Is the FBI the New Stasi?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Is the FBI the New Stasi?

13 Jul 2021 ~~ By Robert Wayne

The Biden administration’s push to label “domestic extremism” the most pressing threat to the country is leading this country down a dangerous path. And while the administration is trying to get everyone to focus on non-governmental threats, the reality is that the federal government and its agents may very well be the domestic extremists who are most dangerous to our way of life.
Having seen how the FBI fought President Trump throughout the four years of his term as President, you can’t help but get the feeling that the Bureau is an agency out of control. Its leaders think of themselves as the real power in the country, and now they’re working hand in hand with President Biden to rid this country of the Democrats’ political enemies.
In a recent tweet, the Bureau asked Americans to start snitching on their family members: “Family members and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence. Help prevent homegrown violent extremism. Visit to learn how to spot suspicious behaviors and report them to the #FBI”. It’s a worrying sign that our country is quickly going the way of East Germany or the Soviet Union, with family members and neighbors reporting on each other to the government.
what is extremism? To the FBI and the leftists who control the federal bureaucracy, anyone to the right of Karl Marx is an extremist. If you believe in defending and upholding the Constitution as it actually was written and intended by the Founders to be used, you’re an extremist. If you believe in liberty, freedom, and individual responsibility, you’re an extremist. If you believe the Second Amendment was written to allow the people to take on a tyrannical government, you’re an extremist.
In short, an extremist is anyone the Biden government doesn’t like and wants to get rid of or make an example of. With many of the participants in the January 6th rally having been turned in by family members, we’re not that far from an East German-style system in which millions of Americans act as confidential informants to the government. And the FBI is playing the role of the Stasi, encouraging more and more snitching. If we don’t nip this in the bud and get federal law enforcement agencies under control, we’re going to risk losing our freedoms permanently.

Any differences between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the STASI are shrinking quickly…the one difference being that the KGB and Stasi worked for their heads of state, protective of them ….in the USA the FBI went rogue, against the President Trump when he was in power and protect only of those that it approves of such as Hillary and Obama in the past and now Joey Xi Bai Dung. Comey et al walk freely today regardless of their treason to America.
Today Christopher Wray has taken up the job to protect the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat machine in D.C.
It's no secret that Stasi practices are being introduced in America. If this isn’t a sign of totalitarianism I don’t know what it is… Governments with wide popular support don’t need to rely on “loyalists” to spy on “traitors”.
In other news, the FBI has rediscovered the Stasi‘s 1959 era procedure manual
The Bai Dung administration has decided that having citizens spy upon citizens is a tried and true product of the STASI and will work well in America. While the FBI continues to search out "White Supremacists" and ignores the violence, terrorism and destruction meted out by Antifa and BLM across the country.
‘Stasi’ is trending on Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram and nearly every Social Media access in response to the new FBI post asking family members and peers to report signs of’ homegrown violent extremists.’ The FBI is working in conjunction with the Biden administration to pursue the so-called danger of "White Supremacists".
DoJ Attorney General Merrick Garland has lied about white supremacy as the number one problem in this country. He has politicized and weaponized the DoJ/FBI to go after political opponents of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats..
As Trump wasn't able to successfully drain the swamp, due to its extensive grasp on the upper echelon of government, The FBI and DOJ are the weaponized enforcement arm of the fledgling neo-Marxist government now in power. Things are only going to get worse and I doubt, due to its massive corruption and pervasiveness, that it can be stopped.
One individual who we can definitely point a finger at and has been funding much of the evil going on in our nation now is, George Soros, who has been wreaking havoc across the western nations.
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Until the American constituency starts voting for TRUE independent candidates that are separate of the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) the slide into marxist serfdom will continue.
It's amazing how Republicans hate law enforcement. Just because Trump was continually skirting what was legal as President, whether profiting personally from his position, appointing a coterie of criminals to work for him in government, or using a foreign adversary to gain political advantage, his repeated attacks on law enforcement for doing their job culminated in an outright violent assault against the Capitol police on January 6th, 2021.

This nation defeated the Nazis in Europe, and it looks like we will have to fight them here as well.

Fascism = Trumpism.

Is the FBI the New Stasi?

