Is Oral Sex Cannibalism ?

Would it be an appropriate moment to give a shout out to Lorena Bobbitt?
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Yep, she was mentally deranged. Her husband never waited for her to have an orgasm
At her trial, Lorena claimed her husband was a world class jerk who sexually abused her, flaunted his infidelities, and “forced” her to have an abortion.

The defense trotted out witness after witness who also testified that John was everything from a lout to a lousy lover.

In the process, Lorena became a symbol for abused wives everywhere — and focused national attention on the issue of marital rape.

John denied his wife’s claims. But he so turned off the jury they needed just seven hours to find Lorena not guilty in January 1994 of malicious wounding by reason of insanity.
20 years ago today: Lorena Bobbitt cuts off husband's penis of in case that horrified — and fascinated — the nation
She may have cut his dick off, but she didn't eat it. No cannibalism there.
John Wayne Bobbit went on to make a blue movie, the aptly-titled “Frankenpenis”, and tried to cash in on his notoriety — and pay his medical bills — by starting a band called The Severed Parts.
She may have cut his dick off, but she didn't eat it. No cannibalism there.

Whoever who cuts a thing down a penis or the other feminine a total psychopath and doesn't deserve to live in a free society.

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