Is the “mass deportation” rhetoric from the Trump admin (and everyone really) starting to worry you? Are they setting us up for an amnesty offering?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
I hope not. The same thought crossed my mind earlier this morning. There is the possibility that Biden/Harris let so many illegals into this country that it would be economically-impossible to remove them. That's just one of the things Biden/Harris is dumping in Trump's lap.
I've noted this years ago. It is going to happen whether next year or later, but it is going to happen.
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
Step one is to stop the bleeding

That means build the wall as part of a plan to seal the border

Deporting anyone is a waste of time if they can just sneak back across later
I've noted this years ago. It is going to happen whether next year or later, but it is going to happen.
Nope. The "dreamers" are still not citizens.

Bubba Clinton deported 12,000,000 illegals, the MSM yawned or cheered him on for protecting US jobs

Barak Obama the "deporter-in-chief" deported 5,000,000 to cheers from the MSM

Trump has the green light to deport millions
Nope. The "dreamers" are still not citizens.

They aren't going anywhere.

Bubba Clinton deported 12,000,000 illegals, the MSM yawned or cheered him on for protecting US jobs

Barak Obama the "deporter-in-chief" deported 5,000,000 to cheers from the MSM

Trump has the green light to deport millions

But it won't happen.
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
I was never on board for the "Deport the Criminals" issue. If they have caused great harm, I do NOT want them deported until AFTER they have paid for the crime. Illegal Alien murderers should rot and die in our jail system, full stop.

The rest is a matter of going after known criminal elements and gangs, and then, a bit more slowly, those who just faded into the darkness.

No one with two brain cells ever thought that Trump would be able to deport the entire 10 million in four years.

That is why the 2026 and 2028 elections will be critical.

We need to elected like-minded people into the House and Senate in the next midterms, and then elect a like-minded President in 2028 while expanding the control in the Congress.

That is going to take a willful and full-out exposure of the corruption in the DNC AND the media.
Nope. The "dreamers" are still not citizens.

Bubba Clinton deported 12,000,000 illegals, the MSM yawned or cheered him on for protecting US jobs

Barak Obama the "deporter-in-chief" deported 5,000,000 to cheers from the MSM

Trump has the green light to deport millions
The goal of diluting American society with rat eating foreigners is still alive and well in lib la la land

We have a lot of work to do
Homan is a force of nature, he will rid the US of the 166,000 Chinese, 125,000 Russians, 600,000 convicted criminals, and hundreds of terrorists that the Biden open border criminals let into the US

That is less than a million. According to MAGA there is around 30 million here.
That is less than a million. According to MAGA there is around 30 million here.
Its a matter of priorities, the worst first, gangs, etc.. If Homan can deport anywhere near 10,000,000 in 4-years that would be a major success. After the dangerous illegals, the ones living in luxury hotels getting free food need to be the next to go. If its only 5,000,000 that's still a success.
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
I think Trump absolutely means to deport millions. However it's not gonna be as easy as he makes it sound.
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
They will start with the criminals and work their way from there. Dont see amnesty happening, as that would be the opposite of deterrence
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
Amnesty doesn't prevent deportation. Amnesty just pardons them for the act of illegally entering the country. You still have to rectify the crime.

Just like, if you are granted amnesty for stealing a don't get to keep the car...
I don't think Amnesty can even be spoken out loud, unless, and until we have;

1. Deported all known gang members, criminals, and trouble makers in our society.

2. Some common sense measures have been put in place.

3. The southern border wall is complete, and verifiable illegal immigration is stopped.

4. And security at the Northern border is strengthened...

Until then, there is NO appetite...
Step one is to stop the bleeding

That means build the wall as part of a plan to seal the border

Deporting anyone is a waste of time if they can just sneak back across later

The goal of diluting American society with rat eating foreigners is still alive and well in lib la la land

We have a lot of work to do

Its a matter of priorities, the worst first, gangs, etc.. If Homan can deport anywhere near 10,000,000 in 4-years that would be a major success. After the dangerous illegals, the ones living in luxury hotels getting free food need to be the next to go. If its only 5,000,000 that's still a success.

No one with two brain cells ever thought that Trump would be able to deport the entire 10 million in four years.
See what they’ve done?
They have us thinking like we shouldn’t be thinking…We should be DEMANDING that ALL illegals are sent home…that the rhetoric for deporting ALL illegals stays cranked-up to level 10. Tell us you’re targeting the worst first but also tell us you’re going after 74 year old crippled Abuela as well…Sounds cruel..right? What’s cruel is forcing Americans to cover the healthcare costs for the aging population of illegals who have been here fucking us over for decades, what’s cruel is forcing a change in culture and demography against our will.
Darkwind President Eisenhower deported 3 million from 1953-1954 with zero technology and 750 personnel. How did they get us believing that deporting 10 million isn’t possible?
Where is this really headed?
There’s extra emphasis being put on vilifying those “dangerous law-breakers” which is great…but there’s almost NEVER any mention of the ‘common illegal’ anymore and when there is talk of the ‘common’ they’re spoke about with total exemption in the tone and context.
Does it sound to you like they are seeking to normalize the presence of the good ole fashion ‘law-abiding’ illegal…are they trying to get us to embrace the common ‘law-abiding’ illegal so mass amnesty can be offered?
This is starting to sound like it’s all loaded with political trickery.

Your thoughts?
Easiest way to get rid of 10 million illegals is to make them legal…. Brilliant!!
I don't think Amnesty can even be spoken out loud, unless, and until we have;

1. Deported all known gang members, criminals, and trouble makers in our society.

2. Some common sense measures have been put in place.

3. The southern border wall is complete, and verifiable illegal immigration is stopped.

4. And security at the Northern border is strengthened...

Until then, there is NO appetite...
Well since over 1/3 of ALL illegals have been committing tax fraud and stealing billions from us each year then at a minimum 1/3 of ALL illegals must go.

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