13 Jul 2021 ~~ By Robert Wayne

The Biden administration’s push to label “domestic extremism” the most pressing threat to the country is leading this country down a dangerous path. And while the administration is trying to get everyone to focus on non-governmental threats, the reality is that the federal government and its agents may very well be the domestic extremists who are most dangerous to our way of life.
Having seen how the FBI fought President Trump throughout the four years of his term as President, you can’t help but get the feeling that the Bureau is an agency out of control. Its leaders think of themselves as the real power in the country, and now they’re working hand in hand with President Biden to rid this country of the Democrats’ political enemies.
In a recent tweet, the Bureau asked Americans to start snitching on their family members: “Family members and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence. Help prevent homegrown violent extremism. Visit to learn how to spot suspicious behaviors and report them to the #FBI”. It’s a worrying sign that our country is quickly going the way of East Germany or the Soviet Union, with family members and neighbors reporting on each other to the government.
what is extremism? To the FBI and the leftists who control the federal bureaucracy, anyone to the right of Karl Marx is an extremist. If you believe in defending and upholding the Constitution as it actually was written and intended by the Founders to be used, you’re an extremist. If you believe in liberty, freedom, and individual responsibility, you’re an extremist. If you believe the Second Amendment was written to allow the people to take on a tyrannical government, you’re an extremist.
In short, an extremist is anyone the Biden government doesn’t like and wants to get rid of or make an example of. With many of the participants in the January 6th rally having been turned in by family members, we’re not that far from an East German-style system in which millions of Americans act as confidential informants to the government. And the FBI is playing the role of the Stasi, encouraging more and more snitching. If we don’t nip this in the bud and get federal law enforcement agencies under control, we’re going to risk losing our freedoms permanently.

Any differences between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the STASI are shrinking quickly…the one difference being that the KGB and Stasi worked for their heads of state, protective of them ….in the USA the FBI went rogue, against the President Trump when he was in power and protect only of those that it approves of such as Hillary and Obama in the past and now Joey Xi Bai Dung. Comey et al walk freely today regardless of their treason to America.
Today Christopher Wray has taken up the job to protect the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat machine in D.C.
It's no secret that Stasi practices are being introduced in America. If this isn’t a sign of totalitarianism I don’t know what it is… Governments with wide popular support don’t need to rely on “loyalists” to spy on “traitors”.
In other news, the FBI has rediscovered the Stasi‘s 1959 era procedure manual
The Bai Dung administration has decided that having citizens spy upon citizens is a tried and true product of the STASI and will work well in America. While the FBI continues to search out "White Supremacists" and ignores the violence, terrorism and destruction meted out by Antifa and BLM across the country.
‘Stasi’ is trending on Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram and nearly every Social Media access in response to the new FBI post asking family members and peers to report signs of’ homegrown violent extremists.’ The FBI is working in conjunction with the Biden administration to pursue the so-called danger of "White Supremacists".
DoJ Attorney General Merrick Garland has lied about white supremacy as the number one problem in this country. He has politicized and weaponized the DoJ/FBI to go after political opponents of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats..

It's amazing how Republicans hate law enforcement. Just because Trump was continually skirting what was legal as President, whether profiting personally from his position, appointing a coterie of criminals to work for him in government, or using a foreign adversary to gain political advantage, his repeated attacks on law enforcement for doing their job culminated in an outright violent assault against the Capitol police on January 6th, 2021.

This nation defeated the Nazis in Europe, and it looks like we will have to fight them here as well.

Fascism = Trumpism.

Is the FBI the New Stasi?

13 Jul 2021 ~~ By Robert Wayne

The Biden administration’s push to label “domestic extremism” the most pressing threat to the country is leading this country down a dangerous path. And while the administration is trying to get everyone to focus on non-governmental threats, the reality is that the federal government and its agents may very well be the domestic extremists who are most dangerous to our way of life.
Having seen how the FBI fought President Trump throughout the four years of his term as President, you can’t help but get the feeling that the Bureau is an agency out of control. Its leaders think of themselves as the real power in the country, and now they’re working hand in hand with President Biden to rid this country of the Democrats’ political enemies.
In a recent tweet, the Bureau asked Americans to start snitching on their family members: “Family members and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence. Help prevent homegrown violent extremism. Visit to learn how to spot suspicious behaviors and report them to the #FBI”. It’s a worrying sign that our country is quickly going the way of East Germany or the Soviet Union, with family members and neighbors reporting on each other to the government.
what is extremism? To the FBI and the leftists who control the federal bureaucracy, anyone to the right of Karl Marx is an extremist. If you believe in defending and upholding the Constitution as it actually was written and intended by the Founders to be used, you’re an extremist. If you believe in liberty, freedom, and individual responsibility, you’re an extremist. If you believe the Second Amendment was written to allow the people to take on a tyrannical government, you’re an extremist.
In short, an extremist is anyone the Biden government doesn’t like and wants to get rid of or make an example of. With many of the participants in the January 6th rally having been turned in by family members, we’re not that far from an East German-style system in which millions of Americans act as confidential informants to the government. And the FBI is playing the role of the Stasi, encouraging more and more snitching. If we don’t nip this in the bud and get federal law enforcement agencies under control, we’re going to risk losing our freedoms permanently.

