I had to take one of my dogs,Dodger, to the vet Monday because he had been coughing. Apparently,he got Kennel Cough form coming into work with me at night. He got all his vaccinations back in July,but the vet said that the shot can only cover about three strands of the virus/infection. Sometimes it's and infection,sometimes it's viral. Anyway,he put him an antibiotics and cough medicine and told me he needs to not bark!! Well,if anyone remembers my other thread a while back-Dodger barks-a lot!!! He has done nothing but bark all morning at every dog and cat that walks by our house. I'm wondering if should muzzle him until he is a little better,but then for a dog like him,I wonder if that is cruel. I have never been big on muzzles unless they are really needed. The other alternative is just let him deal with the throat irritation of barking. You would think he would learn. Everytime a barking frenzy starts,he starts coughing!!!