Is thermodynamics a pseudoscience?

Can you tell me a little more about the part I underlined? It seems like it's a key point and you kind of glossed over it. How does energy circulating through radiation invalidate the use of PVT? And what do you mean by circulates through radiation? I wasn't able to follow that line of thought. Can you please explain that is?
You have a mirror in your thermos for tea. Why is it? Can you explain this in terms of thermodynamics?
Ghosts and the Laws of thermodynamics
A student recently asked me about this quote by Prof. Brain Cox, asking why it is true, so here it goes: Nothing is ever proven in science, but some things have so much evidence supporting them that they are considered laws; thermodynamics is one such set of laws. There are four laws of thermodynamics and they can be described as such:
theologians use the conclusion of thermodynamics that entropy increases in natural conditions, therefore, without the hand of the creator, the cosmos could not appear. If I understood it correctly.
You don't!
This is bullshit. The priests also experimented with eclipses and proved what was needed. You will no fucking check on them.
Any result of any experiment can be explained in different ways, most experiments do not prove anything, even if it is not fraudulent
Entropy never decreases which means entropy can increase or stay the same.
As far as I remember, there is a reservation that in the aggregate of all systems, in total, it still increases

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