Any differences between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the STASI are shrinking quickly…the one difference being that the KGB and Stasi worked for their heads of state, protective of them ….in the USA the FBI went rogue, against the President Trump when he was in power and protect only of those that it approves of such as Hillary and Obama in the past and now Joey Xi Bai Dung. Comey et al walk freely today regardless of their treason to America.
Today Christopher Wray has taken up the job to protect the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat machine in D.C.
It's no secret that Stasi practices are being introduced in America. If this isn’t a sign of totalitarianism I don’t know what it is… Governments with wide popular support don’t need to rely on “loyalists” to spy on “traitors”.
In other news, the FBI has rediscovered the Stasi‘s 1959 era procedure manual
The Bai Dung administration has decided that having citizens spy upon citizens is a tried and true product of the STASI and will work well in America. While the FBI continues to search out "White Supremacists" and ignores the violence, terrorism and destruction meted out by Antifa and BLM across the country.
‘Stasi’ is trending on Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram and nearly every Social Media access in response to the new FBI post asking family members and peers to report signs of’ homegrown violent extremists.’ The FBI is working in conjunction with the Biden administration to pursue the so-called danger of "White Supremacists".
DoJ Attorney General Merrick Garland has lied about white supremacy as the number one problem in this country. He has politicized and weaponized the DoJ/FBI to go after political opponents of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats..


American Stasi:​

Chris Wray’s FBI Is Investigating Veterans’ Group that Is Saving Americans in Afghanistan that Biden Left Stranded​

What would convince me those at the FBI were sincere and honest would be if they gave a clear assessment of the DNC/Clinton Russia conspiracy, Hunter Biden’s (a protected Democrat) laptop materials that were provided by the CCP, computer shop owner and Giuliani almost a year ago now and the exposure of the FBI involvement in conspiracies involving agents in kidnapping governors, inciting riots on January 6th, and the latest Sep 14th rally.
Where’s Hunter? Why hasn't he been indicted on a number of charges from the Logan Act to corruption?
Why hasn’t Hillary Clinton (a very evil Democrat) been prosecuted for her family’s numerous crimes (extortion with AG Lynch, deleting of State Dept. e-mails, colluding with foreign actors to sabotage a political opponent, having people Arkancide such as Seth Rich, selling and profiting from uranium sales to Russia, etc.)?
Now Director Wray is setting his sights on Veterans that are willing to help those Afghans that assisted America in their fight against the Taliban left behind by the Bai Dung Administration.
The Daily Mail reported that FBI, "Agents are reportedly looking at whether any groups solicited money, offered bribes, or hired for-profit contractors for security and escort services."
This only adds to the list of corrupted actions the FBI has committed against the people of America.
There is no longer a FBI. It was transformed and weaponized against America into an Obama STASI Organization.

FBI had informant in crowd during Capitol riot: report​

If there is an admission of one FBI Informant at the January 6th riot... You can bet your pay check that there were a lot more FBI agents/informants there....
Who were the guys dressed in black climbing through windows?
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61-Year-Old Jan. 6 Defendant and Veteran Who Begged Police For Help During Capitol Riot Dies Awaiting Trial on Trumped-Up Charges​

It's now official; The STASI-DOJ/FBI are KILLING American Patriots !!
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have no morals and that describes the entire Democrat Party- especially Joey Xi Bai Dung, Pelosi, Schumer et al....

Proud Boys Members And Lead Jan 6 Organizers Have Been OUTED As FBI Informants Who Communicated With FBI During Event​

At least four Proud Boys, including their leader, have been outed for working as FBI informants, and at least two of them were working as FBI informants during the Capitol storming on January 6th.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, one of the lead organizers of the Capitol protest, was exposed as a “prolific” informant for the FBI and local law enforcement for years in the past, Joe Biggs’ own lawyer said he worked as informant feeding info on antifa to the FBI, and now two others who have yet to be publicly identified were just revealed to have been working as informants on Jan 6, one of whom entered the Capitol.

All these groups as well as Jan 6 are being used as pretexts to shift the War on Terror into a domestic war against the American people.
What level of involvement did the FBI and their many informants have in organizing and conducting the Capitol storming on Jan 6?

The FBI has now been outed as a main member in the Jan,6th protest, NOT as a defender of the people BUT as a contributor to the mayhem that was committed. The FBI has become a slimy tool of the the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist administration and NOT the once proud defender of the peoples rights and safety from CRIMINALS and those who want to destroy this country.
As Trump wasn't able to successfully drain the swamp, due to its extensive grasp on the upper echelon of government, The FBI and DOJ are the weaponized enforcement arm of the fledgling neo-Marxist government now in power. Things are only going to get worse and I doubt, due to its massive corruption and pervasiveness, that it can be stopped.
One individual who we can definitely point a finger at and has been funding much of the evil going on in our nation now is, George Soros, who has been wreaking havoc across the western nations.
Gee, who knew that sooner not later one of you Bozos would bring up Soros.

FBI had informant in crowd during Capitol riot: report​

If there is an admission of one FBI Informant at the January 6th riot... You can bet your pay check that there were a lot more FBI agents/informants there....
Who were the guys dressed in black climbing through windows?
Oooooh look, blaming BLM didn't work or Antifa either so now it's on to the FBI & Men In Black!


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