Is the Pope a Christian, if he chooses to live behind a wall and not build bridges


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
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The Vatican is completely surrounded by WALLS to keep out any and all immigrants and or EVERYONE else. Why can the USA also not have these same walls? This can only be responded to by the Pope himself, so is the Pope a Christian.
Vatican is country, not religion. Earlier it has even own arny which were fighting with orthodoxes and other countries.
Vatican is country, not religion. Earlier it has even own arny which were fighting with orthodoxes and other countries.
The word Vatican is from the Latin vaticanus, which means “hill.” The Vatican is the palace in Vatican City that is used as the official residence of the pope and the administrative center of the papacy. The term Vatican also refers to the authority and jurisdiction of the Pope. Thus Vatican also refers to the Pope himself, who claims to be a Christian even though he is living behind walls meant to segregate the public
The Vatican...a country... has:

1. The strictest immigration policy of any country on Earth
2. Huge walls built in 849 to stop hordes of invading Muslims.

Yep. The Vatican is not very Christian according to the liberal Pope.
The Vatican is completely surrounded by WALLS to keep out any and all immigrants and or EVERYONE else. Why can the USA also not have these same walls? This can only be responded to by the Pope himself, so is the Pope a Christian.
If you are upset because the pope said we should care for all these illegal immigrants I cannot blame you. I, too, think we need a wall. But the pope speaks off the cuff and generalizes about a Christian’s duty to care for the poor quite often. I do not think he feels he should be in the business of detailing plans for nations. I also disagree with his ideas about M.E. refugees coming to Europe. So, yes, the pope does speak quickly because he feels their pain. But this pope has also done and said many great things to bring people far more aware of God and their own mortality. This is a very good measure. I would be curious to know what your definition of "Christian" is since you are questioning the pope's credentials?

The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world with the smallest population. It is only 110 acres and has about 800 total population. It cannot house refugee families, it cannot even house many of its own officials or embassies. Just because it has walls surrounding most of its borders does not mean it is keeping people out. There are over 25,000 visitors who come to the Vatican each day. I’m not sure who is not allowed to come in?
The Vatican is completely surrounded by WALLS to keep out any and all immigrants and or EVERYONE else. Why can the USA also not have these same walls? This can only be responded to by the Pope himself, so is the Pope a Christian.
If you are upset because the pope said we should care for all these illegal immigrants I cannot blame you. I, too, think we need a wall. But the pope speaks off the cuff and generalizes about a Christian’s duty to care for the poor quite often. I do not think he feels he should be in the business of detailing plans for nations. I also disagree with his ideas about M.E. refugees coming to Europe. So, yes, the pope does speak quickly because he feels their pain. But this pope has also done and said many great things to bring people far more aware of God and their own mortality. This is a very good measure. I would be curious to know what your definition of "Christian" is since you are questioning the pope's credentials?

The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world with the smallest population. It is only 110 acres and has about 800 total population. It cannot house refugee families, it cannot even house many of its own officials or embassies. Just because it has walls surrounding most of its borders does not mean it is keeping people out. There are over 25,000 visitors who come to the Vatican each day. I’m not sure who is not allowed to come in?
And how many of those 25,000 visitors bring in illegal drugs that destroy peoples lives? The pope should apologize to all of the American families that are affected by Mexican CRIMINALS every day.

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