Is the “mass deportation” rhetoric from the Trump admin (and everyone really) starting to worry you? Are they setting us up for an amnesty offering?

The idiotic term “Great replacement” implies the replacement or demise of a white demographic. You’re splitting hairs on this one.
The phrase always makes globalists piss themselves because it’s so accurate and self descriptive. In a >70% America Democrats can’t stay relevant, they can’t win elections. They have to dilute the white populous to survive.
We know this to be true because you globalists can never give us an alternate reason as to why a government would open its border to the third-world.
Tucker breaks it all down and makes you go pee-pee right here:
Tucker Carlson: The great replacement is an electoral strategy
The phrase always makes globalists piss themselves because it’s so accurate and self descriptive. In a >70% America Democrats can’t stay relevant, they can’t win elections. They have to dilute the white populous to survive.
We know this to be true because you globalists can never give us an alternate reason as to why a government would open its border to the third-world.
Tucker breaks it all down and makes you go pee-pee right here:
Tucker Carlson: The great replacement is an electoral strategy
First of all, nobody is pissing themselves over that term, that’s in your head…. Second, Dems literally just came off winning an election when Joe Biden took out Trump. They also turned congress. The pendulum of politics always swings and now we are back to the red side. But don’t pretend like Dems having won over the past decade
First of all, nobody is pissing themselves over that term, that’s in your head…. Second, Dems literally just came off winning an election when Joe Biden took out Trump. They also turned congress. The pendulum of politics always swings and now we are back to the red side. But don’t pretend like Dems having won over the past decade
Dems can only win elections because they have a lock on Mexifornia. They only have a lock on Mexifornia because they have flooded the state with desperate illiterate thirdworlders who have planted millions of Dem voting anchor babies.
No illegals = No anchor babies = No pathway to win elections
Hmmm, I wonder why Democrats protect their illegals like their existence depends on it?
Dems can only win elections because they have a lock on Mexifornia. They only have a lock on Mexifornia because they have flooded the state with desperate illiterate thirdworlders who have planted millions of Dem voting anchor babies.
No illegals = No anchor babies = No pathway to win elections
Hmmm, I wonder why Democrats protect their illegals like their existence depends on it?
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Yawn… your talking points, exaggerations and diversions are really tiresome.
You could produce some data that proves me wrong…but we both know there is no such data.
There’s nothing to prove, you’re choosing to characterize the activity of human beings in an ugly and divisive and hateful way. Activity that has happened since the founding of our country and worldwide during our modern civilization. The cancer in the system is you and your ILK
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
that is the consensus. Deport 1 to 1.5 million "bad ones" and give the rest amnesty. This should come as no surprise.
that is the consensus. Deport 1 to 1.5 million "bad ones" and give the rest amnesty. This should come as no surprise.
1. How many are getting free food and free housing? They need to go.
2. Your numbers are way off.
Clinton had a great economy, and he deported 12,000,000
Bush deported 10,000,000
Obama (the deporter-in-chief) deported 7,000,000
Trump will deport __________________________-

Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything​

The more we deport, the cheaper grocery prices get, from the law of "supply & demand".

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