Is there any validity to this? Is this Trump's voting record?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I am not endorsing this as true. I want this to be confirmed and vetted by you the members of this forum community. If this is true, this will lay all doubts about Trump's devotion to the Republican Party to rest. I must stress that I am not vouching for the validity of the image below. I have my doubts.

Many claim he was a Democrat. This may show otherwise, but he did give to democratic and Republican candidates.
I am not endorsing this as true. I want this to be confirmed and vetted by you the members of this forum community. If this is true, this will lay all doubts about Trump's devotion to the Republican Party to rest. I must stress that I am not vouching for the validity of the image below. I have my doubts.

I understand he has been on either side of each issue that normally distinguishes the L/D from C/R. But anyway, if you are going to represent the ENTIRE nation, you better the heck understand the interests and beliefs on both sides. Both should be included.

This sidetaking to try to rack up points for one side or another, causes the equal and opposite reaction. So each team ends up pushing candidates and agenda to 'cancel each other out.'
You end up with a massive pile of defense and offense players all blocking each other, one for one, and getting nowhere on the field.

What would distinguish Trump and Sanders as looking to implement solutions is to be able to form DIVERSE teams around them, where they deliberately work with people from different angles, talents and focus. That's what I'd like to see come from these candidates -- how can we all work together so we represent ALL the ideas and interests that make up the public spectrum so that goes into making public policy that works for everyone inclusively. Instead of "competing to shut each other out" why aren't we working to include all people who the govt is SUPPOSED to represent.

Given the distinct states that all make up the union, the same way should be working to INCLUDE all states, not try to compete with the Red or Blue states to outnumber, dominate and shut out the others, why can't we work toward including all parties.

When do we get to the part of the learning curve where we accept and learn to work with our different religious and political beliefs. Instead of freaking out and fighting over that. Are we getting closer?
Many claim he was a Democrat. This may show otherwise, but he did give to democratic and Republican candidates.

The guy strikes me more of an independent. A true independent.

I think Trump, the Greens who align with Sanders solutions for economic restructuring as sustainable business, and the Libertarians and other Constitutionalists are moving away from "dependence on party politics."

It's just the hordes of liberals still afraid of getting dominated by rightwing who cling to Clinton and any old school politicians they think can bully back.
And same with the prolife Tea Party right who are so afraid the "liberals" will control the media, the narrative, and buying out govt and votes by giving away benefits; so they play to the far right.

Thanks to Obama "consensus" has been abused as a scary concept of CLAIMING to want to work together, but then turning around and dividing, demonizing and discriminating against opposing party and FORCING mandates but calling it consensus.

As long as people keep resorting to "bullying by coercion or exclusion," back and forth, this detracts from the actual ideas and solutions that it will take all of use to organize, develop and build. Wake me up when we're there...
It strikes me odd that this wasn't revealed sooner... this should be blowing up the political sphere right now. Yet all is quiet.

There's already been a dumb thread on it. That paper does not reveal who Trump ever voted for.

It reveals he has a shitty voting record of voting primarily in General elections. He's one of those "I vote every four years" kinda guys. Elections are every year in most places. There are at least two in even years.

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