since when is beheading more vicious then electrocution? there a nice way to execute?
are trying to tell me that lethal injection and electric chair are more humane than beheading someone? first off killing is killing. It's doesn't matter how you do it the end result is the same. .

Executing a Rapist/Killer by Injection is a Favor...

Stoning a Woman to Death for an Accusation of Infidelity is Barbaric.


Due Process and Type of Executions are the Distinction.

I am Abundantly Sure that you are Incapable of Observing this Distiction.



Due process? We have no room to talk. We've held many for years without evidence, without filing charges and without giving them even access to a lawyer. Lest you think this is just foreigners we've done this to, (and therefore, not something to worry about :wtf: )let me assure you, we've done this to Americans as well.

Type of execution? Since when is beheading more vicious then electrocution? there a nice way to execute?

Give me Names of American Citizens, NOT Related to Terror, in the last 10 Years who are or have been Held without Due Process...

And by the way, Habeas Corpus is a Suspendable Priviledge, but that doesn't even Matter to my Request.


I thought this thread was about child rapists being executed by their own government. Isn't it? Why off the reservation about some woman being stoned?
I thought this thread was about child rapists being executed by their own government. Isn't it? Why off the reservation about some woman being stoned?

that's malcontent. He can't remember which of his, "Is this an Islam thing or a ________ thing" threads he's posting on. :lol: He gets a little confused sometimes. :lol:
Give me Names of American Citizens, NOT Related to Terror, in the last 10 Years who are or have been Held without Due Process...

And by the way, Habeas Corpus is a Suspendable Priviledge, but that doesn't even Matter to my Request.



And so "Terror" is that magic word that in your eyes, does away with due process? Don't you find that a tad suspect?

Europe had a similar word that was used to denote instant guilt: "Witch"

On a side note, thank you for being able to debate in a meaningful way without becoming vulgar. I appreciate it. :)
Give me Names of American Citizens, NOT Related to Terror, in the last 10 Years who are or have been Held without Due Process...

And by the way, Habeas Corpus is a Suspendable Priviledge, but that doesn't even Matter to my Request.



And so "Terror" is that magic word that in your eyes, does away with due process? Don't you find that a tad suspect?

Europe had a similar word that was used to denote instant guilt: "Witch"

On a side note, thank you for being able to debate in a meaningful way without becoming vulgar. I appreciate it. :)

You haven't even Attempted to give me ONE Name of a US Citizen who has been Denied Due Process in the last Decade...

Try again.

I can... By the way, or at least I can give you an Example of what Happened Barry's FAR Left when they Tried to Protest him here in Denver last Summer...

Wanna see what the DNC had Done to "Citizens"?...


You haven't even Attempted to give me ONE Name of a US Citizen who has been Denied Due Process in the last Decade...

Jose Padilla. Is he a thug and a terrorist? Maybe? Probably? But what happened to due process?

And we have a very bad habit of imprisoning journalists without trial. Like Sami al-Haj, Ibrahim Jassam and Bilal Hussein.

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