CDZ Is Snopes in the Tank for Obama?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
940 Barack and Michelle Obama s Law Licenses

I came across this entry and was struck by its obvious intent to quash any questions about the status of Obama's law license. It went to great lengths in explaining the technical details of "inactive retired" status, but ignored the underlying question of why he would select this status. It also glossed over any connection to his alleged misstatements on his Illinois Bar Application.

I can only assume that these glaring omissions were a deliberate effort to conceal potentially embarrassing information. Any honest inquiry into this subject would note that "voluntarily" accepting "inactive retired" status is often a way of avoiding an official investigation and disciplinary action. Further, it removes the individual from the requirements of legal ethics and possible disbarment, a lesson learned by the Clintons.

This is not to rehash "old news" but, rather, issue a warning about relying on self-proclaimed impartial sources of information.
"... the underlying question of why he would select this status..."

Because he is the President of the United States and she is the First Lady of the United States.

Seems to me you might want to research whether or not other presidents, who were also lawyers or who had professional licenses, also chose to have those licenses inactive during their tenure.

Without that information, the rest means nothing.

Actually, even WITH that information, the rest means nothing because it 'rehashes old news' that never meant anything to begin with.
Re: the OP

No. Snopes is not in the tank for anybody.

They often quelled rumors about George W. Bush, Jr., just like they do with Obama.

This has already been dispelled in a number of threads in USMB already.

Did you read more than just the Thread Title? Rather than addressing the substance of the cited article, you merely dismiss the entire subject as "rumors." Do you think this constitutes Clean Debate?
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Read the snopes article a while back and it makes perfect sense on why he and Michelle took a hiatus....
Re: the OP

No. Snopes is not in the tank for anybody.

They often quelled rumors about George W. Bush, Jr., just like they do with Obama.

This has already been dispelled in a number of threads in USMB already.

Did you read more than just the Thread Title? Rather than addressing the substance of the cited article, you merely dismiss the entire subject as "rumors." Do you think this constitutes Clean Debate?

Actually, it does, because this theme has been discussed more than one time in USMB and has been thoroughly debunked.

Not only that, the OP is phrased as a question.

I answered.
Actually, it does, because this theme has been discussed more than one time in USMB and has been thoroughly debunked.

Not only that, the OP is phrased as a question.

I answered.

If you think your response constitutes reasoned debate, God bless you. 'Bye.
yes Snopes is in the tank, not just for Obama, but for the whole progressive movement.

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