Zone1 Is the Catholic Latin Mass "terroristic"?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The Biden FBI certainly thinks so, and is taking efforts to suppress Latin as a terrorist plot.

I'm old and I'm Catholic, so I remember Latin Mass. I didn't find it to be a terror back in the 1960's.

Has the protocol changed? What is Sleepy Joe seeing here that I'm not?

The Biden FBI certainly thinks so, and is taking efforts to suppress Latin as a terrorist plot.

I'm old and I'm Catholic, so I remember Latin Mass. I didn't find it to be a terror back in the 1960's.

Has the protocol changed? What is Sleepy Joe seeing here that I'm not?

This is called gaslighting.

What Is Gaslighting?​

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that hinges on creating self-doubt. “I think of gaslighting as trying to associate someone with the label ‘crazy,’” says Paige Sweet, Ph.D., an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Michigan who studies gaslighting in relationships and in the workplace. “It’s making someone seem or feel unstable, irrational and not credible, making them feel like what they’re seeing or experiencing isn’t real, that they’re making it up, that no one else will believe them.”

Gaslighting involves an imbalance of power between the abuser and the person they’re gaslighting. Abusers often exploit stereotypes or vulnerabilities related to gender, sexuality, race, nationality and/or class.

“The most distinctive feature of gaslighting is that it’s not enough for the gaslighter simply to control his victim or have things go his way: It’s essential to him that the victim herself actually come to agree with him,” writes Andrew D. Spear, an associate professor of philosophy at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan, in a 2019 paper on gaslighting in Inquiry.

I remember going to Latin Mass

It was boring and nobody knew what was going on, but you didn’t want to offend Jesus

Having attended Latin Mass, I can definitely attest to the fact that it was terroristic
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I remember going to Latin Mass

It was boring and nobody knew what was going on, but you didn’t want to offend Jesus

Having attended Latin Mass, I can definitely attest to the fact that it was terroristic

I knew what was going on, the nuns and priests taught us all about it in school.

And attending also taught me a lot about being quiet, a very good skill for kids.
I knew what was going on, the nuns and priests taught us all about it in school.

And attending also taught me a lot about being quiet, a very good skill for kids.

Yeah, kids actually used to learn Latin. Imagine that.

My late husband was significantly older than I and had fond memories of the Latin Mass at which he was an altar server. Nothing wrong with making children's minds wider by teaching them other languages. He went on and got his Master's degree in education and taught children.

People can agree or disagree whether they want the priest to say mass in Latin, or whether they should do it in English. And of course, our secular humanist, liberal and atheist friends shouldn't even have a say in this.

But what I don't get is how the Biden Regime and the Ultrapartisan FBI is sticking their nose into this. Why should the Federal Government even have a dog in this fight? What part of "no establishment of religion" doesn't Sleepy Joe get?

If the Catholic Church- or any other legitimate religious institution- wants to have masses said in Latin- or Tagalog, Bemba and Iroquois for that matter- why is it the federal government's beeswax?
I remember going to Latin Mass

It was boring and nobody knew what was going on, but you didn’t want to offend Jesus

Having attended Latin Mass, I can definitely attest to the fact that it was terroristic

And what was the terror act? To try to force you to learn Latin?` To force you to read a translation? Or only your impatience and your youth? ...

I remember in this context when I was very young I often had to fight with the Credo or other prayers. So when I was convinced something was not right then I just simple did not speak out this sentence and continued with the next one. In this way I meditated - often a long time - about nearly every sentence of the Credo and the Lords prayer. It's for sure difficult when this textes are not spoken in the own native language where the way to the own heart is shorter. But when people with many different languages visit a church service then Latin is for sure a very good solution.

And I would say it is also good to be in a Latin mass from time to time on no special reason - to remember that we are not alone. I for example suggest to our church to make also women to bishops. Reason for: Our church will without any any doubt die if she will not do so - what doesn't mean women have to save our church because we men made so many things wrong through so many centuries. They will also make many things wrong and have the same right as men to do so. But our clerics are sometimes also like our politicians. Our politicians are often not really democratic, are often not really "primus inter pares" but people who think others are their subjects. And our clerics are also often not "brotherly" ="sisterly". They think this has something to do with sex - but it has not. To obey sisters seems to be a problem for them. Often I hear women sing something like "Let us be brothers". They are right. They do not have to change this into "let us be sisters" because our sisters are our brothers and our brothers are our sisters - in god we are one ...

... But what did I like to say now to you? ... Ahmhmhm ... Got it: I fear many or even most of my sisters and brothers worldwide are not able to see this very important point and so I need patience. But to be patient is often not very easy when Jesus will come back today - or tomorrow. On the other side: To hear and to speak Latin - as so many of our people did do in the very long past of our church - where so many yesterdays, todays and tomorrows had been - teaches us the good form of patience not to try to overrun all others. And that's the exact opposite of terror.

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The Biden FBI certainly thinks so, and is taking efforts to suppress Latin as a terrorist plot.

I'm old and I'm Catholic, so I remember Latin Mass. I didn't find it to be a terror back in the 1960's.

Has the protocol changed? What is Sleepy Joe seeing here that I'm not?

From the Sanctimonious Folks Who Brought Us the Spanish Inquisition

They're probably worried about Opus Dei, a Christofascist group that Bush's Attorney General, John Ashcroft, belonged to. Ashcroft chickened out of fighting atheistic Communism so it's more about personal power-fantasies than actually doing anything to deserve their self-righteous conceit.

Yeah, kids actually used to learn Latin. Imagine that.

My late husband was significantly older than I and had fond memories of the Latin Mass at which he was an altar server. Nothing wrong with making children's minds wider by teaching them other languages. He went on and got his Master's degree in education and taught children.

The Petty Pulpit

Out of nasty Christofascist spite, the Protestants changed the pronunciation of Latin to keep people from understanding Catholics who were able to speak it. Samuel Johnson's inability to communicate in it when he went to France was an example of that.

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